Li Rongjin served as the president of the Sixth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association!

2024-03-22 10:28:25

The new president, Li Rongjin, presented the president's certificate on the spot by Wang Gongyong and delivered a speech.

On the morning of

March 20, the Sixth Congress of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association and the First Council of the Sixth Session were held in Jinan to elect the members and leaders of the Sixth Council of the Association. He Jun, Secretary-General of China Building Materials Federation, and Wang Gongyong, second-level researcher of Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, attended the conference and made speeches. Zhao Hongbo, president of Liaoning Building Materials Industry Association, and other leaders, as well as representatives of more than 130 members of Shandong Province, attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Wang Hongwei, Secretary-General of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association.

He Jun warmly congratulated the Sixth Congress of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association and fully affirmed the important contributions made by the Fifth Council of the Association to promote the high-quality development of the building materials industry and to build a modern building materials industry system. He pointed out that in 2023, the economic operation of the building materials industry was not as good as expected, with the operating income of building materials enterprises above the scale falling by 7.9%, the total profit falling by 21.0% and the export amount falling by 11.0%. Since this year, the overall economic operation of the building materials industry has shown a stable and weak trend, and difficulties exist objectively, but under the influence of a series of combined policies of stable expectations, stable growth and stable employment, with the latest changes in real estate policies around the country, the emerging building materials industry has further developed and expanded. We have reason to believe that the economic operation of the building materials industry will gradually stabilize in 2024. Finally, he made several suggestions and hopes for the new head of the association: first, we should take the initiative to deal with the current problems; second, we should speed up the construction of a modern building materials industry system; third, we should continue to support the development of the association. In his speech, He Jun

and Wang Gongyong, Secretary-General of

China Building Materials Federation, fully affirmed the achievements of the Fifth Council of the Association. He emphasized that in recent years, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the building materials industry in our province has comprehensively implemented the new development concept, overcome difficulties, actively responded to them, continuously optimized the industrial structure, continuously strengthened the momentum of development, and made new progress in green, low-carbon and high-quality development. Since the establishment of the Fifth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, it has actively participated in the construction and reform of the modern building materials industry system in our province, and has contributed to the high-quality development of the building materials industry in our province. It is hoped that under the leadership of the new Council, the association will continue to play the role of bridge and link, actively fulfill its industry responsibilities, firmly and correctly run the association in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government, adhere to integrity and innovation, better play the advantages of social organizations, and promote the building materials industry to high-end, intelligent and green. Promote the formation of a modern building materials industry system in our province from a higher level and more systematically! Wang Gongyong

and Jin Zhigang, second-level researchers of

Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, presented the Report on the Work of the Fifth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association to the General Assembly, in which they systematically summarized the work of the Association in the past five years from twelve aspects. He said that in the past five years, the Shandong Building Materials Industry Association has adhered to the guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping, comprehensively implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply comprehended the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthened the "four consciousness", strengthened the "four self-confidence", and achieved two safeguards. Adhering to the principle of "unity and cooperation, equal consultation, mutual benefit and common development", under the guidance of the Provincial Office of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and other government departments, with the strong support of all member units, and with the joint efforts of the Secretariat, professional committees and all member units, we should innovate development ideas and strengthen work. Actively providing professional support and high-quality services to the government and member units, the service ability and industry influence have been rapidly improved, which has made positive contributions to the high-quality development of building materials industry in our province, and laid a solid foundation for the development and growth of the association. Jin Zhigang

and Wang Hongwei, Chairman of the Fifth Council of

Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, made the Financial Report of the Fifth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association on behalf of the Fifth Council and explained the Constitution of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association (Revised Draft). On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, Wang Hongwei

and Du Changzheng, Secretary-General of

Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, made the Work Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Fifth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association. Du Changzheng

, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of

Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, deliberated and voted to adopt the revised Constitution of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, and deliberated and adopted the work report, financial report and supervisor's work report of the Fifth Council.

The president, vice-president, Secretary-General and supervisor of the Sixth Council of Shandong Building Materials Industry Association were elected by secret ballot. Li Rongjin was elected President of the Sixth Council, Ma Junlei and 13 others were elected Vice-Presidents, Du Changzheng was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Wang Hongwei was elected Secretary-General of the Sixth Council. Li Rongjin, the

new president of the Sixth Council of

Shandong Building Materials Industry Association, presented the president's certificate on the spot by Wang Gongyong and delivered a speech. Li Rongjin said that as the new president of the association, it is both an honor and a great responsibility. Since its establishment, Shandong Building Materials Industry Association has been committed to promoting the development and progress of the industry under the correct leadership of the competent government departments at all levels and the joint efforts of all previous councils and member units of the association, especially Jin Zhigang, the last president. During the term of office of the current Council, he will work together with the members of the Council to focus on the following aspects:

First, with the "great country" in mind, we should strengthen the political nature. In the new mission and new journey, under the correct leadership of the Party and governments at all levels, we will adhere to the strong foundation of political construction, concentrate on ideological construction, and raise the flag in the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party. In terms of ideology, politics and action, we should maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, keep in mind the "great power of the country", give full play to the role of the building materials industry as the "cornerstone of the great power", and contribute to the social development of building materials. The second is to build a "bridge link" and do a good job as a government staff assistant. Give full play to the advantages of the "bridge link" of the association, actively build and improve the interactive communication platform between the government and member units, strengthen communication, jointly study the development of the industry, and provide the basis for the government to formulate relevant policies and regulations. Third, enhance the "service guarantee" to provide services for members. Strengthen market research, collect the requirements and suggestions of member units, make suggestions for the development of enterprises, and provide policy and technical support. To realize "resource sharing and complementary advantages" in the industry and enhance the initiative of serving the overall situation.

At the same time, the first meeting of the Sixth Council was held. During the meeting, three comrades, Jin Zhigang, Mi Jingtian and Wang Hongwei, were elected as the executive president of the association, and Comrade Liu Xingyong was elected as the executive Secretary-General of the association.

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