Zhou Yuxian: Make Great Efforts at Both Ends to Build the Great Talent of the Country

2024-01-21 21:04:13

Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Basic Building Materials in New Industries

Recently, CCTV Finance and Economics launched a special report on "New Year's Visit to Famous Enterprises". The seventh program went into China Building Materials Group to interview Zhou Yuxian, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Building Materials Group, to tell the story of making great efforts at both ends to build a country.

Materials are the basis for innovation in new technologies, new equipment, new projects and other aspects. With the breakthrough and industrialization of a number of original technologies, the material industry has ushered in a new pattern. How can new materials "fly into ordinary people's homes" and how can basic building materials move towards intellectualization? Force

at both ends! Accelerating the layout of

new industries & nbsp; & nbsp; Transformation and upgrading

of basic building materials China's building materials industry has formed seven businesses with the largest scale in the world, including cement, commercial concrete, gypsum board, glass fiber, wind turbine blades, cement engineering and glass engineering. In 2023, the revenue of the new material sector exceeded 100 billion yuan, accounting for more than 50% of the profits. China Building Materials proposes to build a modern industrial system in the field of building materials around the "two ends". To inject energy


industrial development and bring "increment"

to state-owned capital, China Building Materials will be formally transformed into a state-owned capital investment company in 2022 due to its outstanding capital operation ability. The R & D and manufacturing of new materials are not only difficult to break through from 0 to 1, but also difficult to transform the results. China Building Materials initiated the establishment of a new material fund to highlight the market-oriented orientation and help scientific and technological achievements out of the "Valley of Death".

At present, China Building Materials has set up 196 institutions in more than 70 countries around the world, with an overseas capital of 40 billion yuan. In 2023, China Building Materials proposed that "it will take about 10 years to rebuild a Chinese building material overseas", and will actively participate in the formulation of international standards to realize the transformation from "technology leading" to "standard leading".

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