
2021-03-04 09:41:14

尖峰集团现持有南方水泥0.95336%股权(对应注册资本中的出资额为10, 500万元),该股权经评估定价为46,528.909270万元,天山股份拟以发行股份购买资产的方式收购该股权。


尖峰集团现持有南方水泥0.95336%股权(对应注册资本中的出资额为10, 500万元),该股权经评估定价为46,528.909270万元,天山股份拟以发行股份购买资产的方式收购该股权。若交易能顺利实施且天山股份的发行价格不做调整,则交易完成后本公司将持有天山股份发行的股份34, 774, 969股,并不再持有南方水泥的股权。

All can be viewed after purchase

尖峰集团现持有南方水泥0.95336%股权(对应注册资本中的出资额为10, 500万元),该股权经评估定价为46,528.909270万元,天山股份拟以发行股份购买资产的方式收购该股权。

2021-03-04 09:41:14

Recently, due to the persistent cost pressure in the south, the price of concrete has risen slightly with the raw materials, but the growth of market demand is limited, and the overall quotation is still stable. From October 31 to November 6, the national concrete price index closed at 112.47 points, up 0.31% annually and down 10.11% year-on-year.