Work Safety Committee of the State Council: Promote the establishment and improvement of the reward mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents in production and business units!

2024-07-26 10:11:03

The vast number of employees are in the front line of production and operation activities, and have the convenience and advantages of discovering and reporting hidden dangers of accidents at the first time.

On July 25, the Safety Production Committee of the State Council issued opinions on promoting the establishment and improvement of the reward mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents in production and business units. The work safety committees of all

provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the member units of the Work Safety Committee of the State Council, and the relevant central enterprises:

In order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of both the responsible persons of the production and business units and the employees, enhance the strong safety awareness of the employees to love the enterprise as their home, and deepen the investigation and management of potential accident hazards, To promote the implementation of the responsibility of the main body of production safety and effectively prevent and curb accidents, according to the provisions of the Safety Production Law and with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, the following opinions are put forward on promoting the establishment and improvement of the incentive mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents in production and business units.

First, the overall requirement

is to adhere to the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping, earnestly implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on safety in production, adhere to the supremacy of the people and life, adhere to the principle of safety first and prevention first, and adhere to the overall requirements of the three-year action to tackle the root causes of safety in production. We will promote the establishment and improvement of an incentive mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents in production and business units in various industries, promote self-examination and self-correction of potential accidents by production and business units in a conscious, active and dynamic manner, and build a "people's defense line" in the field of production safety. By the end of June

2025, Promote coal mines, non-coal mines, oil and gas exploitation, chemical industry (including petrochemical industry), medicine, dangerous chemicals, fireworks and firecrackers, transportation (including roads, railways, civil aviation, water transportation, urban rail transit), construction (including tunnel construction), civil explosives, gas, fishing vessels, industry and trade. Production and operation units in key industries such as electric power shall establish and implement an incentive mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents; by the end of 2025, production and operation units in other industries shall be promoted to establish and implement an incentive mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents.

2. Main Tasks

All localities and relevant departments shall promote the establishment and improvement of the internal reporting and reward mechanism for potential accidents of production and business units, and shall focus on the following aspects:

(1) Clarify the contents of the report. Employees of production and business units are encouraged to report the following situations:

1. Unsafe behavior of people. Including employees' violation of safety rules and regulations, failure to implement safety production instructions, incorrect use of personal labor protection articles; management personnel's illegal command, unauthorized change of safety technology and operation procedures, command workers without safety training or personnel without corresponding qualifications to operate, etc.

2. Unsafe state of facilities and equipment. Including failure to set up safety warning signs in accordance with relevant specifications and standards; failure to comply with national or industrial standards in the design, manufacture, installation, use, testing, maintenance, transformation and scrapping of safety equipment; failure to carry out regular maintenance and testing of safety equipment; Close and destroy the monitoring, alarm, protection and life-saving equipment and facilities directly related to production safety, and tamper with, conceal and destroy relevant data and information.

3. Unsafe factors of the environment. Including failure to apply for relevant approval or permit in the workplace according to law, insufficient risk assessment of the workplace, failure to monitor the risk of the workplace and set up effective safety guarantee, failure to rectify the hidden dangers of accidents in the workplace, failure to implement safety measures in accordance with regulations for blasting, hoisting, hot work, temporary power use and other dangerous operations.

4. Defects and loopholes in safety management. Including failure to investigate and rectify major accident hazards of the unit as required; failure to establish and implement the safety production responsibility system and operation procedures for all staff and posts of the unit, failure to formulate and implement the safety production education and training plan and emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents of the unit, failure to carry out emergency drills; failure to hold certificates for special operators; Contracting out or leasing production and operation projects and sites to units or individuals that do not have the conditions for safe production or corresponding qualifications; subcontracting and illegal subcontracting of construction, as well as problems and hidden dangers in the safety management of outsourced operations. Employees of production and business units are

encouraged to put forward reasonable suggestions for rectification while reporting potential accidents. Employees in this Opinion refer to all personnel engaged in production and operation activities of the unit, including managers, technicians and workers in various positions, as well as temporary employees and dispatched workers of the production and operation unit.

(2) Clear reporting channels. Promote production and business units to clarify the units and personnel that accept employees'reports of potential accidents, flexibly adopt various acceptance methods such as Wechat applet, telephone, e-mail and so on, and publicize them to the whole staff in a striking position, simplify reporting procedures and smooth reporting channels, so that employees can clearly "report to whom and how".

(3) Carefully check and rectify. The person in charge of the production and business operation unit shall communicate with the reporting personnel in a timely manner, conduct research and organize verification of the accident potential reported by the employees. If the report is verified to be true, it shall be rectified immediately; if it cannot be rectified immediately, it shall establish an account to implement closed-loop management, and earnestly implement the "five implementations" of the responsible person, measures, funds, time limit and contingency plan, so as to strictly prevent the occurrence of accidents.

(4) Implementing incentive funds. Promote production and business units to implement the incentive expenditure for employees to report potential accident hazards in accordance with the provisions of the Measures for the Administration of the Extraction and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Expenses.

(5) Timely implementation of rewards. Promote production and business units to timely reward the hidden dangers of accidents reported by employees, combine material rewards with spiritual rewards, encourage "small hidden dangers awards, big hidden dangers awards", and reward prominent problems such as reporting major hidden dangers of accidents.

(6) Strengthen positive incentives. Strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of employees who report potential accidents in production and business units, combine with the actual situation, carry out better reporting of potential accidents for units and individuals, promote preferential performance appraisal, priority evaluation, personnel rewards and promotion, and strengthen incentives and guidance.

(7) Pay attention to the application of results. Emphasis should be placed on strengthening the analysis of hidden dangers reported by employees, studying and judging the problems existing in site management, responsibility implementation, equipment and facilities, technology and other aspects, and taking timely and targeted measures to improve them, so as to continuously improve the level of safe production.

(8) Strengthen propaganda and guidance. Strengthen the publicity of internal report and reward of accident hazards, improve the strong willingness and ability of employees to find and solve problems; strengthen training to improve the ability of employees to identify the safety risks and accident hazards of the unit and the post.

3. Promoting measures

The vast number of employees are in the front line of production and operation activities, and have the convenience and advantages of discovering and reporting hidden dangers of accidents at the first time. The implementation of internal reporting, internal handling, internal problems and internal solutions of potential accidents in production and business units is conducive to building harmonious labor relations, promoting the same frequency resonance and the same direction of the responsible persons and employees of production and business units, and eliminating the prominent problems and hidden dangers affecting production safety in a timely manner. All localities, relevant departments and units should earnestly promote the establishment and improvement of the incentive mechanism for internal reporting of potential accidents in production and business units as an innovative and reform-oriented measure to strengthen and improve the work of safe production in the new era, further enhance ideological awareness, strengthen organizational leadership and intensify efforts to promote it. Since 2025, the establishment and improvement of the internal reporting and reward mechanism for potential accidents in production and business units and the implementation effect will be included in the annual safety production assessment and inspection. In accordance with the principle of "three management and three necessities", relevant departments should do a good job in the implementation of the industry, strengthen supervision, guidance and statistical analysis, pay attention to demonstration and drive, and ensure tangible results.

State Council Work Safety Committee

July 21

, 2024
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