The total investment is about 12 trillion yuan! Henan Phase 11 "Three in One Batch" Promotes 15702 Projects

2024-01-28 16:21:02

Eleven "three batches" activities have promoted the 15702 of projects, with a total investment of about 12 trillion yuan.

On January 28, the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress of Henan Province opened, and the report on the implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan of Henan Province in 2023 and the draft National Economic and Social Development Plan of Henan Province in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the report) was submitted for review. The reporter of Dahe

Finance Cube noted that the report released the latest situation of the "three batches" project construction activities. Eleven "three batches" activities have promoted the 15702 of projects, with a total investment of about 12 trillion yuan. Among them, 4819 projects were signed, with a total investment of about 4.1 trillion yuan, 7525 projects were started, with a total investment of about 6.3 trillion yuan, and 3358 projects were put into operation, with a total investment of about 1.7 trillion yuan.

It is noteworthy that among these projects, the number of advanced manufacturing projects and total investment accounted for 50.1% and 43.7% respectively.

The report shows that in 2023, Henan insisted on the change of project structure to lead the change of industrial energy level and development momentum, rolled out the construction activities of "three batches of projects", and carried out in-depth key projects to tackle key problems. The investment of projects with 100 million yuan or more and 1 billion yuan or more in the province increased by 11.2% and 24.9% respectively compared with the same period last year. Industrial investment and technological transformation investment increased by 8.9% and 17.4% respectively.

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