Circular of the Ministry of Finance of the National Development and Reform Commission on Several Measures to Support Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement

2024-07-25 17:16:38

At present, about 300 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds will be allocated as a whole to support large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones.

The Ministry of Finance of the State

Development and Reform Commission issued the Circular

on Several Measures to Strengthen Support for Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Replacement of Old Consumer Goods with New

. All ministries and commissions of the State Council and all institutions directly under the State Council:

Several Measures on Strengthening Support for Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement have been approved by the State Council. It is now printed and distributed to you, please implement it carefully. On July

24, 2024, the Ministry of Finance

of the

National Development and Reform Commission

took some measures

to support large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones in order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee. Conscientiously implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and in accordance with the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Replacement (Guo Fa [2024] No.7), the following measures are proposed for the overall arrangement of about 300 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds to strengthen support for large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement.

1. Increase the support

of equipment renewal (1) Optimize the support mode of equipment renewal projects. Arrange special funds for large-scale equipment renewal of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to increase support for equipment renewal. On the basis of equipment renewal and recycling in the fields of industry, environmental infrastructure, transportation, logistics, education, culture, tourism and medical treatment, the scope of support will be extended to equipment renewal in the fields of energy, electricity and old elevators, as well as energy saving, carbon reduction and safety transformation in key industries, and will be adjusted dynamically according to the actual situation. Considering the characteristics of different fields as a whole, we should lower the threshold for the declaration of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds, no longer set the requirement of "total project investment not less than 100 million yuan", and support the equipment renewal of small and medium-sized enterprises. Relevant projects are supported by the National Development and Reform Commission by means of investment subsidies, simplifying the process of declaration and approval, and effectively improving the efficiency of work.

(2) Supporting the scrapping and renewal of old operating ships. We will speed up the scrapping and renewal of old ships with high energy consumption and high emissions, and promote the development of new energy and clean energy ships. Support the scrapping and renewal of old ships with more than 10 years of inland passenger ships, more than 15 years of cargo ships, more than 15 years of coastal passenger ships and more than 20 years of cargo ships. If the ship is replaced by a fuel-powered ship or a new energy clean energy ship on the basis of scrapping, the subsidy shall be 1500-3200 yuan/gross ton according to different ship types; if a new energy clean energy ship is built, the subsidy shall be 1000-2200 yuan/gross ton according to different ship types; If only old operating ships are scrapped in advance, the average subsidy shall be 1000 yuan per gross ton.

(3) Support the scrapping and renewal of old operating trucks. We will support the scrapping of operating diesel trucks with national emission standards of three or below, and accelerate the renewal of low-emission trucks. An average subsidy of 80,000 yuan per vehicle for scrapping and renewing qualified trucks; an average subsidy per vehicle for renewing qualified trucks without scrapping 3.

(4) Raise the subsidy standard for scrapping and renewing agricultural machinery. Focusing on ensuring the stable and safe supply of grain and important agricultural products, improving the enthusiasm of farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to scrap and renew old agricultural machinery, on the basis of the Notice on Intensifying Efforts to Continuously Implement the Subsidy Policy for Agricultural Machinery Scrapping and Renewal (Agricultural Machinery [2024] 4), tractors with less than 20 horsepower are scrapped. The maximum amount of subsidy for scrapping a single machine will be increased from 1,000 yuan to 1,500 yuan; for scrapping combine harvesters and seeders and purchasing new machines and tools of the same type, the standard of subsidy for scrapping will be increased by no more than 50% on the basis of the current subsidy standard; for scrapping and purchasing new cotton pickers, the maximum amount of subsidy for scrapping a single machine will be increased from 30,000 yuan to 60,000 yuan. Each region can determine that no more than six new types of agricultural machinery are included in the scope of subsidies according to the actual situation, and calculate and determine the subsidy standards according to the existing provisions.

(Five) raise the subsidy standard for new energy buses and power batteries. We will promote the electric substitution of urban buses and support the renewal of new energy buses and power batteries. New energy buses and power batteries with an average subsidy of 60000 yuan per vehicle are renewed for 8 years or more.

(6) Increase the financial discount ratio of equipment renewal loans. We should give full play to the role of re-lending policy tools and guide financial institutions to support equipment renewal and technological transformation. The principal of bank loans to operating entities that meet the requirements of the Notice on the Implementation of the Financial Discount Policy for Equipment Renewal Loans (Finance [2024] 54). The central government's discount interest rate has been raised from 1 percentage point to 1.

2. Strengthening support for the replacement of old consumer goods with new

ones (7) Supporting local governments to enhance their ability to replace old consumer goods with new ones. We will directly allocate funds for ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support local governments in improving their ability to replace old consumer goods with new ones. The Ministry of Commerce and Finance of the National Development and Reform Commission reasonably determines the scale of support funds for each region by taking into account factors such as the permanent population, GDP, automobile and household appliances ownership of each region. All regions should focus on supporting the renewal of scrapped automobiles and the replacement of passenger cars for individual consumers, the replacement of old household appliances and electric bicycles with new ones, the partial renovation of old houses, kitchens and bathrooms, the purchase of items and materials used in the renovation of aging homes, and the promotion of smart home consumption.

(8) Raise the subsidy standard for automobile scrapping and renewal. On the basis of the Rules for the Implementation of Subsidies for Replacing Old Vehicles with New Vehicles (Business Consumption Letter [2024] 75), individual consumers scrap fuel passenger cars with emission standards of the third or lower countries or new energy passenger cars registered before April 30, 2018 (including that day). And purchase new energy passenger cars or fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less, which are included in the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicles with a Reduction and Exemption of Vehicle Purchase Tax, the subsidy standard will be raised to 20000 yuan for the purchase of new energy passenger cars and 20000 yuan for the purchase of fuel passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters or less. Subsidies shall be implemented in accordance with the standards of this Circular. Consumers shall apply for subsidies according to the standards of this Notice, and the corresponding scrapped motor vehicles shall be registered under their own names before the date of issuance of this Notice.

(9) Supporting the replacement of old household appliances with new ones. Subsidies will be given to individual consumers to replace old household appliances with new ones, such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household cookers and range hoods, which meet the energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of Grade 2 or above. The subsidy standard is 15% of the product sales price, and an additional subsidy of 5% of the product sales price is given to the purchase of products with energy efficiency or water efficiency standards of Grade 1 or above. Each consumer can subsidize one product of each type, and each subsidy does not exceed 2000 yuan. The Ministry of Commerce guides all regions to do a good job of linking up preferential policies in accordance with actual conditions to ensure a smooth and orderly transition of policies.

(10) Implementing the policy of financial support for the recycling and disposal of waste electrical and electronic products. In 2024, the central government allocated 7.5 billion yuan to continue to support the recycling and disposal of waste electrical and electronic products by means of "awards instead of subsidies", so as to promote the healthy development of the industry. By the end of 2023, if the waste electrical and electronic products are recycled and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the waste electrical and electronic products disposal fund subsidy, but have not yet been subsidized, they will be supported by stages after verification and approval by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

3. Strengthen organization and implementation

(11) Clear funding channels. The State Development and Reform Commission shall take the lead in arranging about 148 billion yuan of special funds for large-scale equipment renewal of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for the implementation of the supporting policies listed in Articles (1) and (2) of this Circular; About 150 billion yuan of super-long-term special treasury bond funds will be directly allocated to local governments to implement the supporting policies listed in Articles (3), (4), (5), (7), (8) and (9). The Ministry of Finance has allocated 27.5 billion yuan of central financial funds through the original channels to implement the supporting policies listed in Articles (6) and (10). The support funds involved in Articles (3), (5), (7), (8) and (9) shall be shared by the central and local governments in accordance with the overall principle of 9:1, and the proportion of the central governments in the eastern, central and western regions shall be 85%, 90% and 95% respectively. Provincial finance arranges supporting funds proportionally according to the allocation of central funds. All regions shall strictly implement the support standards in relevant fields specified in this circular, and the support standards in other fields shall be reasonably formulated by each region in accordance with the actual situation, so as to ensure that the investment of funds meets the policy requirements and that the real gold and silver preferences reach consumers directly. If a region uses up the amount of funds issued by the central government, the excess part will be supported by the region through local funds, and the central government will no longer bear the burden. As of December 31, 2024, the amount of funds issued by the central government that has not been used up will be recovered from the central government.

(12) Strengthen organizational leadership. The State Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance shall make overall arrangements for ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds and central financial funds to support large-scale equipment renewal and replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, formulate relevant implementation plans and management measures in conjunction with relevant departments, clarify work requirements, consolidate responsibilities of all parties and refine operational procedures. The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas and the Ministry of Commerce shall, according to their respective responsibilities, refine the subsidy standards and implementation rules in relevant fields, and organize all regions to implement supporting policies such as the renewal of old operating vehicles and vessels, the renewal of new energy buses and power batteries, the renewal of agricultural machinery scrapping, the renewal of automobile scrapping, the replacement and renewal of individual consumer passenger cars, and the replacement of old household appliances with new ones. Provincial people's governments should formulate implementation plans and special management measures, clarify the division of tasks, refine implementation measures, strengthen overall promotion, give full play to creativity, and promote the implementation of policies to support large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones.

(Thirteen) strengthen project and fund management. In accordance with the division of responsibilities, relevant departments should strengthen supervision and guidance to local governments, coordinate online monitoring and early warning and offline field verification, and promptly remind and urge rectification of problems such as untimely allocation of funds, slow use and misappropriation. The people's governments at the provincial level are the main bodies responsible for the management of projects and funds. They should strictly manage the funds of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, and should not be used to balance local budgets, repay local government debts and local "three guarantees", nor to raise supporting funds by borrowing.Local development and reform departments should play a comprehensive and coordinating role and take the lead in project organization and fund allocation. Local financial departments should cooperate with local development and reform departments and industry authorities to scientifically and rationally formulate fund calculation plans, grasp the rhythm of efforts, rationally allocate funds, do a good job in monitoring and early warning, strengthen supervision and verification, and effectively improve the efficiency of the use of funds. For those who do not meet the above requirements and violate financial and economic discipline, the funds should be recovered in time and the relevant responsible personnel should be seriously investigated for their responsibilities.

(Fourteen) create a good market environment. All regions should equally support enterprises of different ownership and registered places to participate in large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones. Market supervision departments should promptly follow up and strengthen product quality and price supervision, strengthen product quality supervision and spot checks, intensify defect investigation and recall, urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of quality and safety, strictly investigate and punish price fraud, and vigorously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. If illegal acts such as defrauding subsidized funds by improper means are found, all regions shall deal with them seriously in accordance with the law and regulations, and those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for strict investigation and punishment according to law.

(15) Timely follow-up and effectiveness. The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas, the Ministry of Commerce and other provincial people's governments shall conduct self-evaluation and self-examination on the promotion of work, the implementation of projects, the use of funds and the realization of performance objectives, and timely report the use of funds and the completion of performance objectives to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Commerce and Finance of the National Development and Reform Commission compiles and forms a performance evaluation report, and takes the evaluation results as an important basis for subsequent optimization of fund arrangements.

(16) Strengthen propaganda and guidance. Relevant departments in all regions should timely release relevant information on large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement through government websites, new government media and government service platforms, strengthen policy interpretation, respond to social concerns, guide the active participation of all sectors of society, and vigorously create a good social atmosphere. Summarize and popularize advanced experience and typical practices in a timely manner. All regions and trade associations are encouraged to strengthen the docking of supply and demand and promote the exchange and promotion of advanced products and models.

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