For 17 years! How is the illegal act of this cement enterprise "invisible"?

2024-07-26 11:05:01

The author can not help but ask, in this long period of 17 years, whether this cement enterprise has had the slightest "repentance"? And how did the relevant local departments "turn a blind eye"?

Recently, in order to effectively play a warning and deterrent role and protect forest and grass resources, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration publicly notified the second batch of 10 typical problems of deforestation and grassland destruction in 2024. Among the 10 typical problems, two cement enterprises were involved, occupying more than 1187 mu of forest land without authorization. In the first batch of public announcements this year, there is also a cement enterprise. Every time there are cement enterprises in the bulletin, the cement industry is ashamed.

Looking closely at the illegal activities of one of the cement enterprises, it can be said to be "shocking". Since

2007, Guangxi Denggao Group Tiandong Cement Co., Ltd. has destroyed 1048.71 mu of forest land in Tiandong County of Baise City for quarrying and mining without administrative permission for the use of forest land. Over the years, illegal activities have continued, causing serious damage to forest resources and ecological environment, and having a bad social impact.

The Forest Law clearly prohibits deforestation for reclamation, quarrying, sand mining, soil mining and other acts of destroying trees and woodlands. The illegal destruction of forest land lasted for 17 years, destroying thousands of acres of forest land, causing immeasurable damage to the ecological environment. This long-term illegal occupation and destruction of forest land not only violates the national forest protection law, but also has a far-reaching negative impact on the protection of forest ecological security, the construction of ecological civilization, and the realization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The author can not help but ask, in this long period of 17 years, whether this cement enterprise has had the slightest "repentance"? And how did the relevant local departments "turn a blind eye"?

The Forest Law stipulates that the legal liability for the destruction of trees caused by reclamation, quarrying, sand mining, soil mining or other activities in violation of the provisions of this Law shall be ordered by the competent forestry authorities of the people's governments at or above the county level to stop the illegal activities and to replant trees in situ or in other places within a time limit. In case of damage to woodlands, the competent forestry authorities of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the cessation of the illegal act, restore the vegetation and forestry production conditions within a time limit, and may impose a fine of not more than three times the amount of the expenses required for restoring the vegetation and forestry production conditions.

Nowadays, when illegal acts are made public, the public is generally concerned about the results of follow-up treatment, whether it can really play a deterrent role, and whether it can fundamentally solve the problem. This is not only a warning to illegal enterprises, but also a test to the regulatory authorities. It is hoped that the relevant departments will take decisive measures to investigate the responsibility according to law, strengthen supervision, prevent similar incidents from happening again, ensure the effective protection of forest resources, and leave a green world for future generations.

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