A project of Jinyu Concrete Company was selected as the first batch of provincial "robot +" typical application scenarios in Hebei Province.

2024-03-01 09:41:34

Through digital and intelligent transformation, the mixing station will stand out in the market competition by reducing product costs, improving production efficiency and winning customer reputation.

On February 28, at Rengezhuang Mixing Station of Jinyu Jidong (Tangshan) Concrete Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd., technicians were optimizing and debugging the robot. What are the ingredients of

concrete? The general answer is cement, sand, stone and water. In Jinyu Jidong (Tangshan) Concrete Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Jinyu Concrete Company"), the concrete is integrated with intellectualization-a few days ago, the company developed the project of "Intelligent Flexible Robot Development for Automatic Test Scenario of Concrete Mixture", which is the first in China. It has been recognized by Hebei Provincial Office of Industry and Information Technology as a typical application scenario (the first batch) project of "Robot +" in Hebei Province.

On February 28, the reporter walked into the company's Rengezhuang mixing station to explore what kind of sparks the robot and concrete can "collide". Running back and forth

upstairs and downstairs, while staring at the robot debugging, while supervising the concrete test block inspection.. Early in the morning, Yang Jianjia, the manager of the mixing station, was busy. "Next month, the robot will be able to complete the optimization debugging and put into use, so that the product inspection will be more standardized." Yang Jianjia said. How can

robots improve the standardization of product inspection? Seeing the reporter's question, Yang Jianjia opened the door of the concrete inspection workshop and said: "Every batch of concrete transported from the mixing station should be sampled and inspected." In the

workshop, a worker is sorting out the test blocks. "These 10 cm square concrete test blocks are concrete compressive strength test pieces, and we will test their compressive strength to test the quality of the products." Yang Jianjia introduced. Material

taking, mold loading, transportation and standing, secondary plastering, mold removal identification, test block maintenance, code reading and detection, waste discharge.. Repeated cycle operation of so many links, easy to cause operator fatigue, resulting in unstable operation, so that the test results can not truly reflect the quality of products.

"In terms of standardized operation, robots are more credible than manual labor." Yang Jianjia said that in June 2022, Jinyu Concrete Company decided to build a robot detection line at Rengezhuang Mixing Station to replace manual work. Whose robot

to use? What are the specifications for equipment operation? In the initial stage, Yang Jianjia encountered a difficult problem: in the industry, there are few cases of digital and intelligent transformation of mixing stations, and there is no experience to follow.

"With the rapid development of the robot industry in Tangshan, we will be able to find suitable partners." With this idea in mind, Yang Jianjia finally contacted Hebei Jingtang Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd., located in Tangshan High-tech Zone, to develop together.

"At present, the application of industrial Internet of Things is becoming more and more mature, but for the concrete industry, in order to achieve automation upgrading and information transformation, especially for the transformation project, it is difficult to consider the site, the interference of the original equipment and the multi-party data docking." Liu Chuankun, assistant manager and project manager of Jinyu Concrete Technology Innovation Center, said.

New steel structure support, extension of transport belt, erection of communication lines.. To realize intelligent and interactive links among people, equipment and systems, infrastructure construction should go ahead.

In view of each link of sample inspection, Liu Chuankun decided to start with the most challenging sampling link. "Concrete from the mixer into the tanker, need to go through the waiting hopper, in the past manual operation, need to sample from the tanker, so that each sampling will delay 20 minutes of transportation time, greatly reducing the supply efficiency." Liu Chuankun introduced that they developed an automatic sampling robot to realize simultaneous operation of filling and sampling at the junction of funnel and tanker without interference, and to realize the reflux of excess samples and "zero" waste in the sampling process.

"There is not only one robot in this project, but also a complete set of equipment dominated by robots." Liu Chuankun said that for different operation steps, he and his team also developed tooling for loading, dismantling and spraying, reading and testing, and each step was recorded in detail, from sampling time, sample labels, inspection results and other aspects, relying entirely on data to "speak".

Data "speaking" will bring market recognition to enterprises. "The project investment is nearly 5 million yuan, which is enough to build a small mixing station.". But we think there will be multiple returns in the future. Yang Jianjia gave reporters an account, due to market and environmental pressure, some small mixing stations will slowly withdraw. Their mixing stations will stand out in the market competition through digital and intelligent transformation, reducing product costs, improving production efficiency and winning customer reputation.

To make concrete more "intelligent", Rengezhuang mixing station is not only as simple as building a robot application scenario. "We also rely on the integrated operation platform and mobile phone software developed by ourselves to realize the cargo owner's order, the tanker driver's order, the" unattended "weighing room, the automatic capture and weighing of the weighing system of the feeding truck, and the remote control of the production and feeding operation." Yang Jianjia said that only when customers can see whether the product is good or not, can they rest assured. Through the video surveillance system, the mixing station also realizes the visualization of the whole production process and makes it open to customers. Through the quality traceability platform, the data traceability of the whole process from raw materials entering the site to product pouring is realized.

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.