Liaoning: The province has reserved more than 18,000 projects, with a total investment of more than 10 trillion yuan

2024-02-23 10:51:11

Liaoning Province plans to achieve the target of 10% growth in fixed assets investment by strengthening project reserves, promoting projects under construction, ensuring the promotion of key projects and deepening cooperation between central and local governments. At the same time, we should stimulate the vitality of private investment and support private economy to participate in major project investment.

Project investment is the "lifeline" of development and the "main engine" of stimulating the economy. Last year, fixed asset investment in Liaoning Province increased by 4%, exceeding the national average for the first time in nearly a decade, creating the best results since the 13th Five-Year Plan, providing a strong support for the success of the first battle of the three-year campaign. This year, Liaoning Province has set a target of 10% growth in fixed asset investment. How to achieve this goal? How will Liaoning Province make efforts in investment projects this year? Recently, the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission was interviewed by reporters to introduce the situation.

Pay close attention to project reserves, tap new investment growth points

and project construction, focusing on planning and promotion. The person in charge said that this year, Liaoning Province will make good use of the reserve project bank, construction project bank and key project bank, implement the "three banks" linkage management, and make great efforts to plan high-quality projects that lay the foundation for reserve, benefit people's livelihood and benefit the long-term, so as to improve the quantity, quality and scale of projects in the province.

Actively expand reserve projects. Up to now, Liaoning Province has reserved more than 18 thousand projects, with a total investment of more than 10 trillion yuan. The next step will be to continue to increase the planning and reserve efforts, and strive to maintain the total investment of reserve projects at about three times the total investment of new projects planned for the next year. Accelerate construction projects. At present, there are more than 15000 projects under construction in the province, including 7758 renewal projects and 7881 new start-up projects. In the future, we will effectively accelerate the preliminary work, strengthen factor guarantee, strengthen dispatching services, and support the smooth realization of the annual investment target in an all-round and multi-dimensional way. Fully guarantee key projects. This year, Liaoning Province has identified 300 provincial key projects, with a total investment of over 1.4 trillion yuan and an annual planned investment of over 170 billion yuan. Next, we will concentrate on the elements of superior resources to ensure the timely progress of the project.

In addition, we should further tap new investment growth points and constantly enhance the growth momentum.

Focus on major strategic plans to build a number of high-quality projects. We will accelerate the layout of major productivity projects such as large aircraft, nuclear power equipment and electronic information, moderately advance the construction of modern infrastructure projects such as transportation, energy and water conservancy, vigorously develop modern marine pasture, sea passage and other marine economic projects, and actively promote modern agricultural projects such as high-standard farmland.

Focus on central funds to plan and build a number of projects to make up for shortcomings. Focusing on the support direction of various funds such as investment in the central budget and special bonds of local governments, we should carry out project planning and reserve in advance, speed up the pre-formalities, effectively improve the maturity of projects, organize timely project declaration, and strive to obtain more financial support.

At the same time, focus on the opportunity of the Winter Games and plan to build a number of ice and snow projects. Liaoning Province has successfully bid for the 15th National Winter Games in 2028. Relying on the projects of Shenyang Ice Base and Fushun Snow Base built by the Winter Games, it is expected to drive a large number of projects such as urban renewal, area development, ice and snow towns, ice and snow equipment, etc.

Deepening central-local cooperation and stimulating the vitality

of private investment Central enterprises are the new force to promote local economic development. For a long time, central enterprises have played a very important role in the economic and social development of Liaoning Province. "This year, Liaoning Province has included 182 alternative projects in the list of key projects of central-local cooperation, with a total investment of nearly 1.3 trillion yuan and an annual planned investment of more than 110 billion yuan, mainly in equipment manufacturing, fine chemicals, energy security and other fields." The person in charge introduced.

In order to make the central-local cooperation projects more realistic, Liaoning Province, based on the capabilities of the central enterprises and the needs of the local governments, has studied and formulated a map of key areas to fully match the superior industrial chains and supply chains of the central enterprises with the resource endowments of Liaoning Province. We will encourage and guide central enterprises to invest in key industries, increase the introduction of technology, capital and talents from central enterprises, and promote the expansion of major equipment and high-tech industries in Liaoning Province.

We will further intensify efforts to push forward at a high level. This year, Liaoning Province will continue to optimize and improve the list of key projects of central-local cooperation, and follow up and promote them by means of provincial leaders'fixed-point contacts and special class services. Actively carry out provincial and ministerial consultation and consultation with the headquarters of central enterprises, and strive for policy support from national ministries and group headquarters. We will vigorously carry out high-level symposiums on central-local cooperation and promote the signing of more central-local cooperation projects.

At the same time, the departments of natural resources, ecological environment, housing, urban and rural construction and financial institutions should continue to strengthen the guarantee of factors and get through the "last kilometer" of the project landing. We will intensify the promotion of dispatch, promote more than 70 planned new projects in key projects to start as soon as possible, and accelerate the construction of more than 90 renewal projects.

On the one hand, we should carry out in-depth cooperation between central and local governments, and on the other hand, we should continue to stimulate the vitality of private investment. Private investment is an important force to promote economic development, stabilize overall investment and expand social employment. The person in charge said that this year, Liaoning Province will continue to implement a series of measures to promote the development of private economy, make every effort to break down hidden barriers and unreasonable thresholds, and promote the increasing proportion of private investment.

We will support the participation of private capital in major investment projects, and encourage and guide private capital to increase investment in transportation, water conservancy, clean energy, new infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, modern facility agriculture and other industries. Actively broaden the financing channels for private investment, and use investment subsidies and loan discounts to support the construction of private investment projects. We should guide financial institutions to innovate financial products and services and reduce the cost of loan financing for private enterprises. At the same time, private capital should be attracted to participate in infrastructure projects through mixed ownership reform and franchising. Establish the account of revitalizing state-owned stock assets and introduce private investment to participate in the revitalization.

"Next step, we will continue to do a good job in project planning and implementation with high quality, focus on expanding effective investment, and make every effort to fight hard battles in the year of hard work." The person in charge said.

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In practice, on the contrary, it is often found by the supervision team of ecological environment protection that in some places, the "two high" projects are blindly launched and not strictly controlled, and the production capacity is increased in violation of regulations. What should have been seen by the "expert" in charge was seen by the "layman" in environmental protection. Aren't you ashamed?