Yongan Jianfu Cement Achieved a Good Start in Operating Profit in the First Month

2024-03-05 09:57:10

Yongan Jianfu achieved excellent business performance in January, realizing an operating profit of 2.65 million yuan, which was significantly higher than the budget. By reducing costs and increasing efficiency, the production costs of clinker and cement were reduced by 23 yuan/ton and 31 yuan/ton respectively, achieving a stable start of the year.

In January, the operating performance of Yongan Jianfu Company continued to maintain a good momentum, achieving an operating profit of 2.65 million yuan, a substantial increase over the budget profit. Since

the New Year, Yongan Jianfu Company has focused on operating profits, while ensuring the stable operation of equipment, focusing on reducing costs and increasing efficiency, so as to achieve a stable opening and a good start in production and operation. In that month , the clinker production cost was 23 yuan/ton lower than the budget, the cement production cost was 31 yuan/ton lower than the budget, and the operating profit increased significantly compared with the budget profit, which laid a good start for the annual production and operation.

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