The construction of new and old infrastructure projects is booming

2024-01-07 11:46:02

Industry insiders believe that, driven by the steady growth policy, the growth rate of infrastructure investment will continue to rebound, new infrastructure investment will continue to expand, and the growth rate of private investment is expected to stabilize and rebound.

At the beginning of

the new year, the construction boom of major projects in many places surged. Shanghai, Beijing, Hunan, Shaanxi, Anhui and other places have issued a "mobilization order" to start construction, a group of "fresh and hot" centralized start-up data from the project construction site reflects the continuous strengthening of stable investment, and one by one major projects under construction accel erate the "landing blossom" to stimulate new momentum of economic development. From the central government to the local government, from traditional infrastructure to new infrastructure, a series of policies and measures have formed a joint force to provide more "strong engines" and "hard support" for high-quality economic development.

Industry insiders believe that, driven by the steady growth policy, the growth rate of infrastructure investment will continue to rebound, new infrastructure investment will continue to expand, and the growth rate of private investment is expected to stabilize and rebound.

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" Today's projects are tomorrow's productivity and competitiveness. " Mao Weiming, the Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the governor of Hunan Province said that the whole province should start with a pioneering attitude and make a "good start" with projects and investments to promote the high-quality development of the whole province. On the morning of January 3, the commencement ceremony of major projects in Hunan Province in 2024 was held simultaneously in Changsha, Yueyang and Yiyang. Eleven major projects were launched with a total investment of 87.2 billion yuan.

Not only that, from the capital of Jianghuai to the Loess Plateau, from the land of Songhu to the capital city.. Trillions of major projects have been launched in a concentrated way, and thousands of sails are competing for the construction of projects.

Traffic construction should be the "pioneer". Pingliang-Qingyang Railway, Hewu Section of High-speed Railway along the Yangtze River, Daliuying Hub of G3 Beijing-Taiwan Expressway to Bengbu Interchange Section.. A number of major transportation projects have started intensive construction, weaving more and more dense transportation networks, paving the "fast lane" for high-quality development.

Energy project construction runs out of acceleration. A number of projects, such as Longyan Tangfeng 220 KV Power Transmission and Transformation Project, Shaanxi Coal Miluo Thermal Power Project and Megawatt Air Thermal Cycle Energy Storage Pilot Project, have been accelerated to promote local green and low-carbon transformation and development and help ensure energy supply.

Water conservancy project construction has also set off a new upsurge. On January 3, Jintangchong Reservoir, a major water conservancy project in Hunan Province, officially started construction in Taojiang County, Yiyang, with a total investment of 98. "In 2024, we will continue to promote the construction of a number of major national water network projects." Chen Min, Vice Minister of Water Resources, said that the Ministry of Water Resources had put forward a list of key projects to promote the preliminary work in 2024, such as the Guxian Water Conservancy Project of the Yellow River, the Yangxi Water Conservancy Project of Guangxi, the flood control projects in the important national flood storage and detention areas, the construction of important dikes in the main stream of the seven major rivers, and the major water diversion projects in Sichuan. The construction of

key projects is in full swing, and investment plans for the new year are also coming out one after another. Recently, the list of major projects in Jiangsu Province was officially issued and implemented in 2024, with 510 projects arranged and an annual planned investment of 640.8 billion yuan. On January 2, Henan Province announced the list of the first batch of key construction projects in 2024, with 520 selected projects and an annual planned investment of about 583 billion yuan.

The project construction has been accelerated to inject new vitality into the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Recently, many construction enterprises have won large orders. China Railway Construction announced a few days ago that it won a number of major projects with a total amount of 73.3 billion yuan; China Construction announced that the total amount of recent major projects was 267.

The agency pointed out that in November 2023, the index of construction business activities continued to rise, the index of construction business activities was expected to rise further, the physical volume was expected to land, and the growth rate of infrastructure investment would continue to rise.

Recently, the Pear Charging Station located in Changsha County, Hunan Province was officially opened; the first phase project of "Southeast Zhejiang Intelligent Computing Center" located in Building 4 of Prosperity Pioneer Park, yuanqiao Town, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province has passed the completion acceptance. The layout of new infrastructure such as super charging stations and computing power infrastructure is accelerating, and the formation of new quality productivity is accelerating. Projects

under construction have been completed and put into operation, and a number of new projects have been accelerated to start construction. In Henan, on January 2, the eleventh phase of the "three batches" project construction activities were held in the province. Among the "signing a batch" projects, 685 projects of advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries were signed, with a total investment of 592.19 billion yuan, accounting for 89% of the total investment of the "signing a batch" projects. In Anhui, the first batch of 460 major projects mobilized in the province were launched. There are 253 projects in the top ten emerging industries, with a total investment of 2476.

The upsurge of new infrastructure construction has benefited from the strong support of policies. Recently, from the central government to the local government, policies and measures to encourage new infrastructure have been launched one after another. For example, by the end of 2025, the comprehensive computing infrastructure system will be initially formed, according to the "Opinions on Implementing the" East-West Computing "Project to Accelerate the Construction of a National Integrated Computing Network". Shanghai recently issued "Several Policies and Measures to Promote the Healthy Development of Online New Economy in Shanghai", which proposed to build new infrastructure to support new quality productivity and accelerate the construction of urban block chain infrastructure.

"We should strengthen infrastructure construction such as 5G, data center and computing power, accelerate the large-scale application of industrial Internet, deepen the application of industrial data, activate the potential of data elements, and provide" data power "for digital transformation." The Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently wrote an article in Qiushi magazine.

"Driven by policy and demand, China's computing infrastructure construction has entered a stage of high quality development." Wang Qing, Deputy Engineer of Industry and Planning Research Institute of China Information and Communication Research Institute, said. From the point of view of charging piles, Wang Du, assistant president of China Automobile Circulation Association, believes that the construction of charging piles in head enterprises is in full swing and has formed a scale advantage. In the next five to seven years, it will enter a period of rapid development and even outbreak of overcharging.

New infrastructure is becoming an important driving force for China's high-quality economic development and a new bright spot for economic growth. Relevant research institutes estimate that new infrastructure investment will continue to expand, and the cumulative investment scale is expected to reach 20 trillion yuan by 2025.

To stimulate the vitality

of private investment, "Shanxi Xishan Huatong Cement Co., Ltd. , a clinker cement production line project recommended by Shanxi Guoyun Company, intends to introduce private capital 1." Make full use of the bank-enterprise docking platform, recommend the recommended projects to various financial institutions, and promote good projects to get large financing.

As one of the most intuitive indicators reflecting the vitality of the market economy, private investment is of great significance to the steady growth of China's economy, and is also the endogenous energy of economic growth.

Recently, Shandong, Yunnan, Chongqing and other places have introduced a series of practical measures to stimulate the vitality of private investment. For example, Shandong Province recently issued "Several Measures to Further Strengthen Support for the Development of Private Investment", which clearly supports private investment to participate in the construction of major projects, and supports private investment to participate in major infrastructure, manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, renewable energy and other key sub-areas.

At the same time, a list of projects recommended to private capital in 2024 has been published intensively in many places, turning the "gold content" of the policy into the "sense of acquisition" of private enterprises. There are 70 key projects in

Jiangxi Province to attract private capital, with a total investment of about 28.2 billion yuan; there are 210 private investment projects in Jiangsu Province, 84 more than last year, an increase of more than 50%; the first batch of private capital promotion projects in Zhengzhou City are 44, with a total investment of 100.1 billion yuan..

Publish the national financing credit service platform, start the national key private investment project declaration work, and introduce 200 new projects to private capital. The National Development and Reform Commission has taken many measures to stimulate the vitality of private investment and strengthen the financing support of private economy. According to

the latest data, since the launch of the platform for promoting projects to private capital on September 8, 6067 projects have been publicly promoted through the platform, with a total investment of 5967.2 billion yuan; 1509 projects have attracted private capital, with a total investment of 1946.2 billion yuan.

"Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will take more practical measures with relevant parties to make private enterprises feel good.". We will accelerate the legislative process of promoting private economy and provide legal protection for the development of private economy. Continuously improve the monitoring index system of private economic situation, improve the information release platform for private enterprises, strengthen project promotion, and encourage and attract more private capital to participate in major national projects. Zheng Shanjie, director of the State Development and Reform Commission, said recently.

"Looking forward to 2024, fixed asset investment is expected to grow by about 5.0% year-on-year, of which the growth rate of private investment is expected to rise to 2." Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank of China, believes that the policy effect will continue to show and boost the confidence of private enterprises.

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2018-05-14 11:08:58

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.