[视频]上涨30-50元/吨 河北地区水泥价格上调

2023-03-30 11:27:11




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From 9-10, leading enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Langfang, Cangzhou and other regions notified an increase in cement prices by 35 yuan/ton.

2024-09-10 11:55:24

Leading cement enterprises in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, once again pushed up cement prices by 50 yuan/ton and clinker prices by 30 yuan/ton.

2024-09-03 16:23:19

On the 15th, leading enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Langfang, Cangzhou, Qinhuangdao and other regions notified an increase in cement prices by 30 yuan/ton.

2024-08-15 11:32:15

On the 10th, major enterprises in Chengde, Hebei notified an increase in cement prices by 30 yuan/ton.

2024-08-12 15:19:52

From the 25th, Hebei Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan and other major cement enterprises notified the price increase of high-grade bulk cement by 50 yuan/ton; low-grade cement by 30 yuan/ton; clinker by 30 yuan/ton

2024-07-25 15:15:02

Since the 13th, leading enterprises in Xing and Han areas have actively promoted the increase of cement prices by 30-50 yuan/ton.

2024-06-14 10:31:43

The concrete market is stable and weak, and the cost is rising or the price will rise.

2024-06-07 13:50:46

The price of concrete is weak and stable, and there is no obvious increase in demand.

2024-05-11 15:10:14

On the 10th, leading manufacturers in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, north of Hengshui and other areas notified an increase in cement prices by 50 yuan/ton.

2024-05-10 11:33:13

From 25-26, leading enterprises in Tianjin and Tangshan notified an increase in cement prices by 30 yuan/ton.

2024-04-26 11:53:21

Recently, the price of cement in Xingtai and Handan areas of Hebei Province has fallen by about 15 yuan/ton.

2024-04-16 15:23:49

Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Tangshan, Hebei Langfang and other places notified cement prices to rise by 50 yuan/ton on the 12th.

2024-03-11 13:22:36


2023-07-14 13:02:06


2023-03-30 11:27:11


2023-02-22 17:00:29


2023-02-21 15:45:40


2022-11-17 15:13:05


2022-11-11 17:03:47


2022-03-24 15:53:57


2022-03-24 13:26:58


2021-06-21 09:18:28

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.