How Song Zhiping's "Effective Operator" Was Made

2024-09-18 10:24:22

From the writing order and ideological development of his eight business books, we can see that he began to think from the macro-level of enterprise management and management, gradually went deep into the specific details and methods of management, then established a management system, and landed on the improvement of the operator's personal accomplishment and ability, and finally developed his own. A set of systematic "Song Zhiping's management philosophy" has been constructed.

Song Zhiping, chairman of the

China Association of Listed Companies, is known as an "enterprise thinker" and a "management expert". His latest book, Effective Operators, has aroused a warm response in the business community. Everyone is eager to read it and has received a lot of praise. As soon as it was published, it quickly rushed to the top of the Jingdong Economic Management Book List. In fact, after careful study, all this is not accidental, but he has been focusing on the management of enterprises for many years, tireless practice, research and writing, which can be said to be a sword sharpened for ten years. Song Zhiping has published 25 books since he wrote his book in 2011. Among them, he has successively written 8 books on business, namely, "Business Strategy", "Business Experience", "Business Winning", "30 Business Rules", "Steady Business" and "Effective Operators". Among them, "Business Strategy" has three editions, and the latter editions are upgraded versions of the previous edition. Eight of the 25 books are about business, and the proportion of business is evident. From 2013's "Business Strategy" to 2024's "Effective Operators", Song Zhiping has been thinking deeply about business management for more than ten years. Song Zhiping's business theory is not only based on practice, but also accumulated over the years. From the writing order and ideological development of his eight business books, we can see that he began to think from the macro-level of enterprise management and management, gradually went deep into the specific details and methods of management, then established a management system, and landed on the improvement of the operator's personal accomplishment and ability, and finally developed his own. A set of systematic "Song Zhiping's management philosophy" has been constructed. Business logic


by business practice Song Zhiping's "Business Strategy" is very popular, is a reprint, the first publication is in 2013, the second is in 2016, the third is in 2019, the rule is probably every three years will join his new thinking in recent years. Some scholars have commented that Business Strategy is a classic work with the most epic characteristics and a treasure of enterprise thought. The last edition has 290 small articles, covering all aspects of business management, very broad, a bit like a business management notes, an exercise book to solve business problems. The small articles in it are extracted from Song Zhiping's speeches in the company, in the school and in the media, which are 380000 words selected from tens of millions of words. The greatest feature of this book is its original flavor and authenticity, which faithfully records Song Zhiping's thoughts and thoughts on the management of time, space, industry and enterprises since he served as the director of Beixin Building Material Enterprise from 1993 to 2019, the chairman of the board of directors, the "double chairman" of China Building Material Group and China Pharmaceutical Group. He recorded the brilliant course of leading China Building Materials Group and China National Pharmaceutical Group into the world's top 500 and becoming the world's leading world-class enterprises.

In the previous two editions, Song Zhiping integrated the big operation and big management of the enterprise. At this time, his mind was an overall framework, under which six main sections were subdivided, namely, strategy and objectives, reform and mechanism, integration and innovation, operation and management, team and organization, culture and vision. He referred to these six sectors as the big management of enterprises. In fact, this is the big management that our Chinese enterprises often talk about. It can be seen that Song Zhiping has begun to show his preference for management at this time. Before the publication of the third edition, he published a book "Business Experience", from strategy to experience, his perspective has shifted from macro to focus on business. "Business Experience" was published in 2018, which was compiled by Song Zhiping after teaching the course of the same name to Guanghua students at Peking University. This book is mainly based on the management level, which deeply analyses the management concepts such as what is missing, what to find, from competition to competition and cooperation, central enterprises and municipalities, and the establishment of a shared platform. It is a textbook work of a typical business school. It contains the basic logic of Song Zhiping's management, 80 vivid typical cases and more than 110 business experiences, all of which are Song Zhiping's experience and lessons in management. Everyone commented that this book is a practical business guide.

Song Zhiping said in the book that business management is not a matter of luck, he did not have three heads and six arms, foresight, the reason for doing something is because according to the internal logic of the development of things, the result of all the way. Song Zhiping's shift from macro to focus on business must also conform to the logic of the growth of enterprises in the stage of high-quality development.

"Winning Business" was published in 2021. It was an open course taught by Song Zhiping to the students of Tsinghua Wudaokou Finance College from 2017 to 2019. At that time, the topic was "From Management to Business", which contained the essence of Song Zhiping's 40 years of business practice and extracted ten business rules. This book is a book with a turning point and a key node in the transition from "management" to "operation". In the book, for the first time, Song Zhiping clearly conveyed a business idea to everyone, that is, to separate operation from management. Management is the basic skill of an enterprise, while operation is the special skill of an enterprise. Enterprise leaders should change from managers to operators. The task of operators is to make profits and win in the market competition. In this book, Song Zhiping began to put forward the concept that business leaders should "be effective operators". Song Zhiping focuses on how enterprises can achieve the success of sustainable operation through market competition, innovation and resource integration. This is a strategic operation from management to external operation, especially to cope with market challenges and competitive pressures. The operation of enterprises is no longer limited to the internal, but to focus on changes in the external market and response, this book is a book about how to win in the market.

"Management 30" was published in 2023, and people commented that this pocket book is not only Song Zhiping's world outlook, but also epistemology. This book reflects that Song Zhiping has sublimated from experience summary to specific business rules, and his business ideas have returned to the big system model. Interestingly, this book, like Business Strategy, returns to the six major sections of subdivision, including strategy, innovation, operation, management, reform and culture, totaling 120 sections, which are analyzed by Song Zhiping for readers in the face of many uncertainties. It provides new ideas, new methods and new cases on how to change from focusing only on management to focusing on management and effectively improving management ability, and tells the common sense of doing business. "Management 30" is Song Zhiping's book to Chinese entrepreneurs, especially young entrepreneurs, about business management ideas and common sense, and also a book to guide entrepreneurs to improve their business ability.

"Steady Management" was published in the first half of this year, mainly including some articles and speeches about Song Zhiping's business thinking in the past few years. In that difficult situation, for enterprises, how should we do business? Song Zhiping suggested that we should make steady progress in order to promote stability. His "three-state" concept has inspired many entrepreneurs, one is to stabilize their mentality, the other is to be in the state, and the third is to build ecology.

Effective management touches on the essence

of the operator, Song Zhiping's enterprise thought on management is constantly spiraling up, from controlling the macro-whole of the enterprise to focusing on management, from deep research and management to refining methods, stressing rules, and returning to the system, reorganizing the various levels of work involved in management. Song Zhiping always has his own way of doing things. After rebuilding the management system, they also pay attention to the growth of the core figures in the management system, which falls on a more subtle level. What should the leaders of enterprises focus on, what abilities should they possess, and how to become a master of management are the questions that Song Zhiping is constantly thinking about after studying management.

In July 2019, Song Zhiping proposed at a meeting of leaders of large enterprises that business leaders should attach importance not only to management and operation, but also to being an effective operator, and then gave many lectures on "Being an Effective Operator" in some business schools, which lasted for five years, with the encouragement of business school teachers. Song Zhiping spent another year and five months writing the book "Effective Operators" for everyone.

This book is a major theoretical innovation of Song Zhiping. For the first time, Song Zhiping explained why to be an effective operator from the background and root, and described the image of an effective operator in detail. He believes that management is to do the right thing and management is to do the right thing. Business is to look outward, to open up new sources, to make more money, and to draw "three buckets of water" from the market. Management is to look inward, to reduce expenditure, to spend less money, and to wring out "three drops of water" from dry towels. He analyzed that the 20th century is the era of production management, enterprises mainly rely on management to improve efficiency, and today is the era of management, enterprises mainly rely on management to improve efficiency. He believes that in the 20th century, the problems of most enterprises lie in poor management, while in the 21st century, the problems of most enterprises lie in poor management. Therefore, the current enterprises can not make up for the lack of operation with excessive management, and can not replace the slack operation with the diligence of management. Faced with many uncertainties and vulnerabilities, the most important task of enterprise leaders is to make the right choice, to focus on the management work, and to transfer the management work to the subordinates, to shift from management to operation, which does not mean that management is not important, but that operation is more important. Based on his 40 years of practical experience in enterprises and his observation and reflection on more than 300 enterprises in recent years, he clearly put forward the concept and logic of effective operators, and summarized five tasks, 10 abilities and 16 common sense of effective operators. Song Zhiping's book has important practical guiding significance for entrepreneurs, managers and entrepreneurs in the period of economic transformation in China.

Song Zhiping's eight books fully reflect his progressive thinking from enterprise management to market management. At first, he looked at the problems of enterprises from the macro level, then separated management from operation, and through the strategic thinking of operators, he showed how enterprises can win in the fully competitive market, and then he summarized the rules, rebuilt the framework of the management system, and paid attention to improving the quality of individual operators. Finally, I put forward my own management theory. His ideological system shows the comprehensive transformation from the large management system of Chinese enterprises to the management system, and finally realizes the integration and sublimation of management and operation.

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