
2023-12-12 17:33:03





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Energy saving and consumption reduction is not only a response to environmental responsibility, but also the only way for the cement industry to break the cocoon and enter high-quality development.

2024-06-20 16:33:57

The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the co-disposal of hazardous solid waste, the application of hydrogen energy in the cement industry and photovoltaic business, and discussed the areas, ways and entry points of business cooperation.

2024-06-03 09:41:45

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the price of cement in Guizhou has bottomed out and rebounded. Around the 20th, enterprises in most parts of the province notified the price of cement to be raised by 20-50 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-05-24 15:36:32

Jidong Cement has successfully put into operation 10 photovoltaic projects and actively promoted the construction of new energy, which shows that the company is vigorously transforming green development and is committed to improving energy efficiency and sustainability.

2024-05-20 09:59:25

Jidong Cement Tongchuan Company actively responded to the call of the national new energy system construction, using the existing plant top resources of 10000t/d clinker cement production line in Huiyuan Industrial Park, the construction of 3.26 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project has been successfully connected to the grid recently, opening a new chapter of green low-carbon development.

2024-05-09 09:30:02

We will build an energy supply chain with clean and low-carbon energy as the main source, constantly optimize the energy consumption structure, reduce the cost of production and energy consumption, and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation.

2024-04-17 10:02:53

Datong Jidong Cement Co., Ltd. has successfully connected the 5.53 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project to the grid, using the roof of the factory and idle land. The project improves the efficiency of energy utilization and adopts the "self-use" mode, which helps enterprises to reduce costs and improve efficiency. The staff ensured that the project was completed on time in bad weather. The annual power generation of the project is about 7.1529 million kWh, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 5893.99 tons, and achieves double benefits of economic and social benefits, marking the company's progress towards green and low-carbon development.

2024-04-03 09:18:55

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the announcement of the first batch of pilot projects of carbon peak in the industrial field of Shaanxi Province.

2024-03-18 10:49:55

In response to the dual-carbon strategy, Jidong Cement Yangquan Company immediately launched the 4.2MW distributed photovoltaic power station project and successfully connected to the grid. The project is expected to generate 5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, save 1.6 million yuan of electricity, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 4800 tons, promote energy saving and carbon reduction, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote green and low-carbon development.

2024-02-28 09:49:02

On March 28-29, China Cement Network will hold the "13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony" in Hangzhou. During the conference, awards will be given to the top 100 cement and supplier enterprises. At the same time, experts and scholars, China Railway and other construction units will be invited to discuss the new development trend of the cement industry in the future, and work together to create the future!

2024-02-27 09:41:58

Although the company suffered losses in the context of the sharp decline in the operating performance of the whole industry, the operating cash flow in the first three quarters was basically flat compared with the previous year, maintaining financial stability and ensuring the potential for development.

2024-02-05 09:23:30

In this contract, the company intends to invest 560 million yuan in Wangbu Town to build a 100m W composite photovoltaic power generation project.

2024-01-25 10:06:56

Can the supply and demand of cement industry improve in 2024? Can prices be boosted? How will enterprises break the situation?

2024-01-23 09:30:22

Six projects are expected to generate 17 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, save more than 5200 tons of standard coal and reduce more than 14000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a new business card for green development.

2024-01-06 11:37:52


2023-12-31 20:09:55


2023-12-29 15:02:54


2023-12-23 13:10:43


2023-12-15 09:16:08


2023-12-12 17:33:03


2023-09-27 10:09:47


2023-09-13 09:28:45


2023-09-12 09:26:59


2023-08-31 12:18:19

四川成都及周边市场水泥价格再次下调; 1.纳入全国碳排放市场在即!海螺、天山、冀东等水泥企业超前部署 2.[评论]提高政治站位 建材稳增长 水泥行业应打头阵! 3.海螺水泥拟接手管理台泥两家公司! 4.[中报点评]华新水泥:海外市场拉动水泥需求,“水泥+”业务持续发力

2023-08-29 13:30:29


2023-08-29 08:49:07


2023-07-08 14:38:57


2023-07-05 15:33:49


2023-07-05 09:47:06


2023-07-03 09:38:39

冀东水泥围绕智能制造,与南京凯盛国际工程有限公司、济南大学、西安建筑科技大学共同研究建材智能化成套技术开发 “零员工”工厂应用示范项目;围绕“双碳”目标探索以“余热发电+垃圾焚烧发电+光伏发电+风力发电”多能互补为技术路径的“零外购电”建材工厂。

2023-06-27 09:57:21


2023-06-24 15:59:36


2023-06-21 16:32:49


2023-06-20 09:37:53


2023-06-19 09:10:19


2023-06-13 09:57:22


2023-06-13 09:22:26


2023-06-12 13:31:39


2023-06-09 11:24:56


2023-06-07 09:26:07


2023-06-07 09:21:35


2023-06-01 09:46:27


2023-05-29 09:28:02


2023-05-29 09:24:26


2023-05-26 11:22:30


2023-05-23 10:38:12


2023-05-22 09:57:45


2023-05-19 15:28:18


2023-04-26 09:42:00


2023-04-19 09:35:48

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.