
2022-09-02 09:34:23

9月1日,中集集团旗下中集世联达联合肇庆润庆航运投资建造的“中集润庆107” 液化天然气(LNG)单燃料动力罐装水泥船建成交付

9月1日,中集集团旗下中集世联达联合肇庆润庆航运投资建造的“中集润庆107” 液化天然气(LNG)单燃料动力罐装水泥船建成交付,成为广东省内河航运绿色发展示范工程建设的首艘LNG新能源水泥罐船。据了解,“中集润庆107”号由中集世联达参与投资;由肇庆市肇通船厂(中集世联达、中集安瑞科、中集前海融资租赁参股企业)建造,中集安瑞科提供LNG动力包和LNG燃料箱、船用LNG安保系统、船联网系统。

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9月1日,中集集团旗下中集世联达联合肇庆润庆航运投资建造的“中集润庆107” 液化天然气(LNG)单燃料动力罐装水泥船建成交付

2022-09-02 09:34:23

Recently, due to the persistent cost pressure in the south, the price of concrete has risen slightly with the raw materials, but the growth of market demand is limited, and the overall quotation is still stable. From October 31 to November 6, the national concrete price index closed at 112.47 points, up 0.31% annually and down 10.11% year-on-year.