Relevant persons in charge of the Department of Atmospheric Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment answered reporters'questions on "Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emissions in Cement Industry"

2024-01-20 13:41:41

By the end of 2025, 50% of the cement clinker production capacity in key areas will be transformed.

< IMG SRC = "The responsible person of the Department of Atmospheric Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the discussed the background, general ideas and main contents of the Opinions." He answered the reporter's questions.

Ask: Please introduce the background and general idea of the publication of the Opinions.

Answer: China is the world's largest producer of cement and coke. In 2022, China will produce 2.13 billion tons of cement and 4 tons of coke. Both industries are key industries for air pollution prevention and control, which have a greater impact on air quality. The main air pollutant emissions of the cement industry are second only to those of the power and steel industries; The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in coking industry ranks second in all industries, and the exhaust gas contains a large number of toxic and harmful substances such as benzene and benzopyrene, which are harmful to human health.

In 2021, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deeply Fighting the Strong Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control clearly called for the promotion of ultra-low emission transformation of cement and coking enterprises. Our Ministry guided Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi and other key regional provinces to take the lead in carrying out ultra-low emission transformation of cement and coking industries, and made positive progress, laying a solid foundation for the promotion of this work nationwide. In November 2023, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality, taking the transformation of ultra-low emissions in key industries as a powerful measure to effectively reduce pollution emissions and continuously improve air quality in the whole society. In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and guide all localities to promote ultra-low emissions in cement and coking industries with high quality, our Ministry, on the basis of previous work, conducted in-depth research and extensively listened to the opinions of all parties, and issued the Opinions in conjunction with relevant departments. Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era,

the Opinion thoroughly implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively implements Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization and the spirit of the National Conference on Eco-environmental Protection. We should adhere to the general tone of steady and progressive work, adhere to precise, scientific and legal pollution control, adopt comprehensive policies of taxation, price, finance and environmental protection, take various measures to promote the implementation of ultra-low emissions in cement and coking industries, upgrade the level of air pollution control in the whole process of the industry, and promote the transformation and upgrading of green and low-carbon industries. To provide strong support for the battle of pollution prevention and control.

Ask: Please briefly introduce the objectives, indicators and key tasks of the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission in Cement Industry? Ccement. Com/Price _ list -1-s0-e0-p0-c0-k100059-b0.

The main indicators are that, in terms of organized emission indicators, under the condition of 10% reference oxygen content, the cement kiln and the waste heat utilization system at the kiln end. The hourly average emission concentration of exhaust particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides shall not be higher than 10mg/m ³, 35mg/m ³ and 50mg/m ³ respectively. In terms of unorganized emission control measures, material storage, material transportation, production process and other unorganized emission sources, on the premise of ensuring safe production, adopt effective control facilities such as sealing and sealing, so as to ensure that there is no visible smoke and dust escaping from dust-producing points and production facilities, and that the plant area is clean and dust-free. In terms of clean transportation, the proportion of raw materials and fuels transported in and out of enterprises by clean methods shall not be less than 80%; for enterprises that fail to meet the requirements, all vehicles for automobile transportation shall be new energy or vehicles meeting the sixth national emission standard; for enterprises in key areas whose proportion of clean transportation is less than 80%, new energy vehicles shall be used instead. Clean transportation is preferred for product transportation, and new energy or national six emission standard vehicles are used for all automobile transportation. Four key tasks are

put forward. One is to optimize and adjust the industrial structure. The Company will strictly implement the capacity replacement policy, and strictly prohibit new production capacity in key areas; promote the construction of new renovation and expansion projects according to the ultra-low emission level; eliminate backward production capacity in accordance with the law and regulations, and enterprises or facilities listed in the elimination and withdrawal plan will no longer be required to implement ultra-low emission transformation. The second is to promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions of existing enterprises in an orderly manner. Strengthen source control and adopt mature and stable pollution control technology. The three is to promote coordinated pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the cement industry. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out pollution reduction, carbon reduction and cleaner production transformation as a whole in the transformation of ultra-low emissions. Fourth, strengthen the fine environmental management of the whole process. We will comprehensively strengthen the construction of automatic monitoring, process monitoring and video monitoring facilities for pollutant emissions, strengthen enterprise operation management, strengthen transportation management and improve management systems.

Ask: Please briefly introduce the objectives, indicators and key tasks of the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission in Coking Industry?

The main indicators are that in terms of organized emission indicators, the hourly average emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane total hydrocarbons and ammonia in coke oven chimney exhaust gas are not higher than 10 mg/m ³, 30 mg/m ³, 150 mg/m ³, 100 mg/m ³ and 8 mg/m ³ respectively under the condition of 8% reference oxygen content. In terms of unorganized emission control measures, material storage, material transportation, production process, open liquid level and other unorganized emission sources, on the premise of ensuring safe production, effective control facilities such as sealing and sealing are adopted to ensure that there is no visible smoke and dust escaping from dust producing points and production facilities, and that the plant area is clean and clean without dust accumulation and obvious odor. In terms of clean transportation, the proportion of clean transportation shall not be less than 80%; for those enterprises that fail to meet the requirements, all vehicles with new energy or the sixth national emission standard shall be used for automobile transportation. If the proportion of clean transportation in key regional enterprises is less than 80%, new energy vehicles should be used instead. Four key tasks are

put forward. One is to optimize and adjust the industrial structure. New coking capacity is strictly prohibited in key areas, new reconstruction and expansion projects are promoted according to ultra-low emission level, and steel and coke integration, merger and reorganization are promoted. Relevant departments in Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other provinces (autonomous regions) have formulated plans for the transformation and upgrading of semi-coke (semi-coke) enterprises. The second is to promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions of existing enterprises in an orderly manner. Select mature and applicable environmental protection technology according to factory conditions, strengthen source control, promote the whole process of VOCs treatment, and strengthen the transformation of clean transportation links. The three is to coordinate the promotion of coking industry to reduce pollution and carbon. We will guide the coking industry chain to extend to high value-added fine chemical products, and promote the substitution of clean energy and the application of existing mature pollution reduction and carbon reduction technologies. Fourth, strengthen the fine environmental management in the whole process. Highlighting the transformation from end treatment to source treatment and fine management, strengthening the monitoring and control of pollutant discharge, strengthening enterprise operation management, strengthening transportation management and improving management system.

Ask: What are the policies and measures for the implementation of the Opinions?

First, increase economic policy support. Enterprises that implement ultra-low emission transformation shall be supported by taxation, credit and financing in accordance with relevant regulations. Through the national carbon emission trading market, positive incentives will be formed for enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by carrying out pollution reduction and carbon reduction transformation as a whole during the transformation of ultra-low emissions.

The second is to implement differentiated environmental protection management policies. For cement and coking enterprises that have completed ultra-low emission transformation and publicized, A-level performance rating can be carried out and relevant preferential policies for A-level enterprises can be enjoyed. We will promote the establishment of a unified tiered electricity price system for energy-intensive industries, and encourage conditional regions to formulate credit and financial policies based on pollutant emissions, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Third, strengthen technical support. To study and formulate technical guidance documents related to ultra-low emission transformation. Support enterprises to cooperate with universities, scientific research institutions and environmental protection engineering technology companies to innovate energy-saving and emission reduction technologies. Build an exchange platform for ultra-low emission transformation to promote the popularization and application of mature and advanced technologies.

Ask: What results are expected to be achieved after the implementation of the Opinions? In terms of

environmental benefits, it is expected that the emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter in the cement industry and VOCs and nitrogen oxides in the coking industry will be significantly reduced, which will effectively promote the fine particulate matter (PM2. By actively encouraging enterprises to adopt more source prevention and control measures such as raw material substitution, fuel substitution, gas recovery, energy saving, pollution reduction and carbon reduction transformation, and clean transportation transformation, we can promote the reduction of carbon emissions in the two industries and the whole society, and produce significant carbon reduction benefits. In terms of

social benefits, the emission of toxic and harmful substances such as benzopyrene and cyanide will be greatly reduced after the transformation of coking industry, and the emission of dust will be greatly reduced after the transformation of cement industry, which will significantly reduce the health hazards to employees and surrounding residents. In terms of

economic benefits, ultra-low emission transformation can promote the development of new energy vehicles and energy-saving and environmental protection industries, and effectively stimulate social investment to form a new green economic growth point. With ultra-low emissions as the starting point, it can also effectively promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the two industries and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Ask: What are the follow-up work arrangements after the publication of the Opinions?

One is to strengthen organizational coordination. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will give full play to the role of overall planning and coordination, strengthen coordination and linkage with relevant departments, coordinate and solve difficulties and problems in the process of promotion in a timely manner, guide local governments to formulate ultra-low emission transformation plans, carry out detailed tasks, and do a good job in supervision, management and service.

Second, strict evaluation management. Technical guidelines for assessment and monitoring of ultra-low emissions in cement and coking enterprises have been issued to standardize the assessment and monitoring of ultra-low emissions in cement and coking enterprises, and to unify the procedures and methods for assessment and monitoring of ultra-low emissions. At the same time, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments, will evaluate the completion of the ultra-low emission transformation in the previous year every year.

Third, strengthen supervision and management. To guide local governments to establish dynamic management accounts, strengthen supervision after the event for enterprises that have completed the transformation of ultra-low emissions, and timely adjust the dynamic management list for those who can not achieve ultra-low emissions steadily.

Fourth, do a good job of propaganda and interpretation. Strengthen policy interpretation and publicity, ensure that relevant departments, local governments and enterprises understand, grasp and implement the relevant requirements of the Opinions, create a good atmosphere of public opinion conducive to the transformation of ultra-low emissions in cement and coking industries, and timely publicize and report the excellent practices of local governments and enterprises.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.