Cement price rises by 20-30 yuan/ton? Does the price rise when it snows heavily in Shandong?

2024-02-22 11:48:30

The real recovery of Shandong cement market may not begin until the middle and late March, and the previous cement prices did not have the conditions to rise.

Recently, snowfall has been widespread in many places in Shandong.

Shandong Meteorological Bureau announced that from the night of February 18, Shandong experienced cold wave, rain, snow and strong wind cooling weather, and launched a four-level emergency response to the cold wave at 8 o'clock on February 19. The Shandong Meteorological Observatory also issued a yellow warning of cold wave and a forecast of rain and snow at 16:00 on the 18th.

It is reported that at 11 o'clock on February 21, 2024, there was obvious snow in most parts of Shandong Province, with a maximum snow depth of 11 centimeters. It can be seen that this round of snowfall has had a great impact on production and life.


Photo: Shandong Meteorological Service Center

On February 20, when many places in Shandong were covered with snow, the news came out that the price of cement had risen by 20-30 yuan/ton. The construction site is not suitable for construction

in snowy weather, so it is unreasonable to raise the price at this time. According to the verification of China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price increase news comes from a manufacturer in Laiwu, Jinan, which is not universal, and the implementation of the price increase is not optimistic. A person in charge of a cement enterprise in Jining,

Shandong Meteorological Service Center

, told China Cement Net that continuous heavy snowfall after the Spring Festival is very rare. Due to the recent rain and snow weather, the sales volume of the enterprise was zero from February 20 to 21. Affected by the weather, this year's Shandong cement market started much slower than in previous years.

In addition, the two sessions will be held in March, and some construction sites may be suspended. The real recovery of Shandong cement market may not begin until the middle and late March, and the previous cement prices did not have the conditions to rise.

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.