
2023-10-17 14:08:18









伊犁州(直)、博州: 2023年11月1日至2024年4月15日;2024年6月1日至2024年6月30日;2024年8月1日至2024年8月31日


巴州地区、阿克苏地区: 2023年11月1日至2024年3月15日;2024年5月1日至2024年5月31日;2024年7月1日至2024年7月31日


水泥熟料生产线错峰停窑时间从起始日零时至终止日二十四时为一个周期 (含烘窑时间 )。建设地在兵团各师的水泥熟料生产线,错峰生产参照所在区域执行,在以上停窑周期内未按文件要求执行停窑的企业,在2024年应补足停窑时间。





(二)使用生物质燃料替代化石燃料的企业。可以按照当年度使用生物质燃料替代化石燃料的比例,按照替代 15%、30%、45%、60%四个档次,在下年度向自治区(兵团)工信、生态环境部门提出申请,经现场审核确认得到批复后,分别延长4天、8天、12天、16天开窑时间。


(一)各地(州、市)工信部门要切实履行牵头责任,加强与生态环境、兵团各部门的沟通协调,统筹本区域水泥企业执行错峰生产计划,组织开展错峰生产监督检查。各地确需延长开窑时间的,经当地政府(行署 ) 联合兵团师局组织相关部门、辖区内所有水泥企业充分论证后,于2024年3月1日前向自治区(兵团)工信、生态环境部门提出申请,辖区各生产企业延长开窑时间原则上不超过15天,经审核批复后方可实施,所需佐证材料参照附件 1、2有关要求。一经批复不再接受辖区内生产企业延长开窑时间申请。

(二)拟申请延长开窑时间的水泥企业,需于2024年3月1日前准备好相关印证材料(危废许可证、上一年度协同处置量生物质燃料替代化石燃料比例等 ),向所在地州市、师市工信、生态环境部门申请,对符合条件的企业,各地州市、师市工信生态环境部门在确认企业资料属实后,于2024年4月1日前向自治区(兵团)工信、生态环境部门报送请示文件,自治区 (兵团) 部门将在每年5月份公示符合条件的企业。

(三)错峰生产计划一经下达,原则上不得变更。提前停窑的水泥熟料生产线,不计入统一停窑计划。鼓励水泥企业开展超低排放改造,根据生态环境部《重污染天气重点行业应急减排技术指南 (2020年修订版)》(环办大气函[2020]340号)要求经认定绩效分级为A级的水泥企业,可适当增加开窑时间。全区大气污染防治重点区域内绩效分级非A级生产企业不得在2023年11月1日至2024年3月15日申请错峰生产变更或申请延长开窑时间;经批准错峰期间开窑时间内当地发布重污染天气预警,生产企业应当执行当地相应减排措施,开窑时间不足天数另行补足。确因特殊原因需要变更错峰起止时间的生产企业,应形成书面申请并承诺补足停窑时间,填写《新疆水泥熟料生产企业错峰生产变更申请表》(附件 1),于申请变更日期15个工作日前报地州 (师)市工信、生态环境部门初审。地州市、师市工信、生态环境部门在接到企业错峰生产变更申请材料后,应实地调查了解情况,要结合当地市场需求、企业库存、空气质量状况等实际情况,加强资料审核,变更理由不充分的不予上报。对确需变更的,于申请变更日期10个工作日前向自治区(兵团)工信、生态环境部门报送请示文件(模板见附件2)及《新疆水泥熟料生产企业错峰生产变更申请表》。在未经自治区 (兵团)工信、生态环境部门审核批准前,生产企业必须按错峰生产计划执行,生产企业在2023至2024年错峰周期内只允许变更一次错峰时间。


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According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Northwest China is stable as a whole. Prices in Shaanxi have remained stable in the near future.

2024-12-20 17:49:52

Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region issued the Announcement on Publishing the List of Enterprises of "Staggered Peak Replacement" in Xinjiang Cement Industry from 2024 to 2025, saying that in order to implement the Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Further Perfecting the Normalized Staggered Peak Production of Cement (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology). The Department of Industry and Information Technology of the Autonomous Region, the Department of Ecological Environment of the Autonomous Region, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of the Corps and the Bureau of Ecological Environment of the Corps jointly issued the Notice on Issuing the Cement Peak-Staggered Production Plan from 2024 to 2025 (XGXCMB [2024] No.7

2024-12-17 14:32:16

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the overall cement price in Northwest China is mainly stable. At the beginning of the month, some major enterprises in Ningxia notified an increase of 100 yuan/ton in cement price. At present, most enterprises have not followed up. In addition, the market is in the traditional off-season, and there are basically no new orders, so there is no actual transaction.

2024-12-13 18:31:41

The summary table of peak-shifting changes of cement clinker production line of XPCC from 2024 to 2025 (the first batch) shows that the kiln opening time of Yili Qingsong Building Materials Co., Ltd. during the peak-shifting period is from November 19 to November 21, 2024 (3 days); the kiln closing time during the non-peak-shifting period is from April 16 to April 18, 2025 (3 days), and the above changes have been approved.

2024-11-18 09:52:45

The Implementation Measures adhere to systematic thinking and problem orientation, encourage the advanced and eliminate the backward, implement differentiated policies for different regions and varieties, optimize the industrial layout, and enhance the green and low-carbon level.

2024-10-31 09:15:54

Shaanxi Guanzhong cement prices have reached the bottom and stabilized, the price war has eased, the market adjustment, the full recovery still needs time. Ningxia enterprises plan to raise prices by taking the opportunity of off-peak kiln shutdown, and the specific effect remains to be tested. Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang markets are stable, Xinjiang prices are stable, Gansu is partially fine-tuned and overall stable, Gansu will implement peak staggering and kiln shutdown, and market trends are concerned. The price of cement in Qinghai maintains the status quo without significant fluctuation.

2024-08-09 16:37:18

According to the announcement, Xinjiang Qingsong Building Materials Co., Ltd. will open the kiln from June 15, 2024 to June 30, 2024 (16 days in total) during the off-peak period; and stop the kiln from August 6, 2024 to August 2, 2024 during the off-peak period

2024-07-12 16:32:17

Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region released information on the adjustment of peak staggering production time of five cement enterprises in the region.

2024-06-04 09:43:18

Bazhou Qingsong Lvyuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. will adjust the kiln opening time during the off-peak period from May 17 to May 31, 2024 (15 days) to the kiln shutdown time during the non-off-peak period from September 16 to September 30, 2024 (15 days).

2024-05-10 13:27:43

According to the cement market data center news, the overall market demand is weak, and the cement market is weak.

2024-04-19 15:41:42

The annual clinker production capacity of the four enterprises is 4.56 million tons, which has a certain impact on the adjustment of the supply-demand relationship in the regional market after the adjustment of the off-peak shutdown time.

2024-04-15 09:55:07

Recently, the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps announced the announcement on the adjustment of peak staggering production time for cement enterprises in Xinjiang from 2023 to 2024.

2024-03-12 13:24:06

According to the cement network market data center news, affected by the cooling and rain and snow weather, coupled with the approaching Spring Festival, some construction sites have been on holiday, enterprise shipments have decreased, and the market demand in Shaanxi has further weakened. At present, the leading enterprises have no news of raising prices, mostly to stabilize prices.

2024-01-19 14:19:35

The price difference of cement in different regions of Gansu is large; Xu Mingxia: the industry capacity is getting bigger and bigger; Hainan Kunlun Group has built a new cement project with an annual output of 6 million tons

2024-01-15 13:41:51

Xinjiang Huacheng Cement Co., Ltd. adjusts the off-peak production time as follows: March 5, 2024-March 14, 2024 (10 days) and September 1, 2024-September 10, 2024 (10 days).

2024-01-14 13:55:17

In accordance with the requirements of the Notice, Xinjiang Building Materials Industry Association organized carbide slag cement clinker production enterprises to communicate and coordinate with non-carbide slag cement clinker production enterprises, and relevant enterprises signed the Framework Agreement on Replacement of Carbide Slag Clinker in Wuchang Shitu Region from 2023 to 2024.

2024-01-12 09:10:57


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-12-22 16:29:59


2023-12-18 14:46:34


2023-12-18 13:14:07


2023-11-01 13:40:32


2023-10-20 17:17:49


2023-10-17 14:08:18

多地尝试涨价,能否落实? 1.注意!河北水泥错峰规则有变 2.冀东水泥总经理换人 3.祁连山重组最新进展 水泥资产由新天山管理 4. 东北一5000t/d熟料线项目!计划明年6月投产

2023-09-11 14:12:58


2023-08-17 09:20:06


2023-07-09 13:44:25


2023-07-03 16:17:19


2023-06-07 09:40:00


2023-05-18 13:07:48


2023-04-28 17:22:29


2023-04-20 15:16:13


2023-04-07 17:16:11


2023-04-06 17:43:25


2023-04-06 13:55:20


2023-02-24 17:16:53


2023-02-17 17:53:56


2023-02-15 14:21:52


2023-02-10 17:32:45


2023-01-03 09:36:41


2022-12-02 17:18:15


2022-11-01 09:27:29


2022-10-27 10:31:07


2022-09-30 17:47:56


2022-08-26 17:35:28


2022-08-12 17:59:48


2022-08-05 17:49:28


2022-07-08 17:57:21