Evergreen: a new energy subsidiary has been established to actively lay out the new energy industry

2024-03-26 10:42:00

Evergreen said on the interactive platform for investors on March 25 that the company has set up a new energy subsidiary to actively lay out the new energy industry. At present, it has completed photovoltaic power generation projects of some subsidiaries of the company, and will continue to vigorously promote the development of related industries in the future.

An investor asked a question on the interactive platform for investors: In recent years, many cement enterprises have invested in the establishment of new energy companies. Does your company have any plans to develop new quality productivity and use new energy to improve enterprise efficiency?

Evergreen said on the interactive platform for investors on March 25 that the company has set up a new energy subsidiary to actively lay out the new energy industry. At present, it has completed photovoltaic power generation projects of some subsidiaries of the company, and will continue to vigorously promote the development of related industries in the future.

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Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.