The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition)

2024-02-18 11:12:42

All regions should actively carry out energy efficiency diagnosis and implement energy efficiency census of products and equipment.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the National Energy Administration, issued the Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition) (No.127 of the Development and Reform Environmental Resources Regulation, hereinafter referred to as the "2024 Edition").

The 2024 edition points out that all regions should actively carry out energy efficiency diagnosis, implement energy efficiency survey of products and equipment, promote relevant enterprises to implement product and equipment renovation, encourage renovation to achieve energy efficiency and energy saving level, and strive to achieve advanced energy efficiency level.

Taking the energy efficiency level of products and equipment as an important technical basis for energy conservation review of fixed assets investment projects, the energy efficiency of major energy-using products and equipment must reach the energy-saving level for new construction, expansion projects and projects supported by financial funds such as investment from the central budget, giving priority to the use of products and equipment with advanced energy efficiency.

For industries with saturated production capacity, the energy efficiency of major energy-using products and equipment should reach the advanced level in principle.

The "2024 Edition" shall be implemented as of April 1, 2024, and the "Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2022 Edition)" (FGHZG [2022] No.1719) shall be abolished at the same time. If there are special provisions in the relevant product and equipment standards, such provisions shall prevail. All

provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, the Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the competent departments of industry and information technology, the Department of Finance (Bureau), the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (Commission, Management Committee, Bureau), the Market Supervision Bureau (Department, Commission), and the Energy Bureau:

We will conscientiously implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, vigorously promote advanced technologies for energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, accelerate the upgrading of energy-saving standards for products and equipment, support energy-saving transformation in key areas, help large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, and promote the completion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" binding targets for reducing energy consumption intensity. The Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition) is hereby issued, and the relevant matters are notified as follows.

1. Expanding the coverage

of key energy-using products and equipment According to the application scenarios and characteristics, energy-using products and equipment are mainly divided into six categories: industrial equipment, information and communication equipment, transportation equipment, commercial equipment, household appliances and lighting appliances. Considering the scale of application, energy consumption and the need of energy saving, emission reduction and carbon reduction, the coverage of key energy-using products and equipment will be expanded, and on the basis of 20 kinds of products and equipment, such as three-phase asynchronous motors, power transformers and room air conditioners, whose energy efficiency level has been clearly defined in 2022. Increase 23 kinds of products and equipment or facilities, such as industrial boilers, data centers, servers, charging piles, communication base stations and photovoltaic modules, to basically achieve full coverage of key energy-using products and equipment, and further support energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction in key areas.

2. Accelerating the improvement of energy-saving standards

for products and equipment The energy efficiency level of key energy-using products and equipment is divided into three levels: advanced level, energy-saving level and access level. Referring to the requirements of the current mandatory energy efficiency standards, combining with the revision of relevant standards and the technical status of similar products and equipment at home and abroad, the energy efficiency indicators are reasonably defined. The access level is the lowest energy efficiency threshold for related products and equipment to enter the market, and the value is consistent with the current mandatory energy efficiency standard limit value. Energy efficiency indicators do not set the level of energy efficiency access for products and equipment that refer to recommended national standards and group standards. The energy-saving level is not lower than the current energy efficiency level 2, which is more in line with the requirements of energy saving, emission reduction and carbon reduction than the energy efficiency access level. The advanced level is not lower than the current energy efficiency level 1, which is the advanced energy efficiency level that the current related products and equipment can achieve. According to the technological progress and development trend of the industry, the dynamic transformation of energy efficiency level is implemented. The advanced level of energy efficiency and energy-saving level of key energy-using products and equipment will be transformed into the energy-saving level and access level of the next stage respectively. Taking energy efficiency level as an important basis, we should speed up the research and formulation of carbon emission indicators for relevant products and equipment, comprehensively evaluate the level of energy saving, emission reduction and carbon reduction for products and equipment, and promote the gradual shift from energy consumption control to carbon emission control.

3. Promoting renovation and recycling

as a whole All regions should actively carry out energy efficiency diagnosis, carry out general survey of energy efficiency of products and equipment, promote relevant enterprises to carry out renovation of products and equipment, encourage them to reach the level of energy efficiency and energy saving after renovation, and strive to reach the advanced level of energy efficiency. Support data centers, communication base stations, large-scale public buildings, industrial parks, transportation infrastructure and other facilities to continuously increase the proportion of advanced energy efficiency products and equipment applications. Party and government organs, sports venues, schools, hospitals and other public institutions should give full play to the role of demonstration and actively implement the government's green procurement policy. Deeply carry out the action of enterprise recycling target responsibility system, strengthen the recycling of waste industrial equipment, household appliances and photovoltaic equipment, and realize the large-scale, standardized and clean recycling of waste products and equipment. Supporting relevant enterprises to increase R & D investment, focusing on breaking through key common technologies such as basic materials, key components, processing technology, intelligent control and digital energy saving of high-efficiency and low-carbon products, so as to enhance the competitive adv antage of green industry.

4. Vigorously advocate green and low-carbon consumption

and encourage retail enterprises, e-commerce platforms and joint production enterprises to guide consumers to give priority to the purchase of products and equipment with advanced energy efficiency by setting up product zones, highlighting proprietary logos, issuing green coupons, and carrying out self-declaration of carbon reduction of products and equipment. Conditional areas are encouraged to provide differentiated policy support for electronic products going to the countryside, charging pile construction and household appliances "replacing old ones with new ones" according to energy efficiency level, and to provide appropriate subsidies for products and equipment with energy efficiency and energy saving level or above. We will actively promote the formulation of international standards for energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction of products and equipment, strengthen international mutual recognition of energy efficiency standards and labels, and support trade facilitation of green products. We will strengthen international cooperation in the promotion of advanced energy-saving technologies and products, and promote green and low-carbon products and equipment to benefit the whole world.

5. Strengthen the application, implementation, supervision and inspection

, and regard the energy efficiency level of products and equipment as an important technical basis for energy-saving review of fixed assets investment projects. For new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects of enterprises and projects supported by financial funds such as investment from the central budget, the energy efficiency of major energy-using products and equipment must reach the energy-saving level. Give priority to the use of products and equipment with advanced energy efficiency. For industries with saturated production capacity, the energy efficiency of major energy-using products and equipment should reach the advanced level in principle. Departments in charge of energy conservation, industry and information technology at all levels should strengthen energy conservation supervision, urge enterprises to strengthen energy efficiency management of products and equipment, and eliminate old and backward energy-using products and equipment in accordance with the law and regulations. Market supervision departments at all levels should strengthen quality supervision, prohibit the production and sale of products and equipment whose energy efficiency is lower than the access level according to law and regulations, and severely crack down on false propaganda of energy efficiency level. Financial departments at all levels should strengthen the supervision of government procurement, and public institutions should strictly implement the List of Government Procurement Items for Energy-saving Products and do a good job in the procurement of energy-saving products.

6. Strengthen comprehensive policy support

, speed up the updating and upgrading of mandatory energy efficiency standards, fill in the gaps of mandatory energy efficiency standards in the fields of information and communication, transportation, new household appliances and renewable energy, and steadily improve the energy efficiency indicators of general products and equipment in the fields of industry and commerce. Speed up the formulation of energy efficiency standards for pumps, fans, air compressors and other systems. According to the principle of "high but not low", we should coordinate the mandatory energy efficiency standards with the advanced level of energy efficiency, energy-saving level and access level of key energy-using products and equipment. Encourage the formulation of local standards, industry standards and group standards that are stricter than national standards. Priority should be given to the inclusion of products and equipment with advanced energy efficiency and related production technologies in the Catalogue of Guidance for Green and Low Carbon Transition Industries, the Catalogue of Green Technology Promotion and the Catalogue of Guidance for Industrial Structure Adjustment. Improve the green product certification and labeling system, increase the supply of green products, and guide green consumption. We will improve government policies related to green procurement and study ways to increase government procurement support for products and equipment with energy efficiency reaching energy-saving levels. We will coordinate the use of financial and other policies, implement preferential tax policies related to environmental protection and energy conservation, and support enterprises to carry out energy-saving, emission reduction and carbon reduction transformation of products and equipment. Financial institutions are encouraged to provide medium- and long-term credit support for enterprises to develop and manufacture energy-efficient products and equipment, and to support eligible enterprises to issue bonds for financing.

The above provisions shall be implemented as of April 1, 2024, and the Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2022 Edition) (FGHZG [2022] No.1719) shall be abolished at the same time. If there are special provisions in the relevant product and equipment standards, such provisions shall prevail. All regions, relevant departments and industries should attach great importance to improving the energy efficiency level of products and equipment, refine the work requirements, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry, accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, and provide strong support for actively and steadily promoting carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

Attachment: Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (Version 2024)

National Development and Reform Commission

, Ministry of Industry and

Information Technology, Ministry of Finance,

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural

Development, General Administration of

Market Supervision, State Energy Bureau

January 29

, 2024
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