
2023-11-15 10:32:37



其中,《2023 年第三批其他标准项目计划表》中与水泥建材行业有关的有:现浇混凝土外墙外保温锚栓、混凝土和砂浆用花岗岩石粉;钢结构界面处理砂浆应用技术规范、花岗岩石粉在混凝土中应用 技术规范、散装水泥装船机、钢筋陶粒混凝土轻质墙板。

《2023 年第三批行业标准外文版标准项目计划表》中与水泥建材行业有关的有:低碳产品评价技术规范通用硅酸盐水泥、 基于项目的二氧化碳减排量 评估技术规范生产水泥熟料的燃料替代项目、基于项目的二氧化碳减排量评估技术规范 水泥窑烟气碳捕集项目、建材产品生命周期评价技术通则、水泥窑烟气二氧化碳捕集技术规范、水泥制品养护固碳技术规范。

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What impact will the new standard bring to the production of cement industry? What changes should cement enterprises focus on?

2024-06-01 10:12:06


2023-11-15 10:32:37

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the cement market in Shijiazhuang and its surrounding areas in Hebei Province has been gradually warming up recently. In order to improve the profitability of regional leading enterprises, the cement prices in Shijiazhuang, Hengshui, Xingtai and Handan have been raised by 50 yuan/ton since February 23, and the clinker prices have been raised by 30 yuan/ton synchronously.