Building materials industry benchmark! Huaxin's energy saving and carbon reduction technology has reached the international advanced level

2024-05-17 09:51:48

Huaxin Building Materials has set an industry benchmark in energy saving and carbon reduction technology, and its technical level has reached international advanced standards, making an important contribution to green building and sustainable development.

On May 16, the "On-site Experience Exchange Meeting of Alternative Fuel Benchmarking Project of Chongqing Huaxin Diwei Cement Co., Ltd., a Pilot Enterprise of Carbon Peak in Building Materials Industry" sponsored by China Building Materials Federation and sponsored by Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. was held in Chongqing. The conference conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the theme of "Sharing and Exchange of Large Proportion of Alternative Fuel Technologies for Cement Kilns and Conspiring Green and Low Carbon Development of the Industry".

Making full use of the characteristics of cement kiln production process and implementing large-scale fuel substitution technology is an effective way to realize the adjustment of fuel structure in cement industry and promote carbon emission reduction in building materials industry. In August 2022, Huaxin Diwei Company was listed by China Building Materials Federation as a "pilot enterprise of carbon peak in building materials industry", undertaking the research and development, application and verification of alternative fuel technology. After more than one year's efforts, Huaxin has successfully designed and developed a complete set of equipment technology and process for the storage, pretreatment and feeding system of alternative fuels, made a breakthrough in the field of large-scale alternative fuels technology for cement kilns, realized the continuous, stable and large-scale application of alternative fuels, stabilized the fuel substitution rate at more than 60%, and the comprehensive energy consumption of cement clinker is less than 50 kg standard coal/ton.

Huaxin Diwei Building Materials Industry Carbon Emission Anatomy "Sparrow" Project has passed the acceptance of experts organized by China Building Materials Federation. Huaxin's large-scale fuel substitution technology has reached the leading domestic and international advanced level, which provides an important technical path for the transformation and upgrading of energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies in China's existing cement clinker production lines and the promotion of the transformation of the energy structure of the industry, and has the value of comprehensive promotion. At the

experience exchange meeting, Yan Xiaofeng, president of China Building Materials Federation, fully affirmed the achievements of Huaxin, emphasizing that we should fully summarize and learn from the successful experience, further promote energy saving and carbon reduction in the building materials industry, vigorously promote advanced and applicable technologies, continuously develop new quality productivity, and promote the green and low-carbon development of the building materials industry. Xing Tao, deputy director of the Raw Materials Department of

the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the Huaxin Diwei project has made great breakthroughs in technology and deserves vigorous promotion and learning in the industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with relevant ministries and local governments to strengthen communication and policy guidance and work together to support the green transformation and upgrading of the building materials industry. Zhong Xi, deputy director of

Chongqing Economic and Credit Commission, introduced the development status and industrial planning of Chongqing's building materials industry, and said that he would provide excellent services for Huaxin and other enterprises to promote the high-quality development of Chongqing's building materials industry. Li Yeqing, president

of Huaxin, pointed out that the practice of Diwei Company has fully proved that the cement clinker production line is not the larger the scale, the more advanced it is. Through the development and application of advanced and applicable technology, the kiln line with a daily output of 2500 tons can also achieve the leading level. Huaxin will continue to take scientific and technological innovation as the starting point, take green and low-carbon as the orientation, accelerate the transformation of greening, intellectualization and internationalization, devote itself to creating new productivity in the cement industry, and contribute Huaxin's strength to the realization of green and low-carbon goals.

At the meeting, Feng Shuai, deputy director of the Industry Department of China Building Materials Federation, reported on the progress of energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation and related work suggestions in the building materials industry. Yang Hongbing, Vice President of Huaxin, made a special report on the research and application of large-scale alternative fuel technology for cement clinker production. Gao Min, a professor-level senior engineer of Chengdu Building Material Industry Design and Research Institute, introduced the project from an expert's point of view. In the process of experience sharing and exchange, the experts at the meeting exchanged views on the main achievements and technological breakthroughs of Diwei's energy-saving and carbon reduction work. The meeting was chaired by Sun Xingshou, chief economist of China Building Materials Federation, and summarized by Chen Guoqing, executive vice president of China Building Materials Federation. Before the

symposium, the participants visited Diwei Company and took photos

with the leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chongqing Economic and Credit Commission, Jiangjin District Government and District Economic and Credit Commission. More than 60 persons in charge, experts and media reporters from China Building Materials Federation, Chongqing Building Materials Industry Development Promotion Association, scientific research institutes and institutions, key enterprises in building materials industry and carbon peak pilot enterprises attended the meeting. Before the symposium, the participants also visited Diwei Company for investigation.

As a pioneer of energy-saving and low-carbon industry, Huaxin not only took the lead in publishing a white paper on low-carbon development in the industry, but also in key areas such as alternative fuels, alternative raw materials, improving clinker utilization, fuel efficiency, low-carbon clinker development, energy utilization efficiency, green mine construction, new energy development and utilization, carbon capture, utilization and storage. It has continuously strengthened technical research and achieved remarkable results. By 2023, 33 of the 52 kiln lines in Huaxin have reached the benchmark level of energy efficiency. What is

the current status of alternative fuel use in the cement industry? What is the impact of alternative fuels on cement production? China Cement Network will hold the "11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference-Equipment Renewal Forum" in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on June 13-14. At the meeting, we will introduce the current situation of the use of alternative fuels in the cement industry and focus on the analysis of the impact on cement production. At the same time, we will visit Jurong TCC after the meeting to learn about the use of alternative fuels in Jurong TCC. Please look forward to it!

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.