
2021-03-03 09:39:21


唐山冀东水泥股份有限公司(以下简称公司或本公司)第九届董事会 第一次会议于 2021 年 3 月 2 日在公司会议室召开。会议应到董事九名, 实际出席董事九名,监事会成员、拟聘高级管理人员列席会议。会议推举孔庆辉先生主持本次董事会。会议的召集、召开符合《中华人民共和国公 司法》和《公司章程》的有关规定。会议对所列议案进行了审议,经表决选举孔庆辉先生出任公司董事长,聘任李衍先生为公司总经理,李建防先生为公司副总经理、总法律顾问,任前进先生为公司财务总监等。

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2023-01-14 13:53:32


2021-03-03 09:39:21

In recent years, Huaxin insists on cultivating and developing new quality productivity, devotes itself to the research and development of ultra-high performance concrete, and establishes the brand of ultra-high performance concrete, Chaokelong ®. Huaxin Chaokelong New Building Material Technology (Huangshi) Co., Ltd. has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise. After technical precipitation and tackling key problems, Huaxin has formed an overall solution for research and development, production, design and construction of ultra-high performance concrete materials, with completely independent intellectual property rights.