The carbon emissions trading market will be expanded for the first time as soon as possible

2024-02-27 10:01:34

We will strive to achieve the first expansion of China's carbon emissions trading market as soon as possible.

Reporters learned from the policy briefing held by the State New Office on February 26 that at present, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has organized a special study on the expansion of the national carbon emission trading market, and carried out a special study on the allocation methods of carbon emission quotas, accounting reporting methods, accounting requirements guidelines, and the implementation path of the expansion of carbon emission quotas in key industries. The drafting of relevant technical documents has been basically completed. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that he was actively promoting the first expansion of China's carbon emissions trading market as soon as possible.

Recently, the State Council promulgated the Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading, which clarifies the working procedures for determining the coverage of the industry and key emission units. It is understood that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will take into account the stage and situation of China's economic and social development and the overall requirements of the state for controlling greenhouse gas emissions, comprehensively consider the carbon emissions of the industry, the basis of data quality, the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and the high-quality development of the industry, and give priority to the key industries with large carbon emissions, serious overcapacity, good synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and good data quality. The expansion work will grasp the rhythm and strength, scientifically and rationally determine the inclusion time of different industries, and promote the carbon emission trading market to cover key carbon emission industries in stages and steps, so as to build a more effective, more dynamic and more internationally influential carbon market.

According to reports, China's carbon emissions are mainly concentrated in power generation, steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical, chemical, paper, aviation and other key industries, eight industries account for about 75% of China's carbon dioxide emissions. At present, the national carbon emissions trading market has been incorporated into the power generation industry, with emissions of about 5.1 billion tons, accounting for more than 40% of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the country. Zhao Yingmin said that bringing high-emission industries into the national carbon emission trading market as soon as possible is conducive to giving full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of carbon emission resources, optimizing and minimizing the cost of carbon reduction in the whole society, and helping to achieve China's "double carbon" goal.

The cement industry is the third largest carbon emitter after power and steel. Reducing carbon emissions in the cement industry is of great significance to achieve the goal of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality". On March 28-29, China Cement Network will hold the "13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony" in Hangzhou. During the conference, awards will be given to the top 100 cement and supplier enterprises. At the same time, experts and scholars, China Railway and other construction units will be invited to discuss the new development trend of the cement industry in the future, and work together to create the future!

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.