Southern Cement: "Party Building Leads Digital Transformation" Provides Wings for High-quality Development

2024-04-01 09:27:25

Southern Cement upholds the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Congratulations Letter", adheres to the Party's overall leadership, deepens the reform of state-owned enterprises, and promotes high-quality development. The company is committed to the deep integration of Party building and operation, and strengthens the core competitiveness of enterprises through digital transformation. Through the establishment of a digital platform, covering party building, production, logistics and other fields, to achieve the modernization of party affairs management. At the same time, Southern Cement has also made remarkable achievements in intelligent manufacturing and green development, such as the construction of intelligent factories and the development of green mines, and is committed to becoming a world-class enterprise.

Southern Cement always adheres to the Party's overall leadership, keeps in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Congratulations Letter", constantly strengthens political awareness and responsibility, takes promoting the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises as the core, continuously deepens the reform of state-owned enterprises, continuously improves the core competitiveness of enterprises, strengthens the core functions, and promotes the development of state-owned enterprises. We should give full play to the role of scientific and technological innovation, industrial control and security support, lead first-class enterprises with first-class party building, provide strong political and organizational guarantees for making state-owned capital bigger, better and stronger, and make every effort to build a new pattern of Party building with ideological, temperature, strength and color characteristics, so as to continuously promote the high-quality development of Southern Cement. Over the years

, Southern Cement has always practiced the concept of "one account", promoted the deep integration of Party building and management, combined with the new situation and trend of digital transformation, adhered to the Party building to lead the digital transformation, conscientiously implemented the digital strategy of China's building materials and the task of digital construction of New Tianshan Cement , and strived to build the "one account". Guided by "top-level design, up-down connection, business-led, digital empowerment", the digital construction will cover the party building, production, mining, logistics and other fields, and make every effort to answer the necessary questions of digital transformation.

The Southern Cement Party Committee insists on the organic combination of learning, propaganda and carrying out the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and comprehensively promoting high-quality Party building in enterprises, and builds a "digital intelligence" platform for Party building by means of informationization and intellectualization. It integrates the daily learning and education of Party organizations, organizational life, data information and brand building of Party building, and builds an executable, quantifiable and supervisable system of Party affairs management, so as to promote the work of Party building to be more "intelligent" and effectively improve the level of Party building at the grass-roots level.

Build a digital intelligent management and control platform & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Steadily and prudently promote intelligent manufacturing, strengthen the construction of regional digital platform, adopt the "N + 1 + N" architecture system, that is, N heterogeneous sources, a regional management information platform, N applications, and complete the deployment of regional and enterprise integrated multi-dimensional cloud edge collaborative standardization model. The production management information platform is built to realize real-time monitoring of production lines, trend analysis and unmanned logistics in the plant. 31 clinker lines and 61 cement mills are fully connected to the platform, and a total of 152 production processes are monitored in real time. Intelligent control covers the whole process of cement production, such as mine crushing, raw material grinding, clinker firing, coal powder preparation, cement grinding and finished product delivery, and on-line data can be refreshed in seconds. More than 90% of the data of production reports are automatically collected in real time, automatically summarized and calculated, and the real-time production situation of the region can be displayed in all directions, such as Wechat Public Number, Small Program and Mobile APP. Benchmarking

Smart Factories & nbsp; & nbsp;

Adhere to CNBM's "Digital-led Material Creation" as the driving force, carefully plan the top-level strategic design, comprehensively consider the opportunities and challenges brought by digital transformation, and integrate digitalization into the business, operation, organization, technology and other elements of the strategic objectives. A three-year rolling plan and roadmap for digital transformation have been formulated, and the direction, objectives and priorities of digital transformation have been studied and explored. At present, the construction of intelligent factories such as Huaikan South and Xinhang South, which belong to Southern Cement, has reached the expected goal, and has been replicated and promoted in many enterprises such as Dushan South, Hefei South, Deqing South, Qinshan South and Lu'an South. Digital transformation has entered a new era of green intelligent manufacturing.

With the goal of "intensive, green, intelligent and high-end", it takes the lead in adopting the second generation of new dry cement intelligent production technology in China, designs and constructs according to the first-class international standards, and makes every effort to build Huaikan South 7500 t/d production line. Process indicators, production costs and intelligent management have reached the world's first-class level.

Hefei South resolutely implements the concept of green development, gives priority to the use of clean energy, makes every effort to build environmental protection and energy-saving enterprises, and has built the first demonstration line of green low-carbon cement technology and equipment in China. Since the project was put into operation in 2022, all the indicators are better than the national standard level I energy efficiency, becoming an advanced green and intelligent cement production base in China, focusing on building a new modern green intelligent manufacturing plant, to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.

Build a new type of intelligent logistics & nbsp; & nbsp;

Huzhou Southern Logistics Base has a "modern, intensive and intelligent" large bulk cargo terminal and the world's longest fully enclosed long belt clinker conveying system. The "air transport corridor" has an annual transport capacity of more than 17 million tons, reducing the transport cost of enterprises by more than 50%; the project has realized the first "all-electric logistics" transport mode in China, and has also been listed as a green cycle demonstration project by the Ministry of Transport.

Build green smart mines & nbsp; & nbsp;

Actively carry out the construction of green mines and smart mines. As the first batch of intelligent green mine pilot projects in Zhejiang Province, Huzhou Southern Mining has passed the acceptance and been awarded the license. The "zero carbon" mine pilot construction plan has been steadily implemented, the 5G private network operation infrastructure has been completed, the driverless mine car has been put into operation, the green mine development deepening project has been implemented by intelligent means, and the "1 + 13 + 4" intelligent construction plan has been formed, leading the green transformation and upgrading of the mine.

Looking forward to the 14th Five-Year Plan and a longer period in the future, the Southern Cement Party Committee will adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over state-owned enterprises, adhere to the deep integration of Party building and production and operation, closely follow the characteristics of digital transformation, focus on the new stage and requirements of development, plan the process of coordinated development of regional cloud edges as a whole, and enhance data mining capabilities. Increase data application scenarios, give full play to data value, realize digital intelligence empowerment, test the effectiveness of Party organization work with the achievements of enterprise reform and development, highlight the leading role of Party building, effectively transform the Party's political advantages into corporate governance effectiveness, move forward bravely on the road of high-quality development, and make unremitting efforts to speed up the construction of world-class enterprises.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.