Optimizing the property market policy is conducive to stabilizing confidence and expectations.

2024-02-25 13:21:50

Industry experts believe that the new deal is conducive to stabilizing the confidence and expectations of the Guangzhou property market, and it is expected that the Guangzhou commercial housing market will bottom out and stabilize in 2024. Li Yujia said that the adjustment of Guangzhou's real estate policy is conducive to further stabilizing the commercial housing market and realizing a gradual and smooth transition to a new real estate development model.

At present, China's real estate market is still in the adjustment cycle, and the downward pressure of housing prices in some cities is still large. Recently, many places have optimized the regulation and control policies of the real estate market, enhanced the market activity, and promoted the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

On January 27, Guangzhou issued the Notice on Policies and Measures for Further Optimizing the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in Guangzhou, optimizing and adjusting the purchase restriction policy, liberalizing the purchase restriction of more than 120 square meters, and supporting "rent one buy one" and "sell one buy one".

According to reports, the highlight of the new policy in Guangzhou lies in the precise implementation of policies from both ends of supply and demand to speed up the construction of a new housing supply system of "security + market". On the one hand, on the demand side, we should broaden the space for improving demand to enter the market; on the other hand, on the supply side, we should further improve the supply structure and policy system of public rental housing, affordable rental housing and distribution-type affordable housing.

The Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Administration Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Housing Administration recently jointly issued the Notice on Optimizing the Municipal Housing Purchase Restriction Policy, which stipulates that from January 31, non-Shanghai registered residents who have continuously paid social insurance or personal income tax in Shanghai for five years or more shall be registered in Shanghai. One set of housing can be purchased outside the outer ring of Shanghai (except Chongming District) to better meet the reasonable housing needs of residents.

Reporters learned that in terms of optimizing the property market policy, Shanghai has adopted a "small step and fast walk" fine-tuning model to continuously release rigid demand and improve sexual demand. Lu Wenxi, a real estate market analyst in Shanghai Central Plains, said that the policy optimization is conducive to promoting regional job-housing balance and integration of production and city. Since September last year,

Qingdao has timely introduced measures to liberalize the purchase and sale restrictions, recognize houses but not loans, reduce the down payment ratio and loan interest rates, actively carry out promotional activities such as the Four Seasons Housing Fair and the "Five Entries" group purchase, and comprehensively implement trading modes such as "transfer with mortgage" and "fresh sale", which have promoted the steady and healthy development of the local real estate market. Li Yujia, deputy director and chief researcher of Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center

to meet multiple needs

, believes that the new policy launched in Guangzhou is to meet the reasonable demand for improvement, promote the de-supply, and meet the needs of the working class, new citizens and talent groups through the regulation of both supply and demand. Multi-level supply matches multi-level demand. After the landing of the

new policy, the number of people looking at houses in urban areas such as Liwan District of Guangzhou has increased, and the turnover of some large apartments has increased. In

December last year, Shanghai announced the adjustment of ordinary housing standards and the optimization of differentiated housing credit policies. Over the past month, Shanghai has once again optimized the purchase policy from the city level. Yan Yuejin, research director of Shanghai E-House Real Estate Research Institute, said: "The new policy responds to the reasonable demands of the market, and the favorable policy covers a wide range of areas, which can release greater consumption potential."

Lu Wenxi said that although January is the off-season, second-hand housing transactions in Shanghai still maintain a certain rhythm. The optimization of the real estate market policy is based on supporting reasonable housing demand, implementing policies according to the city and accurately, which not only consolidates the early effect, but also further strengthens market confidence and expectations. Wang Gang, Director of Market Monitoring Department of

Qingdao Real Estate Development Center, believes that there is still much room for improvement in per capita housing area in Qingdao. Citizens are eager to live in bigger and better houses. With the more urgent demand of citizens for the improvement of living quality, living environment and living comfort, marketable high-quality residential products will become more and more advantageous.

Wang Gang said that housing demand in Qingdao remained stable in 2023, and there was no significant contraction. In addition, urban renewal projects such as urban village renovation and old residential area renovation can release a large amount of replacement demand and new improvement demand, and further accelerate the de-industrialization of stock real estate.

The market is expected to stabilize

, industry experts believe that the new deal is conducive to stabilizing the confidence and expectations of the Guangzhou property market, and it is expected that the Guangzhou commercial housing market will bottom out and stabilize in 2024. Li Yujia said that the adjustment of Guangzhou's real estate policy is conducive to further stabilizing the commercial housing market and realizing a gradual and smooth transition to a new real estate development model.

For the future trend of Shanghai property market, Lu Wenxi believes that the demand for non-registered home ownership is an important part of the market, and there is consumption potential to be tapped. Short-term market attention will be increased, superimposed with favorable policies in the early stage, Xiaoyangchun probability will appear. Once the transaction data has rebounded significantly, the enthusiasm for buying houses is expected to return further, laying the foundation for the steady and sound development of Shanghai property market in the first half of the year. Chen Jing, market director of

Qingdao Station, believes that the Qingdao property market is expected to go through a period of repair in 2024. In terms of turnover, polarization will be more obvious, new housing projects with good location, good products and good services will be concerned, and it will be more difficult to reduce the inventory of housing resources in the outer suburbs. Second-hand housing turnover is expected to increase slightly, the existing market situation, compared to new houses, some buyers will be more inclined to buy "WYSIWYG" second-hand housing. In terms of transaction price, after a period of market adjustment, the price of new houses has gradually stabilized, and the expectations of second-hand house owners are more rational.  

All can be viewed after purchase

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.