
2022-04-20 11:01:05

唐山冀东水泥股份有限公司发布 2022 年第一季度报告。

4月19日,唐山冀东水泥股份有限公司发布 2022 年第一季度报告,公司实现营业收入49.68亿元,同比下降2.51%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润为-2.33亿元;归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性损益的净利润为-2.5亿元;基本每股收益-0.088元。其中,涉及其他应付款27.58亿,主要是公司获得金隅集团的财务资助。(相关阅读:冀东水泥:一季度亏损2.33亿元


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唐山冀东水泥股份有限公司发布 2022 年第一季度报告。

2022-04-20 11:01:05


2022-03-13 10:32:09

In practice, on the contrary, it is often found by the supervision team of ecological environment protection that in some places, the "two high" projects are blindly launched and not strictly controlled, and the production capacity is increased in violation of regulations. What should have been seen by the "expert" in charge was seen by the "layman" in environmental protection. Aren't you ashamed?