Cement Price Drops in Leyamei Area of Sichuan

2024-07-10 14:24:39

Around the 8th, some leading enterprises in Leshan, Ya'an, Meishan and other areas lowered the price of cement by 20-30 yuan/ton.

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: According to market feedback, due to the adverse impact of continuous rainy weather, the overall market demand in Sichuan has shown a weak trend, and the sales pressure of enterprises is greater. In order to increase sales, some leading enterprises in Leshan , Ya'an , Meishan and other regions lowered cement prices by about 20-30 yuan/ton around the 8th, and the mainstream decline was about 20 yuan/ton. At present, a small number of enterprises are still on the sidelines, but from the current market situation, the follow-up downward expectations are larger. (More Sichuan cement prices )

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