
2023-03-31 13:36:20








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Many contents in the Plan are closely related to the cement industry, such as continuously promoting the reduction of excess capacity and capacity replacement, transformation and upgrading of the cement industry; promoting new energy medium and heavy trucks in the cement industry and developing zero-emission freight fleets; striving to complete the treatment of ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement clinker and coking enterprises in key cities by 2025; To study the multi-source and whole-process control and monitoring and supervision technology of volatile organic compounds, and to carry out research on key technologies of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries such as parks, cement and steel.

2024-09-06 10:01:57

From the overall situation, in the first half of 2024, the overall operating situation of the cement industry was grim, and the profits of cement enterprises basically declined sharply, and even some enterprises suffered huge losses. In terms of the operation and management of Conch Cement, the Group will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of its operation in line with the guidance of national policies. Huaxin Cement said that it demonstrated the sense of responsibility of large enterprises and actively promoted and implemented new supply-side structural reform programs and measures suitable for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-09-03 09:43:58

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, more than 16 billion yuan has been invested in the research and development of frontier technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction.

2024-07-23 15:59:45

It can be said that Zhejiang cement industry has always stood at the forefront of the national environmental protection action, demonstrating its determination and courage on the road of green development.

2024-06-28 09:55:09

Chongqing Conch Cement Company uses biodegradation technology to treat kitchen waste and convert it into oil and organic fertilizer raw materials, thus realizing waste recycling. This first cement kiln co-processing system in China helps to reduce carbon dioxide and other harmful gas emissions and promote green development. Zhongxian County cooperated with Chongqing Conch to invest in the construction of kitchen waste treatment projects, which solved the problem of kitchen waste treatment in the local and surrounding districts and counties. At the same time, the company itself is also transforming to digitalization and greening, reducing carbon emissions and winning a number of national green titles.

2024-06-19 12:19:34

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing has been raised by 50-130 yuan/ton, which is a large increase, and the actual implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 20:06:50

In 2023, Conch Cement produced 2.2 million tons of cement clinker and 2.1 million tons of cement. From January to April this year, enterprises produced 490000 tons of cement clinker and 530000 tons of cement.

2024-05-22 11:00:47

In recent years, Zongyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd. has accelerated the transformation and upgrading of traditional cement enterprises, and promoted the green development of enterprises by using multiple environmental protection measures.

2024-05-11 09:06:29

Guided by innovation and green development, Ningguo Cement Plant, a subsidiary of Conch Group, has won many honors, including being included in the list of green mines in Anhui Province. Reduce energy consumption through intelligent transformation, use waste to improve environmental protection efficiency, invest in training centers to train green talents, and achieve a balance between economic and ecological benefits. In the future, it will continue to promote the intelligent and green development of factories.

2024-04-01 09:35:43

At present, the international political and economic situation is complex and changeable, which has a great impact on the cement industry. Cement enterprises, especially many member enterprises from emerging countries, still have to face such issues as "how to attach equal importance to social responsibility and shareholder returns, how to balance sustainable development and short-term survival, and how to coordinate overcapacity and transformation and upgrading".

2024-03-11 09:38:39

Since 2023, Xuancheng Conch Photovoltaic Company has focused on the national goal of "double carbon", thoroughly implemented the new high-quality development model of "one base and five industries" of the group company, actively seized the strategic outlet of new energy, constantly shaped new momentum and new advantages for development, and gradually fostered and strengthened the building photovoltaic industry.

2024-01-30 09:15:18

Over the past ten years, Conch Cement has adhered to the new development concept, constructed a new development pattern, closely followed the pulse of the times, seized strategic opportunities, and firmly sailed to the vast new blue sea as a pioneer, drawing a magnificent picture of the high-quality development of the "one belt and one road".

2024-01-03 13:08:45


2023-12-29 15:02:54


2023-12-29 14:53:53


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-11-22 10:04:13


2023-11-10 09:30:52


2023-11-02 14:45:36


2023-10-20 09:36:12


2023-10-11 10:07:32


2023-09-12 09:26:59


2023-08-29 08:49:07


2023-08-26 12:45:07


2023-08-22 09:10:55


2023-08-15 16:32:26


2023-08-11 11:03:00


2023-08-11 10:19:43


2023-08-04 16:11:07


2023-07-19 16:54:47


2023-07-08 14:37:05


2023-07-05 10:04:48


2023-07-04 13:30:07


2023-06-29 14:27:31


2023-06-29 10:06:34

冀东水泥围绕智能制造,与南京凯盛国际工程有限公司、济南大学、西安建筑科技大学共同研究建材智能化成套技术开发 “零员工”工厂应用示范项目;围绕“双碳”目标探索以“余热发电+垃圾焚烧发电+光伏发电+风力发电”多能互补为技术路径的“零外购电”建材工厂。

2023-06-27 09:57:21

“2022年8月到公司工作至今,我不仅学到了很多工作技能,而且有了稳定的收入。”缅甸海螺的机械技术员U Sint高兴地说。在海螺水泥的海外企业和工厂,像U Sint这样的海外员工已超过4200人。

2023-06-15 10:03:49


2023-06-12 13:31:39


2023-06-09 17:06:37


2023-06-07 15:38:15


2023-06-06 10:39:06


2023-05-21 13:49:33


2023-05-15 11:10:14


2023-04-26 09:42:00


2023-04-22 15:26:40


2023-04-21 13:30:36


2023-04-19 09:51:58


2023-04-13 10:04:41


2023-04-11 09:26:10

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.