尖峰集团公布一季度业绩 净利润1986.2万元 同比减少77.64%

2022-04-29 09:28:12

4月29日,浙江尖峰集团股份有限公司公布2022 年第一季度报告。

4月29日,浙江尖峰集团股份有限公司(简称“尖峰集团”)公布2022 年第一季度报告。公告显示,报告期内,尖峰集团实现营业收入约8.3亿元,同比增长6.45%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润1986.2万元,同比减少77.64%;经营活动产生的现金流量净额约9164.83万元,同比增长44.65%。截至期末,尖峰集团总资产约70.35亿元,同比增长0.15%;归属于上市公司股东的所有者权益约51.64亿元,同比减少0.83%。

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During the reporting period, the demand for cement was weak, the market competition was fierce, the sales volume and price of the company's cement products decreased year-on-year, and the revenue and gross profit margin decreased year-on-year.

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Except for the year-on-year increase in net profit of Tapai Group, the rest of the cement enterprises have experienced a sharp decline year-on-year.

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On January 31, Zhejiang Jianfeng Group Co., Ltd. issued a performance reduction announcement for 2023.

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2022-08-26 16:23:25

7月14日晚,尖峰集团发布预告,经财务部门初步测算,预计 2022 年半年度实现归属于上市公司股东的净 利润为 1.25亿元到 1.65亿元,同比减少 48.36%到 60.88%。

2022-07-14 17:14:30

4月29日,浙江尖峰集团股份有限公司公布2022 年第一季度报告。

2022-04-29 09:28:12

全年共销售水泥熟料 675 万吨,同比增长 28%。

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2020-08-31 11:40:32

Recently, due to the persistent cost pressure in the south, the price of concrete has risen slightly with the raw materials, but the growth of market demand is limited, and the overall quotation is still stable. From October 31 to November 6, the national concrete price index closed at 112.47 points, up 0.31% annually and down 10.11% year-on-year.