
2021-03-25 10:16:15



“力争在2030年前碳排放达峰、努力争取2060年前实现碳中和”的目标,为我国实现绿色低碳发展指明方向。水泥行业作为碳排放大户,在碳达峰、碳中和背景下面临哪些的机遇和挑战,又将如何去做?为此,2021年4月20-21日,中国水泥网将在杭州举办 以“同使命·谋创新·共发展”为主题的“2021中国水泥产业峰会暨T0P100颁奖典礼”诚邀业内人士前来共同深度探讨当前水泥及相关行业发展态势。

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2021-03-25 10:16:15

On November 21, the Western Construction (002302) issued a prospectus for issuing stocks to specific targets in 2021. The company plans to introduce Conch Cement as a strategic investor through this issue, and Conch Cement will subscribe for 183 million shares, accounting for 12.48% of the total equity after the issue, becoming the second largest shareholder. The purpose of this issue is to optimize the capital structure, supplement liquidity and repay bank loans, which is expected to bring the company an annual increase of 8.85 billion yuan in operating income and a total profit of 708 million yuan, up 38.71% and 78.23% respectively from 2023.