尖峰集团:2020年归母净利润5.8亿 同比下降19.4%

2021-04-27 15:02:00



报告显示,尖峰集团的水泥业务主要分布在湖北、云南、贵州、浙江。报告期,贵州尖峰日产 4500 吨水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产线异地技改项目(带余热发电)建成投产,扩大了公司的水泥业务。大冶尖峰、云南尖峰、贵州尖峰三家控股子公司各自拥有一条新型干法水泥生产线,开展水泥、熟料、骨料的生产和销售;公司还通过参股南方尖峰、南方水泥等水泥企业,获得良好的投资回报,报告期,公司出售了广西虎鹰股权,进一步优化资产配置结构。公司各水泥企业坚持“成本领先”战略,通过不断推进管理创新、工艺革新、设备更新以提升劳动生产率,控制生产成本,同时积极应对市场变化,针对各区域市场特点制订竞争策略,以直销和代理两种销售模式,积极开拓水泥销售市场。

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2021-04-27 15:02:00


2020-08-31 11:40:32

According to the forecast of the meteorological and hydrological department, the natural inflow of Xijiang and Beijiang rivers in the Pearl River Basin this winter and next spring is 10 to 30% less than that in normal years. Xijiang River is the core route for the export of gravel, cement, machine-made sand, stone powder and other materials from Guangxi to Guangdong. Taking the core Changzhou Lock on the Xijiang River as an example, in 2023, there were 61889 ships passing through the lock, and the cargo volume passing through the lock was 6800 tons 14203, with a year-on-year increase of 2.05% and 13.71% respectively. The main types of cargo were gravel, cement and stone powder, accounting for 40%, 15% and 12% of the cargo volume passing through the lock.