
2021-08-20 10:17:06


近日,冀东水泥发布了冀东水泥调研活动信息,其中对于投资者关心的东北水泥价格上升的原因及内蒙古水泥价格的展望,冀东水泥表示东北水泥价格同比大幅增长,主要原因一是东北错峰较往年执行较好,库存整体偏低;二是该区域行业连续几年亏损,企业有盈利诉求。下半年属东北 需求旺季,价格能够维持目前水平或略有增长,需求量环比有上升空间。 从全国来看,内蒙区域价格偏低,加上需求的释放和错峰生产的执行,水 泥价格还有上调空间。

All can be viewed after purchase


2021-08-20 10:17:06

The agreement is effective from January 1, 2025 and lasts for three years until December 31, 2027. According to the agreement, CNBM will provide comprehensive cement kiln co-processing services and related support services to the Company. As CNBM holds a 50% equity interest in Haijian Hong Kong, a subsidiary of the Company, the renewed transaction constitutes a continuing connected transaction of the Company.