"Pull the full bow" to fight for the economy, all parts of the country staged a wave of concentrated construction.

2024-01-03 09:30:54

January 2 is the first working day of 2024. On this day, a centralized commencement ceremony was held all over the country. Go all out to fight for the economy, and all parts of the country "accumulate full strength" and "pull full bow".

January 2 is the first working day of 2024. On this day, a centralized commencement ceremony was held all over the country. Go all out to fight for the economy, and all parts of the country "accumulate full strength" and "pull full bow".

Three positive signals show

that "today is the first day of construction in 2024, we hold the first batch of new projects to start activities, is to do a good job throughout the year to fire the starting gun, the city together to start the new year." Meng Fanli, Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, said at the centralized opening ceremony on January 2. It is understood that there are 205 centralized start-up projects in Shenzhen, which are distributed in major science and technology and industrial projects, infrastructure projects, livelihood projects and other fields.

Not only Shenzhen, but also all parts of the country have set off an upsurge of centralized construction. In the first quarter of 2024, the key projects of

Shaanxi Province were started in Huichuan Energy Storage and Power Supply System Manufacturing Base, Fengdong New Town, Xixian New District. 572 provincial and municipal key projects were started in the first quarter, with a total investment of 314.345 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 103.139 billion yuan. Among them, there are 360 industrial projects with a total investment of 198.161 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 70.412 billion yuan.

Xiamen has organized the "Kaimenhong" major projects in the New Year of 2024, and 63 major projects have been started in various districts, administrative committees and major districts, with a total investment of 115.2 billion yuan. Suzhou, the

"strongest prefecture-level city", strives to coordinate the project "expanding production and putting into operation, introducing and promoting" in 2024, concentrating on attracting large and strong enterprises, cultivating excellent and strong enterprises, and forming a virtuous circle of mutual promotion between consumption and investment. According to the data of Suzhou Development and Reform Commission, 371 projects with more than 100 million yuan are planned to start in the first quarter of 2024, ranking first in Jiangsu Province. The total investment of the project is 224.6 billion yuan, and the annual planned investment is 56.6 billion yuan. The signing ceremony of key industrial projects in Minhang District of

Shanghai in 2024 was held at the industrialization project base of Xianpu Gas Purification Equipment Production and Research. According to reports, the eight key industrial projects were centralized, with a total investment of 5 billion yuan, covering the digital economy, high-end equipment, integrated circuits and other key industries. Wu Qi, a senior researcher

at Pangu think tank, said in an interview with reporters that on the first working day of 2024, many investment projects were started, reflecting three positive signals: First, efforts were made ahead of schedule. Strengthen counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjustment, advance layout and advance efforts. Second, it is accurate and effective. Active fiscal policy should be strengthened to improve efficiency, focusing on strengthening financial support for major national strategies and key local projects, giving full play to the positive role of finance in stabilizing investment and expanding domestic demand, and promoting investment in the whole society. Third, from point to area. Economically strong provinces and cities shoulder heavy burdens and stabilize national economic growth. Eastern provinces with strong economy have increased investment, focusing on steady growth, structural adjustment and people's livelihood protection.

"In 2024, expanding domestic demand and effective investment will continue to be the focus of policy overweight, and technological innovation, green low-carbon and other fields will usher in greater policy opportunities and market space." Wu Qi told reporters.

According to the list of projects issued by various regions, many projects belong to high-tech projects or strategic emerging industries, which is also a true portrayal of the current economic transformation and upgrading, and local governments are actively cultivating new momentum for development.

In this regard, Pan Xiangdong, chief economist of Qirui Research Institute, told reporters that due to the diminishing marginal benefits of traditional infrastructure, the future investment model will be transformed into "to improve technology, energy consumption, emissions and other standards as traction." Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones "," focusing on supporting key core technologies, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, and fostering new momentum for development ".

For example, the 63 major projects started in Xiamen this time cover industries, infrastructure, social undertakings and other fields, with the characteristics of large investment scale, good quality and efficiency, excellent industrial structure and strong driving capacity. Among them, there are 25 industrial projects with a total investment of 53 billion yuan, 19 infrastructure projects with a total investment of 50.3 billion yuan, and 19 social projects with a total investment of 11.9 billion yuan. With a total investment of 5.51 billion yuan, the project will take science and technology, culture, trade and modern service industries as the leading industries to create a "BRICS +" new industrial revolution industry innovation leading pole, a global influence multiplier for BRICS emerging markets, and a new platform for BRICS international cooperation. The centralized construction of these major projects will further promote the transformation and upgrading of Xiamen's industries, improve the quality of urban functions and enhance people's well-being. Among the projects planned to start in the first quarter of 2024

in Suzhou, 324 are industrial projects, accounting for more than 80%, including 147 strategic emerging industry projects, with an annual planned investment of 25.7 billion yuan, covering new generation information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment, artificial intelligence, new energy, new materials and other fields; There are 128 advanced manufacturing projects with an annual planned investment of 14.8 billion yuan. Minhang District of Shanghai plans to arrange 70 major industrial projects

in 2024, with a total planned investment of over 80 billion yuan and a planned investment of nearly 20 billion yuan in the current year. The project types include 5 preliminary projects, 20 start-up projects, 14 completed projects and 31 renewal projects. The project industry covers three leading industries and six key industries, including biomedicine, artificial intelligence, high-end equipment, electronic information, advanced materials, life and health, and will promote the development of Minhang manufacturing industry to high quality.

To further expand effective investment

, the national vigorous centralized commencement ceremony also highlights that all parts of the country are further expanding effective investment.

Many institutions expect that in 2024, fixed asset investment will maintain a relatively rapid growth rate and become an important support for economic growth. Although the work reports of local governments are still in the process of preparation, with the successive convening of local economic work conferences, the key areas of local investment expansion in 2024 are gradually clear.

Jilin proposed that we should carry out the "battle" of project construction in six major areas, namely, agriculture and rural areas, advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy, cultural tourism and people's livelihood security, and implement the "four key actions" of landing investment projects, expanding private investment, improving the quality of government investment and reforming the investment and financing system. Anhui said it would focus on investment in advanced manufacturing, focusing on new infrastructure, transportation, water conservancy, urban renewal and other fields. Hainan said it would plan a number of large projects in deep sea, aerospace and seed industry. Chongqing said it would implement a new round of technological transformation projects for industrial enterprises. Song Xuetao, chief Macro Analyst

of Tianfeng Securities, believes that the resilience of manufacturing investment is the key to the stabilization of fixed asset investment in 2024. Against the background of counter-cyclical policy support for emerging industries, some upstream and downstream industries benefiting from the improvement of external demand and the rising profit margin of operating income, the growth rate of China's manufacturing investment is expected to stabilize at about 6.5% in 2024.

Some provinces have set goals to further play a leading role in government investment. Jiangsu emphasizes that we should give full play to the amplification effect of government investment, stimulate the vitality of private investment in an all-round way, and form a virtuous circle of mutual promotion between consumption and investment. Hainan proposed that we should give full play to the role of government investment guidance and financial leverage to stimulate the vitality of social investment. Chongqing will implement the action of attracting large and strong enterprises. In addition, Beijing, Anhui and other places have made it clear that they should expand effective investment.

Pan Xiangdong told reporters that focusing on "leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation" has new requirements for investment mode, and "effective investment" will be placed in a more important position.

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.