
2021-04-15 09:42:20



据通报,本次抽查产品建筑和装饰材料抽查了建筑安全玻璃、铝合金建筑型材、热轧带肋钢筋、防水卷材、细木工板、塑料管材、蒸压加气混凝土砌块、混凝土路面砖、水泥等9种产品。重点对碎片状态、抗冲击性、表面应力、霰弹袋冲击性能、外观质量、壁厚、抗拉强度 、延伸强度、断后伸长率、化学成分、力学性能、工艺性能、耐热性、不透水性、延伸率、热老化、渗油性、接缝剥离强度、含水率、横向静曲强度、甲醛释放量、平均外径、壁厚偏差、静液压强度、拉伸屈服强度、炭黑含量、抗压强度、干密度、导热系数、三氧化硫、氧化镁、烧失量、不溶物、氯离子、凝结时间、安定性、强度、水溶性铬(Ⅵ)、放射性等指标进行了检验。共抽查了全省69家生产经销单位的86批次产品,合格60批次,不合格发现率为30.2%。经检验,1批次细木工板、14批次塑料管材、4批次蒸压加气混凝土砌块、1批次混凝土路面砖、6批次水泥共26批次样品不合格。不合格项目主要是横向静曲强度、浸渍剥离性能、平均外径、炭黑含量、灰分、干密度、抗压强度、水溶性铬(VI)。不合格产品具体信息如下:

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2021-04-15 09:42:20

According to the forecast of the meteorological and hydrological department, the natural inflow of Xijiang and Beijiang rivers in the Pearl River Basin this winter and next spring is 10 to 30% less than that in normal years. Xijiang River is the core route for the export of gravel, cement, machine-made sand, stone powder and other materials from Guangxi to Guangdong. Taking the core Changzhou Lock on the Xijiang River as an example, in 2023, there were 61889 ships passing through the lock, and the cargo volume passing through the lock was 6800 tons 14203, with a year-on-year increase of 2.05% and 13.71% respectively. The main types of cargo were gravel, cement and stone powder, accounting for 40%, 15% and 12% of the cargo volume passing through the lock.