Zunyi Conch Cement, a State-Level "Green Factory", Produced 490,000 Tons of Clinker from January to April This Year

2024-05-22 11:00:47

In 2023, Conch Cement produced 2.2 million tons of cement clinker and 2.1 million tons of cement. From January to April this year, enterprises produced 490000 tons of cement clinker and 530000 tons of cement.

Zunyi Conch Panjiang Cement Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Zunyi Conch") is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in the production of cement building materials and photovoltaic panels. In recent years, the enterprise has made great achievements in water saving, electricity saving, dust reduction and pollution removal through effective measures such as waste heat power generation, water circulation, dust removal transformation and garbage filtrate treatment. By optimizing the production and living environment of the factory, a "garden-style" cement factory will be built. In 2022, the solid pace of green development made Zunyi Conch a national "green factory" awarded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Zunyi Conch Panjiang Cement Co. Ltd. At noon

on May 14, walking into Zunyi Conch Company located in Huichuan District of Zunyi City, Lin Jinhua, deputy director of the company's equipment preservation department, and his colleagues ate and chatted beside the artificial lake in the factory area after lunch. The lake water in

front of us is the water used by employees for living and cement production. Not only can we not smell the odor near the lake, but the dense vegetation near the lake attracts the fragrance of flowers and plants.

Conch cement "one pool for three purposes".

"This is not only a landscape lake in the factory area, but also a rainwater collection pool, as well as a water transfer pool for production, which can be described as" one pool for three purposes "." Lin Jinhua introduced that as a large-scale cement production enterprise with an annual output of 3.6 million tons of cement clinker and 4.4 million tons of cement, intensive water conservation has always been the "vane" of green production.

Water is an important factor in cement production. According to the relevant indicators of cement production in Guizhou Province, about 0.6 tons of water are needed to produce 1 ton of cement.

In order to save water for production and living, Conch Cement built an artificial lake at the beginning of its production in 2012, and constructed a water circulation system in the plant area. The reclaimed water in the cement production process can be returned to the production workshop through pipelines to wash and cool the equipment after standing in the artificial lake, thus saving water consumption. The smooth circulation of

water body has brought good ecology to the plant area. "There are not only roses, roses and other vegetation planted on the shore of the artificial lake, but also pepper, cabbage and other crops planted by the staff. There are hares in the bushes along the coast from time to time. There are more than 2000 fish in the lake. If you come two months earlier, you can even see hundreds of carp spawning on the shore of the artificial lake." Lin Jinhua joked.

Domestic sewage treatment equipment.

At present, Zunyi Conch has built five sets of sewage treatment equipment in the plant area, with a domestic sewage treatment capacity of 13.5 cubic meters per hour. By building a water circulation system, the utilization rate of production water exceeds 90%, and the average water consumption per ton of cement production is only 0.17 cubic meters . It is 0.6 cubic meters better than the standard value of Guizhou Province.

In addition to water circulation, Zunyi Conch continues to explore "black technology" on the road of saving electricity. The calcination process of

cement production will produce a high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, which will drop to about 350 degrees Celsius at the kiln tail, during which a large amount of waste heat can be used. For this purpose

, Conch Cement is equipped with a 1 × 18 MW waste heat power generation system, which uses the waste heat of waste gas in the production process of cement clinker for heat exchange to generate water vapor to drive the motor to generate electricity. The power generation capacity of each ton of clinker can reach more than 40 degrees, which can solve 77% of the electricity consumption of cement clinker production. It saves about 150 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and 80 million yuan of electricity every year.

Zunyi Conch Waste Heat Power Generation Plant.

"Not only that, we also use the waste heat of kiln tail to provide heating for office buildings, canteens and dormitories, to provide more comfortable living environment for employees, but also to reduce the electricity consumption of air conditioning, greatly reduce the energy consumption in production and life, and continuously realize the efficient recycling of waste heat of waste gas." Standing in front of the VG boiler room in the factory area, Lin Jinhua introduced.

Conch Cement has opened up a new track in the field of energy saving and carbon reduction. In 2020, Zunyi Conch was awarded the title of "leader" of energy efficiency in the only key industry of cement industry in Guizhou Province by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In recent years, it has won more than ten national and provincial honorary titles related to energy saving and carbon reduction, such as "green mine" and "green factory" at the national level, the third batch of "100 demonstration enterprises of energy saving and emission reduction in building materials industry" in China, and the demonstration units of energy saving in Guizhou Province.

Unlike ordinary cement enterprises, walking in Zunyi conch production plant, not only can not smell smoke and dust, can not see coal ash, walking all the way is full of dense vegetation with red flowers and green willows.

Atmospheric dedusting system.

Fresh air and beautiful environment come from the enterprise's "painful" determination to transform the atmosphere!

"Cement production will be accompanied by a large number of harmful gases such as dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which will affect the atmospheric environment and the physical and mental health of employees.". To this end, we have invested more than 140 million yuan in atmospheric transformation since 2018. Lin Jinhua said.

In 2018, Conch Cement invested 40 million yuan to change the electric dust collection process of cement production tail gas into bag dust collection. After the transformation, the gas concentration in the plant area is 10 mg/m ³, which is far better than the national standard of 50 mg/m ³.

The following year, Conch Cement spent 30 million yuan to improve the desulfurization and dust removal process, and control the sulfur dioxide content within 100mg/m ³ through wet desulfurization , which is better than the national standard of 200mg/m ³.

In 2022, Conch Cement invested more than 70 million yuan to build SCR flue gas denitrification equipment to control the content of nitrogen oxides within 100mg/m ³.

Strict emission standards and low-carbon production energy consumption enable conch cement to be produced orderly and efficiently. In 2023, Conch Cement produced 2.2 million tons of cement clinker and 2.1 million tons of cement. From January to April this year, enterprises produced 490000 tons of cement clinker and 530000 tons of cement.

"Next step, we will focus on the goal of energy saving, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, make good use of ecological tricks such as" water cycle "," heat generation "and" clean atmosphere ", continuously tap new quality productivity, and play a leading role in the construction of a green low-carbon cycle development economic system in the building materials industry of the whole province, as well as in the construction of Guizhou's national ecological civilization pioneer area." Yang Jin, general manager of Zunyi Conch Company said.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.