需求清淡 全国水泥价格继续回落!各地水泥价格一览

2022-01-11 09:18:26














西北地区:整体错峰淡季运行 部分地区价格或再降


华北地区:多地管控 产需双弱


中南地区:需求清淡 价格大面积下调 河南暂稳












东北地区:市场错峰冬休状态 行情淡季平稳为主



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Tianfeng Securities Research Report shows that with the arrival of the peak season in September, the progress of special bonds and special bonds at the infrastructure end has been accelerated and major local projects have been started, and the demand for cement is expected to pick up. Recently, the cement shipment data continued to recover, and the price side also rose synchronously. At present, most cement enterprises are still in a state of loss. With the strengthening of industry supply self-discipline, the superimposed demand is expected to improve marginally, and the industry profit center is expected to be lifted.

2024-09-19 10:18:37

As a "veteran" of the industry, Li Wenxiu has personally experienced the ups and downs of the cement industry for decades. Faced with the current difficulties, Li Wenxiu believes that solidifying the market and share is the key to stabilizing the development trend of the industry, steadily promoting capacity removal and realizing the "soft landing" of the industry under the background of a sharp decline in demand. "The more the economic downturn, the more stable employment, stable income, capacity is inevitable, but how to go to capacity is the way we can choose, the current solidification of the market, solidification of share, to maintain the basic efficiency of the industry is very critical.".

2024-09-18 11:20:28

In September, on the supply side, the current storage level is relatively high, enterprises in many places continue to carry out self-discipline self-help activities, continue to carry out off-peak shutdown, and it is expected that the pressure on the supply side is relatively small; on the demand side, the high temperature weather gradually exits, coupled with the acceleration of the issuance of special bond funds, downstream construction activities will be strengthened, and it is expected that the terminal demand will usher in a turning point; in summary, the supply-demand relationship may improve in September. In addition, after two months of decline in cement prices in July-August, the market has a strong willingness to raise prices, and it is expected that cement prices will show a strong trend of volatility in September.

2024-09-10 13:14:43

However, in the semi-annual reports issued by major cement listed companies, despite the sharp decline in profits of the cement sector, the development of the aggregate sector is still steady. China Cement Network data show that in the first half of 2024, the demand for aggregate for concrete fell 10.8% year-on-year, with a total demand of 6.25 billion tons, dragged down by both downstream infrastructure and real estate. Therefore, how long the aggregate can support cement enterprises is indeed a pessimistic unknown.

2024-09-04 09:39:36

Relevant data show that the industry lost about 1.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year, with sales falling by 11%. Conch Cement: In the first half of the year, the Company achieved an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%. Tapai Group: achieved operating income of RMB1.976 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 31.17%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB226 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 53.43%. It is expected that with the arrival of the traditional peak season of cement sales, the demand side will be better in the second half of the year than in the first half, and the price side is expected to continue to repair.

2024-08-30 10:06:24

Domestic high temperature rain weather has not yet subsided, downstream construction activity is still low, the concrete market is relatively flat, and the market price is stable. From August 15 to August 21, the national concrete price index closed at 114.16 points, down 0.28% annually and 11.40% year-on-year.

2024-08-23 17:35:52

The price of raw materials in many places has fallen, and the price of concrete in southwest China is running weakly.

2024-08-23 15:45:37

Domestic construction conditions have not improved significantly, coupled with the small number of new key projects, the market demand is still relatively low, and the price of concrete has fallen more or risen less. From August 8 to August 14, the national concrete price index closed at 114.48 points, down 0.33% annually and 11.69% year-on-year.

2024-08-17 10:46:53

With the improvement of construction progress in North China, the growth of market demand is still limited by the off-season.

2024-08-16 17:10:08

The domestic market continued to be controlled by the hot and rainy weather, the market demand was weak, the price of concrete continued to fall steadily, and the decline in Sichuan and Chongqing was relatively large. From August 1st to August 7th, the national concrete price index closed at 114.86 points, down 0.43% from the previous month.

2024-08-09 18:09:08

The rainy season in North China affects construction, market demand is low and prices are weak and stable.

2024-08-09 16:25:44

Since the beginning of this year, enterprises around the country have generally increased their efforts to stagger the peak, but it is still not enough to reverse the imbalance between supply and demand. In the future, the cement industry may face a severe test.

2024-08-05 13:48:41

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the shutdown of kilns in Liaoning, Northeast China, was extended to 20 days in August, the overall price was high and stable, the demand performance was not good, and the momentum to push up again was insufficient.

2024-08-02 17:28:08

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the demand and sales in southwest China are sluggish, cement prices in Sichuan and Chongqing continue to fall, and some regions have fallen back to the level before the price increase in June. Some markets in the surrounding Yunnan-Guizhou region are still pushing up in the week, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-08-02 17:25:15

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China has recovered by 10-15 yuan/ton, and the quotation in Guangxi is temporarily stable. Prices in some areas of the two lakes have fallen in the early stage, and the overall market is mainly stable this week.

2024-08-02 17:16:26

According to the market data of China Cement Network, affected by the high temperature weather and rainy season, the demand performance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is flat and the price is weak.

2024-08-02 17:12:52

According to the cement network market data center news, Ningxia prices continue to decline; Shaanxi region recently due to the contradiction between supply and demand and price competition led to a larger price reduction.

2024-08-02 16:39:35

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we believe that the demand for cement will improve compared with the first half of the year, and the price will continue to rebound. However, under the constraints of weak demand and serious overcapacity, the repair of cement price is limited. Throughout the year, cement demand will face

2024-08-01 09:19:52

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the Northeast region shut down the kiln again for 15 days in August, which played a supporting role in cement prices.

2024-07-26 17:06:09

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the intensity of peak staggering has been increased, and the price of cement in Yunnan-Guizhou region has been raised by 30-100 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. Cement prices in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing have dropped by 30-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-26 16:56:03

From the perspective of various factors, the cement industry was flat in the first half of the year, and in the second half of the year, under the stimulation of the steady growth policy, the physical workload of the project landing was expected to increase.

2024-07-25 10:00:09

Some regions in China are affected by high temperature and rain weather, coupled with insufficient new projects, the price of concrete is weakening. From July 11th to July 17th, the national concrete price index closed at 116.73 points, down 0.47% from the previous month.

2024-07-19 17:35:12

The market demand is not good, and the price of concrete is stable and falling.

2024-07-19 14:44:42

According to the research and statistics of the People's Bank of China, according to the issuance plans announced by various places, the issuance scale of new local bonds in the third quarter was as high as 1966.9 billion yuan, an increase of 605.3 billion yuan over the same period last year; plus the maturity scale of 1067.6 billion yuan of local bonds, it is expected that in the third quarter

2024-07-10 14:08:28

Tapai Group issued a performance forecast for the first half of 2024. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company during the reporting period was RMB218,586,600 to RMB242,874,000, representing a decrease of 55% to 50% as compared with the same period of last year.

2024-07-09 09:30:18

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the cost of cement production has risen, and the price of cement in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan has risen again by 30 yuan/ton. The market demand in Sichuan and Chongqing is weak, and local cement prices have fallen.

2024-06-28 17:06:31

Following the increase of cement price by 50 yuan/ton at the end of May, leading enterprises in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan continued to notify the increase of cement price by 50 yuan/ton from June 25.

2024-06-26 16:51:15

Cement prices in Gansu and Qinghai were temporarily stable after rising this week, while the actual implementation range in Ningxia was narrowed, according to the cement market data center. The overall performance of Shaanxi market is stable.

2024-06-21 15:30:08

According to the data center of China Cement Network, some areas in central and southern Hebei in North China have once again pushed up the price of cement by 30-50 yuan/ton and the price of clinker by 20 yuan/ton. The overall market demand is insufficient, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 17:45:01

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, driven by factors such as kiln shutdown and the implementation of the new national standard, the price of cement in Guangxi Province has risen by 30 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. The Guangdong market is tepid, and the quotation is temporarily stable. After the market of the two lakes rose, the implementation was not good.

2024-06-07 16:54:49

Traditional investment in infrastructure construction is difficult to support strong demand for cement.

2024-05-30 16:02:02

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the price of cement in Guizhou has bottomed out and rebounded. Around the 20th, enterprises in most parts of the province notified the price of cement to be raised by 20-50 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-05-24 15:36:32

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

The reduction of new construction projects and the weakness of infrastructure have a direct impact on cement demand.

2024-05-21 09:52:34

Even from the above four aspects, it is still difficult to fundamentally solve the problem of excess cement production capacity in Henan. If orderly competition and cooperation can not be achieved, the competition between "advanced production capacity and relatively advanced production capacity" will eventually change into the confrontation between "advanced production capacity and advanced production capacity".

2024-05-13 15:30:38

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, the recent rise in raw material prices, cement production costs, the local market in Guangdong and Guangxi cement prices increased by 15 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed. Prices in the two lakes, Henan and other markets fluctuated little during the week.

2024-05-11 16:38:40

"In the first quarter of this year, the demand for cement was the worst season in my career for so many years, except for the year of epidemic prevention and control," said the sales director of a cement enterprise in western Henan.

2024-05-10 18:12:59

In the first quarter of 2024, the industry as a whole showed the operational characteristics of "shrinking demand, fierce competition, high inventory and low price".

2024-05-07 09:20:19

Rainwater in some regions of China is still on the high side, coupled with tight market funds, limited actual demand increment, coupled with weak cost-side support, concrete prices continue to fall. By the end of April, the National Concrete Price Index (CONCPI) had closed at 120.21 points, down 1.77% from the end of March and 13.35% from the same period last year.

2024-05-06 18:10:56

The announcement said that in the first quarter of 2024, due to the downturn of the real estate market, the shortage of project funds and frequent extreme weather, the demand for cement was less than that of the same period last year, and the sales of cement products (cement + clinker) decreased by 14% compared with last year.

2024-04-30 10:48:04

In the first quarter of 2024, the demand for infrastructure fell short of expectations, housing projects continued to shrink, and the concrete industry continued to weaken. By the end of March, the National Concrete Price Index (CONCPI) closed at 122.38 points, down 1.8% from the beginning of the year. Compared with the same period in 2023, the concrete price index fell by 12.8%.

2024-04-22 10:18:23

Recently, a number of cement listed companies have been surveyed by institutions and expressed their views and judgments on the market trend this year.

2024-04-18 11:15:12

After the market competition, the business strategy of the enterprise tends to be rational, and there is a strong willingness to increase the off-peak production and stabilize the market. It is expected that the cement price will continue to fluctuate in 2024.

2024-04-17 09:50:03

From January to March 2024, the cement output was 10,000 tons 33684, a decrease of 11.8% over the same period last year, an increase of 10.2 percentage points over the previous value. According to the full-caliber calculation, the output of cement in January-March decreased by 16.3% year-on-year.

2024-04-16 15:55:59

Looking forward to the second quarter, with the gradual stabilization of real estate and the accelerated issuance of special bonds, demand is expected to continue to release, but we should also be alert to the adverse factors such as insufficient funds, the arrival of rainy season and busy farming season, the amount of project start-up may be variable, the overall demand may still be less than the same period, and the space for cement price to rise under high inventory pressure. It is expected that the profit level may be at a low level in recent years.

2024-04-12 16:16:19

Although Shanshui Cement can not fully represent the situation of other enterprises in Shandong region, the situation of falling volume and price makes Shandong cement industry face severe challenges in the first quarter of 2024.

2024-04-12 10:53:41

Several years later, the capacity was effectively removed through market shuffling, and the capacity utilization rate of the cement industry returned reasonably. Perhaps it is the golden sentence of the cement industry, the world cement looks at China, China cement looks at conch!

2024-04-11 14:04:43

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.