Song Zhiping's "Business 30" 100 Golden Sentences

2024-04-03 21:34:56

"Entrepreneurs are the kind of people who are eager for success, entrepreneurs are the kind of people who are indomitable in difficulties, entrepreneurs are the kind of people who have the feelings of home and country in their hearts, entrepreneurs are the kind of people who always face the front." Mr. Song Zhiping is a model of outstanding state-owned entrepreneurs. During his tenure, he led two insolvent central enterprises, China Building Materials Group and Sinopharm Group, into the world's top 500, and was known as "China's Inamori Kazuo".

< IMG SRC = "" Professor Song Zhiping is a model of outstanding state-owned entrepreneurs. He led two insolvent central enterprises, China Building Materials Group and China Pharmaceutical Group, into the world's top 500, and was known as "China's Inamori Kazuo".

"Management 30" is a systematic summary of Mr. Song Zhiping's 40 years of business management ideas. The easy-to-understand language, concise and clear structure and rich and vivid cases are its distinctive features, which explain the "Sunflower Treasure Book" of enterprise management in a simple way. The road is simple, open book is beneficial, sincerely recommend to the majority of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and tens of millions of entrepreneurs. The following are the 100 golden sentences of "30 Business Rules". Please read them.


001. Strategy is a choice and a trade-off. A strategic win is a big win and a strategic loss is a big loss. To be an enterprise, we must have a clear strategy and translate it into a common action at all levels of the enterprise.

002. I can't eat today because I didn't think well yesterday, so I must think clearly for tomorrow today.

003. For enterprises, the goal is not necessarily to become a Fortune Global 500 or a listed company, but to suit themselves. The orientation of enterprises should seek truth from facts, respect the law, suit their positions, get their own place, never change their minds, let alone pull out seedlings to help them grow, and act according to their abilities.



. Strategy is a choice and trade-off, once chosen, within the scope of the chosen to achieve the ultimate. To be an enterprise, you can't conquer the world, and you should learn to divide the world into three parts.

007. I put strategy in the first place, because it is irreplaceable. But the strategy is implemented by people, so it is very important to choose cadres with strategic execution. Culture also serves strategy. Therefore, my work seems to be three things, but the core is to formulate and implement the enterprise strategy well.

008. "Do what you have" and "find what you lack" are two completely different strategic ideas.

009. The choice of new business should have a principled stand. Some enterprises often fail because they deviate from the main business and expand blindly. Generally speaking, small and medium-sized enterprises are advised to take the road of specialization. In the case that the existing business has reached the extreme, or the industrial group, the enterprise can consider the development of limited related diversification.

010. These four cores constitute the foundation of the core competitiveness of enterprises, and whether the core competitiveness is stable or not determines the success or failure of the company in the market competition.

011. "Four questions" is to ask yourself four questions first, one is whether you have advantages, the other is whether there is space in the market, the third is whether the business model can be replicated, and the fourth is whether you can connect with the capital market. "Four don'ts" means that projects with excess capacity are not done, projects that do not make money are not done, unfamiliar projects are not done, and projects with obvious legal risks are not done. The principle of "four essentials", namely, risk assessment, professional collaboration, acquisition team and persistence.

012. As far as most enterprises are concerned, they should build up the growth curve of enterprises, transform towards high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented directions, and do a good job of subdivision in their own fields, instead of changing careers when they encounter difficulties. However, industries that are subverted by innovation and replaced by new products really need to change careers decisively. To be an enterprise, we should follow the law of industry development and the logic of enterprise growth.

Second, Innovation

013. We should not only use point-line thinking to make new combinations, but also form a network thinking and learn to connect and connect.

However, frankly speaking, technological innovation is still the core of enterprise innovation.

015. People always say "do not innovate and wait for death, blindly innovate and seek death". Therefore, enterprise innovation must be combined with reality, and can bring obvious benefits or create value for enterprises.

016. On the one hand, high technology can be used to lead the development of medium and low technology, and on the other hand, medium and low technology are also the foundation of high technology.

017. First of all, we should innovate purposefully. Secondly, we should carry out organized innovation. In addition, innovation should be effectively managed.

First, it has a large number of core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. Second, it has the ability of continuous innovation and continuous innovation. Third, it has industry driving force and independent brand. Fourth, it can produce significant benefits. Fifth, it has innovative development strategy and culture.

020. First, we should pay attention to teamwork. The second is to give the team innovation leader space. Third, innovative teams with fruitful results should be rewarded in a timely manner.

021. The five innovation modes commonly used by enterprises and effective in reality are independent innovation, integrated innovation, sustainable innovation, subversive innovation and business model innovation. Enterprises can choose the appropriate innovation mode according to their own situation.

Independent innovation can not only help enterprises get rid of the embarrassing situation of being controlled by others, but also help to build a moat for enterprises in the market competition.

023. In today's world, enterprise innovation is rarely accomplished by "unique skills". Integrated innovation can combine the technology used for reference with its own expertise, or transplant some seemingly unrelated technologies, just like applying the technology of making bread to making steamed bread to form new technologies and products.

024. Continuous innovation is a special skill, and enterprises must do it well, and at the same time, they should invest some manpower and financial resources to study subversive innovation. If we do not focus on continuous innovation, we will not eat today, and if we do not focus on disruptive innovation, we may not eat tomorrow.

025. Business model innovation is to discover new ways of value creation, create value for enterprises, customers and society, and thus eliminate old business models.


. First, we should retain the Institute system and not simply treat it as a general subordinate enterprise. Second, we should promote industrial transformation. Thirdly, we should cooperate with the group industry and apply technology to the industry.

028. Scientific and technological innovation requires both an effective market and a promising government.


Chapter 3,

Business Business leaders should be experts in business. We should think about ways to make profits and make money for enterprises. Enterprises that make money are not necessarily good enterprises, but those that do not make money are not good enterprises; those that make money are not necessarily good operators, but those that do not make money are certainly not good operators. Management ability is the core ability of enterprise leaders.


. After the integration of resources, the most important part is to better allocate resources in order to maximize the benefits and value of enterprises.

037. The first is to allocate resources according to the development strategy of enterprises. The second is to allocate resources according to the principle of efficiency. The three is to allocate resources to high-growth innovative businesses.

038. Joint reorganization can also change from inorganic to organic if effective deep integration is synchronized at the time of reorganization.

039. First, the reorganized enterprise meets the strategic requirements of the company. Second, the reorganized enterprises have a certain scale, efficiency and potential value, and the enterprises can generate profits after mergers and acquisitions. Third, the reorganized enterprises can produce synergistic effects with existing enterprises. Fourth, the risk of restructuring is controllable and affordable.

040. If the object of reorganization can make money, it is a chicken that can lay eggs, and you can give one or two more months of egg money. What the other side gets is fair price, what the enterprise buys is the profit after recombining, this is what I often say "old hen theory".

041. In the process of reorganization, we should consider the interests and feelings of others and realize the sharing of interests.


. Competitors are not only competitors, but also partners, and their common interests should outweigh their differences. Changing the thinking mode of competitors, from competition to competition and cooperation, is a leap that surplus industries must complete.

045. There are two ways from the Red Sea to the Blue Sea. The first is to change the competitive thinking and turn the current red ocean into a blue ocean; the second is to carry out subversive innovation and strive to create a new blue ocean.


. Being an enterprise is a choice between development and risk. If we only focus on development and ignore risks, the enterprise may collapse; if we only consider risks and ignore development, the enterprise may stop moving forward and be eliminated in the competition. Enterprises should use the system to prevent risks, correct decision-making is an important basis for avoiding risks, after the emergence of risks to ensure that it is controllable and affordable, the principle of handling is to minimize losses.

Therefore, enterprises should combine the "three buckets of water" to control investment with the "three drops of water" to control production and operation costs, and make careful calculations when investing.

049. These two disorders are major ones, and enterprises should take special precautions against them.

050. First, is the business choice precise? Second, is the management of the enterprise very sophisticated? Third, is the customer very stable? Fourth, is the cash flow of business activities abundant? Fifth, do we pay enough attention to risks and crises? Sixth, is there enough research on the cycle?

The fourth part, management

051. Management should have some construction methods. I have been practicing and exploring repeatedly for many years, from the earliest time when Beixin Building Materials insisted on carrying out rectification, quality standards and brand building to the later time when China Building Materials carried out five-oriented management, three-five integration, eight-major construction methods, six-star enterprises and grid management and control.


combination of

organizational refinement to solve the problem of organizational competitiveness, management refinement to solve the problem of cost competitiveness, and lean operation to solve the problem of sustainable profitability is conducive to enhancing the comprehensive competitive advantage of enterprises.

055. Generally speaking, the slow decline of some enterprises is not sudden, but traceable. We should always guard against the disease of big enterprises, "prune" the enterprise organization, slim down and keep fit, and make it a healthy, dynamic and reasonable enterprise. I am particularly impressed

by the third point, because in the past we often said that "failure is the mother of success", but seldom said that "success is the mother of failure".

058. Streamlining the organization, streamlining the personnel, giving priority to efficiency, reducing the level, reducing the organization and reducing the redundant personnel are the working principles that enterprise managers should have. The level of small and medium-sized enterprises should not exceed three levels, and even some large-scale enterprises should try not to exceed five levels.

059. Like the way in which human life continues and the process of the dissolution of the extended family, life does not last through a number of individuals, but through generations. The same is true of enterprises, investing in new companies and developing new businesses is the way to sustain development, while old companies and old businesses should withdraw when they should withdraw, which is called getting rid of the old and taking in the new.


. Superior technology means that the core competitiveness of an enterprise depends on technology. Quality is to ensure the quality and reliability of products. Excellent service is to do a good job of pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale service. Good price is a reasonable price. Superior profit is to strive for reasonable profit with good management. Financial soundness is the foundation of

corporate soundness, and the core of financial soundness is abundant cash flow.

Financial leverage should not be too high, but should be rationalized, managed according to one's ability, and pursued profitable income and cash flow.

064. Brand building is not a day's work, but should be adhered to for a long time. Brand work is a top project. Enterprises should increase their investment in brand and gain competitive advantage with their own brands.


Chapter 5,


066.067. I have been the head of the central enterprises for 18 years, and the basic practice is four words: the central enterprises run by the city.

"Central enterprises" have four attributes: adhere to the leading role of Party organizations; take the lead in implementing the principles and policies of the Party and the state; take the initiative to assume economic, political and social responsibilities; create good economic benefits, maintain and increase the value of state-owned capital, and accumulate wealth for the whole people.

069. First, equity diversification. The second is to have a standardized corporate system and legal person structure. Third, there must be a professional manager system. Fourth, there should be a market-oriented mechanism within the enterprise. Fifth, we should operate in accordance with market-oriented rules.

070. The equity of enterprises needs to be diversified, but it should not be too dispersed, otherwise "three monks have no water to eat", shareholders can not reach a consensus or will not really care about the development of the company, resulting in the power of the company being manipulated by the management, that is, what we often call "insider control", which should be carefully avoided.

071. Corporate independence means ensuring that the company is an independent competitor in the market. To exercise the right by shares means to enjoy the rights of shareholders in accordance with the law, not to exceed the rights of shareholders, and not to infringe upon the rights of minority shareholders. Not eating partial meals means that enterprises do not enjoy special policies and subsidies. Fair competition refers to fair competition among enterprises with different ownership systems.

072. State-owned enterprises and private enterprises integrate with each other and achieve win-win development. Mixed ownership is neither the advance of the state and the retreat of the people, nor the retreat of the state and the advance of the people, but the common advance of the people.


. "Three highs" means that in the process of choosing partners, there must be a high degree of matching, a high sense of identity, and a high degree of synergy; "three identities" means that in the process of mixed transformation, there must be concentricity, the same direction, and the same force. In short, to develop mixed ownership, all parties should be consistent in strategy, cultural identity, industrial chain coordination, and have long-term cooperation plans.

076. In the past years of practice, we have been promoting the culture of "three broadness and three strength" characterized by integration, namely, generosity, tolerance, relaxed environment, centripetal force, affinity and cohesion.

077. Standardized governance structure, far-sighted board of directors and efficient managers are the foundation of enterprise management and development.

078. The key to governance is checks and balances. In corporate governance, the most important thing is to ensure the independence of the company and the limitation of shareholders.

079. In the design of ownership structure, enterprises can enter one or two active shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares and build a diversified board of directors, which will make the company's operation more open, transparent and scientific.

080. The board of directors is the brain of the enterprise, and whether the enterprise has a good board of directors is crucial to the healthy development of the enterprise. The great thing about the board of directors is that it needs to make a choice between development and risk. If it only pays attention to development and ignores risk, the enterprise may collapse; if it only pays attention to risk and ignores development, the enterprise may stop moving forward. Therefore, whether we can grasp the balance between development and risk reflects the decision-making level of the board of directors.

081. These four bottom lines are actually red lines.

082. Good performance is the goal of an enterprise, standardized corporate governance is the foundation of an enterprise, and clear responsibility is the embodiment of the responsibility and quality of an enterprise.

083. If an enterprise has a good mechanism, it does not need immortals to do a good job. If there is no good mechanism, immortals can not do a good job.

084. The leadership of the Party is the unique political advantage of state-owned enterprises, the enterprise leaders with entrepreneurship are the leading geese of enterprises, and the enterprise mechanism is the source of vitality for the vast number of employees.

085. Private entrepreneurs, leaders of state-owned enterprises with a sense of innovation and reform, and outstanding professional managers together constitute China's entrepreneurs and promote the rapid development of the economy.


. The first is innovation, which is the commonness of entrepreneurs. Second, stick to it. Entrepreneurs should stick to it for a long time, regard the enterprise as a lifelong career, and never slacken off, let alone escape. Third, responsibility. Compared with ordinary people, entrepreneurs do have a stronger ability to create wealth, but when entrepreneurs make money, they have to know why wealth is used. It is to give positive feedback to the society, take more social responsibility and be a respected entrepreneur.

Corporate culture, also known as "corporate philosophy", is the most important feature of an enterprise, as well as the common values and code of conduct of employees. Internally, it refers to the strong cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, and externally, it refers to the great influence and penetration of the enterprise.


. Employees, customers and investors are all indispensable and important people for enterprises. As long as enterprises have these "three confidence", they can grasp the correct direction of development, otherwise they will be unable to move.

091. First, there is a contingent of entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial spirit. The second is the scientific research team with the spirit of scientists. Third, the marketing team with "four thousand spirits". Fourth, the team of craftsmen with craftsman spirit.

09 2. I summarize the six leadership as learning, innovation, decision-making, influence, organization and responsibility.


. What kind of enterprise cadres are good cadres with high quality?

096. To do the real economy, it is our duty to do the main business in a down-to-earth and undistracted manner. To be an enterprise, we must focus on the main business.

097. Addicts can concentrate on their work, work tirelessly, concentrate on doing business, doing things, doing one line, loving one line, specializing in one line, thinking about business and work when they open their eyes in the morning, and thinking about business and work when they wake up in the middle of the night.

098. Doing business requires a long process, which is a hard job, and we must stick to it for a long time. It takes 10 to 15 years to do a good job in an enterprise, and it may take 30 to 40 years if you want to achieve perfection.

099. In the face of difficulties, we should neither be pessimistic nor blindly optimistic. I advocate that entrepreneurs should be pragmatic and philosophical, be open-minded, be able to take up and put down, despise difficulties strategically and attach importance to difficulties tactically. They should not only have a normal mind, not be impetuous or flustered, but also be enterprising and try their best to solve and overcome difficulties.

100. The economic purpose of an enterprise is to be effective, and the social purpose of an enterprise is to serve the society and make the society better. We should stand on the moral high ground to be an enterprise with character, which protects the environment, is enthusiastic about public welfare, cares about employees and citizens of the world. I advocate doing one thing well in my life, that is, to do a good job in our Chinese enterprises.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.