How to promote the green development of manufacturing industry? There are clear requirements here.

2024-03-01 11:49:22

Today (March 1), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments issued China's first Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions). It is suggested that by 2030, the output value of green factories will account for more than 40% of the total output value of manufacturing industry, and green development will become a solid foundation for promoting new industrialization.

Today (March 1), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments issued China's first Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions). It is suggested that by 2030, the output value of green factories will account for more than 40% of the total output value of manufacturing industry, and green development will become a solid foundation for promoting new industrialization.

By 2030, the output value of green factories will account for more than 40%

of the total output value of manufacturing industry. The Guiding Opinions put forward that by 2035, the endogenous power of green development of manufacturing industry will be significantly enhanced, carbon emissions will decline steadily after peaking, carbon neutralization capacity will be steadily improved, and green low-carbon competitive advantages will be highlighted in the global industrial chain supply chain. Green development has become a common form of new industrialization. Huang Libin, Director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology: The Guiding Opinions implement the National Conference on Promoting New Industrialization, with forging new green competitive advantages of industries as the main line, accelerating the green low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promoting the green low-carbon development of emerging industries from a high starting point, and fostering new forms of green integration of manufacturing industries as the focus.

In recent years, China has accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system, promoted new industrialization, and promoted the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry, and achieved positive results. In 2023, the added value of China's high-tech manufacturing industry and equipment manufacturing industry accounted for 15.7% and 33.6% of the industrial added value above the scale, respectively. Production and sales of new energy vehicles exceed 9.5 million, leading the world for many years, power battery production accounts for about 60% of the world's total, and the output of major links in the photovoltaic industry chain has remained the world's first for many years. Huang Libin, Director of the Department of Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of the Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology: In 2023, China's green manufacturing and service system will continue to improve. A total of 5095 green factories at the national level and more than 500 specialized green manufacturing service institutions have been cultivated, and the establishment of green manufacturing system at the provincial and municipal levels has been promoted. The output value of national green factories accounts for more than 17% of the output value of manufacturing industries above the scale. The Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of

Traditional Industries and Green Low-Carbon Development

put forward that we should speed up the optimization and adjustment of product structure, energy consumption structure, raw material structure and process reengineering of traditional industries, and build a clean, efficient and low-carbon industrial energy consumption structure. In recent years, China's traditional industries have been upgraded through green and low-carbon transformation, and the level of technical equipment and the efficiency of resource and energy utilization have reached a new level. The emission intensity of major pollutants and carbon dioxide in key industries and fields has continued to decline.

In a workshop of environmental protection equipment in Dezhou, Shandong Province, workers are rushing to produce a batch of intelligent filter press products to be sent to Europe. In recent years, according to the needs of different industries such as chemical industry, food industry and mining industry, enterprises have carried out green intelligent upgrades in water saving, electricity saving and employment. While the production capacity of new filter press products has doubled, the energy consumption has been reduced by 40%. Jiang Guiting, the person in charge

of Jingjin Equipment Co., Ltd., said that all the equipment should be upgraded, for example, the motors should be upgraded to the equipment above the second-level and first-level efficiency. The original production of 100 tons of products uses 100 degrees of electricity, and now the production of 150 tons uses 60 degrees of electricity.

In Kunming, the exhibition hall of Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd., a map of the whole industrial chain shows its complete industrial chain from bauxite to aluminum processing. Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd. not only carries out the work of extending and strengthening the chain around high-quality hydropower and aluminium resources, but also gathers dozens of downstream aluminium processing enterprises to develop in coordination, forming a "1 + N" green development pattern of the whole industry chain from aluminium water to terminal products. Chen Debin, deputy general manager of

Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd.: We will develop and apply more green technologies to promote technological innovation in the aluminum industry. At the same time, we should strengthen cooperation with domestic and foreign enterprises to jointly build a green aluminum industry chain.

Reporters learned in the interview that the energy efficiency level of key industrial products such as iron and steel, electrolytic aluminium, cement clinker and flat glass in China has been continuously improved. The reuse rates of industries above the scale of iron and steel, petrochemical and chemical industries exceed 97% and 95% respectively, which are at the international advanced level. Up to now, a total of 89 iron and steel enterprises have completed the ultra-low emission transformation of the whole process with 426 million tons of crude steel production capacity. Liu Wenqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of

China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development: China's traditional industries are large in quantity and wide in scope, accounting for more than 80% of our entire industry. The key and difficulty of green low-carbon transformation of industry lies in the green low-carbon transformation of traditional industries such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical industry and building materials, with advanced technology, equipment and technology. To promote the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries. According to

the Guiding Opinions, by 2030, the recycling of major renewable resources will reach 510 million tons, the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk industrial solid waste will reach 62%, the proportion of renewable energy used in electrolytic aluminium will reach more than 30%, and the pro portion of short-process steelmaking will reach more than 20%. Short-process synthesis technologies such as one-step synthesis of olefins and ethanol from syngas have been applied on a large scale. Green, low-carbon and high-starting point development


emerging industries is an important force to lead future development and high-quality development. At present, the green degree of China's industrial economy has been significantly improved, and new industries have flourished, showing strong vitality and huge market potential.

Reporters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Intelligent Computing Center saw that new energy-saving technologies were introduced here to comprehensively improve the computing efficiency and energy efficiency of the computing network infrastructure. New technologies such as evaporative refrigeration, inter-column air conditioning and artificial intelligence power control model algorithm are used to improve operational efficiency. Compared with traditional large data centers, it saves more than 4 million degrees of electricity and is the largest green computing center in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Yin Xueping, head of green special class development of

China Telecom Tianjin Branch: Green low-carbon is integrated into the whole process of cloud network planning and construction and green operation. Through our cloud dispatching system, energy consumption is reduced by about 30%. It is expected that by 2025, the proportion of green power will reach more than 50%.

In recent years, China's emerging industries have shown a good development trend under the promotion of policy support, capital investment, local layout and other factors. At present, China's industry is generally in the stage of climbing from the low-end links to the high-end links in the global value chain. It is urgent to grasp the direction of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, rely on new technologies, create new impetus and expand new space. Liu Wenqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of

China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development, said that the Guiding Opinions put forward that in order to promote the green, low-carbon and high starting point development of emerging industries, we should focus on wind energy, photovoltaic and new energy automotive power batteries, and make up for the key shortcomings of recycling. Further efforts should be made to enhance the competitiveness of green low-carbon industries such as green environmental protection equipment, new energy equipment and new energy vehicles, and to plan the development of future energy and manufacturing industries such as hydrogen energy, energy storage, bio-manufacturing, carbon capture and carbon sequestration.

The Guiding Opinions put forward that in the field of new generation information technology, data centers should be guided to expand the proportion of green energy utilization, promote the application of low-power chips and other technology products, and explore the construction of market-oriented green low-carbon computing power application system. In the field of high-end equipment, we will accelerate the innovation and industrial application of key remanufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing, flexible forming, non-destructive testing and disassembly, and promote the remanufacturing of high-tech and high value-added equipment. Cross-border

industrial integration has become the key to promoting high-quality development. In the process of green transformation, China's manufacturing industry not only pays attention to energy conservation and emission reduction, but also actively explores the deep integration with other industries. The guidance proposes that we should promote the deep integration of digitalization and greening, the deep integration of green manufacturing and modern service industries, and the deep integration of green consumption demand and green product supply.

In the factory area of Taishan Iron and Steel in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter saw that the idle space on the roof of the factory building was covered with photovoltaic panels. Steel and photovoltaic cross-border cooperation, steel rolling into the "green era". According to statistics, in the 25-year life cycle, the 20 MW photovoltaic power generation project is expected to provide 510 million kilowatt-hours of green electricity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 480000 tons. Liu Jianxing, Electrical Engineer of Equipment Section of Cold Rolling Department

of Taishan Iron and Steel Group, said that it can save 20000 degrees of electricity per day and 150000 yuan per month, which not only saves the cost of production line, but also has great significance for further green and low-carbon development.

The Guiding Opinions put forward that we should give full play to the enabling role of digital technology in improving resource efficiency, environmental efficiency and management efficiency, accelerate the coordinated transformation of digitalization and greening of production mode, expand the typical application scenarios of "new generation information technology + green low-carbon" in the whole process of production and manufacturing in key industries, and improve total factor productivity. Liu Wenqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of

China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development: According to the Guiding Opinions, with the continuous advancement of green manufacturing projects, we need to constantly expand and upgrade professional service institutions such as green design, green production and green consultation, and accelerate the improvement of the service system of green manufacturing.

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