
2022-12-13 10:21:40

提名钟朝晖、钟剑威、 何坤皇、赖宏飞、徐志锋、张宇洵等六人为公司第六届董事会非独立董事候选人;提名李瑮蛟、徐小伍、姜春波等三人为第六届董事会独立董事候选人。

12月13日,广东塔牌集团股份有限公司发布第五届董事会第二十四次会议决议公告,称通过了《关于公司董事会换届选举的议案》,提名钟朝晖、钟剑威、 何坤皇、赖宏飞、徐志锋、张宇洵等六人为公司第六届董事会非独立董事候选人;提名李瑮蛟、徐小伍、姜春波等三人为第六届董事会独立董事候选人。


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提名钟朝晖、钟剑威、 何坤皇、赖宏飞、徐志锋、张宇洵等六人为公司第六届董事会非独立董事候选人;提名李瑮蛟、徐小伍、姜春波等三人为第六届董事会独立董事候选人。

2022-12-13 10:21:40


2021-03-16 09:34:53

Recently, due to the persistent cost pressure in the south, the price of concrete has risen slightly with the raw materials, but the growth of market demand is limited, and the overall quotation is still stable. From October 31 to November 6, the national concrete price index closed at 112.47 points, up 0.31% annually and down 10.11% year-on-year.