2023 Cement Industry Energy Efficiency "Leader" Enterprise List Released!

2024-07-08 10:48:06

Huaxin Cement (Daoxian) Co., Ltd., Huaxin Cement (Huangshi) Co., Ltd., Wuzhong Horse Racing New Building Materials Co., Ltd. and Jidong Haitian Cement Wenxi Co., Ltd. were selected.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration jointly issued the List of Energy Efficiency "Leaders" Enterprises in Key Industries in 2023. Among them, China New Cement (Daoxian) Co., Ltd., Huaxin Cement (Huangshi) Co., Ltd., Wuzhong Horse Racing New Building Materials Co., Ltd. and Jidong Haitian Cement Wenxi Co., Ltd. were selected.

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