Zhou Yuxian, Chairman of China National Building Material Group, Selected as China's Economic News Person

2024-01-29 15:00:22

Zhou Yuxian, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Building Materials Group, was elected as "China Economic News Person".

On January 24, the "China Economic News Person (2023-2024)-Entrepreneur Night" sponsored by China Economic Media Association and co-sponsored by Sina Finance and Economics and First Finance and Economics was held in Beijing. Zhou Yuxian, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Building Materials Group, was elected as "China Economic News Person". Liu Xiaofeng, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, and Zhang Yihao, Vice Director of the Information Center of SASASAC of the State Council, attended the ceremony and presented the award to Zhou Yuxian. With the theme of "paying tribute to the driving force of the times",

the selection started from the five dimensions of "innovation, subversion, foresight, growth and sustainability", including media and expert recommendation of candidates, online voting, expert review and other links. It is committed to finding leading entrepreneurs who lead the beauty of business, industrial innovation and the tide of the times in this era of transformation. In his acceptance speech,

Zhou Yuxian said that the award was an affirmation and encouragement to the group's scientific and technological innovation, efforts at both ends, vigorous development of new materials, and efforts to create new quality productivity in recent years. In 2023, China's new building materials will break through the 100 billion yuan revenue barrier, strive to break through the "neck" technology, practice the political responsibility, economic responsibility, social responsibility and national responsibility of the central building materials enterprises, and have stronger resilience, more stable strength and more confidence in high-quality development. This honor belongs to all the cadres and staff of the Group, who work hard and forge ahead to create Chinese materials and help build a strong material country.

Zhou Yuxian said that looking forward to the future, although making new materials is a hard undertaking, new materials are the paving stones of the new era, and innovation is an important connotation of the survival and development of enterprises and entrepreneurship. As a state-owned capital investment company focusing on the material industry, CNBM will gather all kinds of social resources with a more open and inclusive attitude in the new year, give full play to the first driving force of innovation, continue to work hard at both ends, strive to build new quality productivity, strive to build "national materials", let more new materials fly into ordinary people's homes, and make new and greater contributions to building a strong material country.

Presenter Liu Xiaofeng said: "Thanks to every Chinese building materials person, you contribute to the development of the country, create wealth for the progress of society, and escort the people to a better life, thank you!" Zhang Yihao, the guest of

honor, expressed his congratulations. He said that scientific and technological innovation is the first productive force, and China's building materials have set an example in the field of innovation. Two crystals were displayed at the

event site, one of which was a natural crystal. Zhou Yuxian said that natural crystals are selected from the national treasury as "crystal seeds" for high-quality artificial crystals. After generations of high-tech evolution, crystal has now entered the fields of aerospace, mobile communications and so on. 2023 is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Artificial Crystal Institute affiliated to the Group. The cultivation and development of generations of artificial crystals in the past 60 years is a microcosm of the development of China's building materials industry. Generations of Chinese building materials people will continue to struggle and strive to fulfill the corporate mission of "materials create a better world".

Delivering the driving force

of the times, "China Economic News Person Selection" is an important part of the national appraisal and recognition reserved project "China Economic News Competition and Economic News Person Selection", which is an important appraisal and recognition activity with national influence by the media, institutions and experts. More than 100 entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life, including Zhou Yuxian, attended the event, focusing on promoting entrepreneurship, working together to overcome difficulties and promote China's economic recovery.

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