Zhou Jinbo, Deputy to the National People's Congress of Cement Industry: Unlock the Industrialization of Alternative Fuels in Cement Industry

2024-03-04 10:51:24

As a deputy to the National People's Congress from the cement industry, what kind of "new voice" will Zhou Jinbo bring this year?

On February 13, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, during the Spring Festival holiday, Zhou Jinbo, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Anhui Conch Building Material Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., went to the Philippines to promote overseas project construction and investigate overseas markets.

Four days later, Zhou Jinbo, who returned to China on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, returned to his office in Wuhu and began a busy new year. During

the Spring Festival holiday, Zhou Jinbo (right) inspects the construction of refractory bricks in a rotary kiln of a cement clinker production line in the Philippines.

As a deputy to the National People's Congress from the cement industry, what kind of "new voice" will Zhou Jinbo bring this year?

"Strengthen the standardized management of waste sources, standardize the classification, storage and pre-disposal of waste sources, realize the industrialization of alternative fuels, and improve the utilization rate of waste resources." Since taking office, Zhou Jinbo has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of the cement industry, and this year is no exception. During

last year's NPC and CPPCC sessions, he suggested that the cement industry should be brought into the national carbon market to achieve green and low-carbon development of the cement industry by accelerating the development and application of advanced technologies.

Cement is an indispensable basic raw material for national economic development, production and construction and people's lives, but it belongs to the resource and energy consumption industry.

In recent years, the cement industry has made great efforts to achieve the goal of "double carbon", and in 2020, China's cement industry has achieved the carbon peak ahead of schedule. "Waste containing calorific value as an alternative fuel for cement kilns can significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels and is one of the main technical routes for carbon emission reduction in the cement industry," said Zhou Jinbo.

In his research, he learned that the technology of alternative fuels for cement kilns in developed countries in Western Europe is mature, with an average substitution rate of 39%, including 63% in Germany and 85% in the Netherlands. In contrast, in China, cement kilns are mainly used for co-disposal of wastes, and alternative fuels are still in their infancy, with an average fuel substitution rate of only about 5%.

5% to 39% is the realistic gap between figures and the potential space for development.

Zhou Jinbo knows that green development is the background of high-quality development. He suggested that the competent authorities should increase policy support for waste as an alternative fuel, support the industrialization of alternative fuels, and then improve the utilization rate of waste resources. Over the past

year, Zhou Jinbo has been doing a lot of "tossing", going to Tongling for on-site investigation, visiting projects in Guangdong, Hubei and Guizhou, and going abroad to investigate the use of alternative fuels. Whether in the province or abroad, he has been deeply engaged in the green and low-carbon transformation of the cement industry.

"We can speed up the construction of the production and product standard system of alternative fuels, support enterprises to cooperate with universities and research institutes, and promote the upgrading and iteration of technology, technology and equipment." Zhou Jinbo said so.

At present, the cement industry has serious overcapacity, the impact of peak staggering production on the supply side has declined significantly, the "competition and cooperation relationship" formed over the years has broken down, and the pressure of industry operation has doubled. How should the cement industry get out of the predicament and face the new cycle?

On March 28-29, China Cement Network will hold the " 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony " in Hangzhou, during which awards will be given to top 100 cement and supplier enterprises, and experts and scholars will be invited. China Railway and other construction units jointly discuss the new development trend of the cement industry in the future, and work together to create the future!

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