Railway Construction Intensive Construction Accelerates "New" Cement Demand Space Increases

2024-01-03 03:16:24

Recently, Chengdu-Ziyi High-speed Railway, Shantou-Shantou High-speed Railway from Shantou South to Shanwei Section, Longlong High-speed Railway Longwu Section and other new railway lines have been put into operation one after another. A number of major railway projects, such as Shennan High-speed Railway, Weisu High-speed Railway and Shaoyong High-speed Railway, have been intensively constructed, and the railway network has become more and more dense, paving the "fast lane" for high-quality development.

Recently, Chengdu-Ziyi High-speed Railway, Shantou-Shantou High-speed Railway from Shantou South to Shanwei Section, Longlong High-speed Railway Longwu Section and other new railway lines have been put into operation one after another. A number of major railway projects, such as Shennan High-speed Railway, Weisu High-speed Railway and Shaoyong High-speed Railway, have been intensively constructed, and the railway network has become more and more dense, paving the "fast lane" for high-quality development.

Industry insiders said that in the next two years, the production speed of new high-speed rail lines will probably remain at a high level, providing strong support for railway investment.

Railway construction is in full swing

at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, and railway projects are in full swing in the north and south of the Yangtze River.

In the Lingnan region, the "Great Bay Area on Track" is accelerating its formation. On December 26, 2023, the construction of the airport section of the Shennan High-speed Railway and the Guangzhou-Heyuan High-speed Railway was commenced, and the newly commenced section from the Pearl River Delta hub airport to the provincial boundary of the Shennan High-speed Railway will construct a westward high-standard high-speed railway corridor in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; after the completion of the section from Baiyun Airport T3 to Jiangcun West of the Guangzhou-Heyuan High-speed Railway, the Guangzhou-Zhanjiang High-speed Railway and other high-speed railway lines will be connected to the.

On the land of Qilu, Shandong's high-speed railway construction has accelerated. On the morning of December 30, 2023, the mobilization meeting for the construction of the new Weifang-Suqian High-speed Railway and Qingdao Connection Line was held in Linyi, Shandong Province, which opened the curtain for the formal construction of the Shandong section of the Weifang-Suqian High-speed Railway. Wei-Su High-speed Railway is an important part of the second passage of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway. After its completion and opening to traffic, the "Beijing-Shanghai Second Line" will become the second north-south "backbone" besides the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway.

In the Yangtze River Delta region, new progress has been made in the construction of many regional railways in Shanghai. On the morning of December 28, 2023, the construction of the first phase of Nanfeng Line of Shanghai Regional Railway was officially started. At present, there are five lines under construction in Shanghai Regional Railway, and more than 100 bidding sections are being operated simultaneously in the early stage of the project, civil engineering and post-station engineering.

In the central hinterland, the high-speed railway in Hunan Province has accelerated its "ring network". On December 26, 2023, the construction of Shaoyang-Yongzhou high-speed railway in Hunan started. Shaoyong High-speed Railway is an important section of Hunan Passage, one of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway networks in China. After docking with the planned Yongqingguang Railway, a new northward passage for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be formed.

In the western region, the Huangtong-Baise Railway, a landmark project of the new land-sea corridor in the western region, has been officially started in Baise, Guangxi recently. After the completion of the project, a convenient corridor connecting the Yangtze River and the sea in northern Guizhou will be constructed. According to the data of

the State Railway Group, as of November 30, 2023, the national railway business mileage exceeded 155,500 kilometers, including 43,700 kilometers of high-speed railway. "2023 is the inflection point of the national high-speed railway construction during the 14th Five-Year Plan period." Experts said that according to the target of 50000 kilometers of high-speed rail business mileage by 2025 proposed in the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Comprehensive Transportation System", there is still a distance of more than 6000 kilometers, and the production speed of new high-speed rail lines in the next two years will probably be higher than that in the past two years.

With the acceleration of project construction, a number of high-speed rail lines have been opened intensively in the near future. On December 31,

2023, the new Ningbo-Jinhua Railway was put into operation, and Ningbo Zhoushan Port, the world's largest port, added an important evacuation channel, which will better help build a high-quality "Belt and Road". Since then, Ningbo Zhoushan Port, the world's largest port, has direct access to Yiwu, the world's small commodity capital. Since November

2023, the Jinan-Zhengzhou high-speed railway has been running through the whole line, and a number of new railway lines, such as the Lijiang-Shangri-La Railway, the Qingbaijiang East-Zhenjiangguan Section of the Sichuan-Qinghai Railway, the Chengdu-Yibin High-speed Railway, the Shantou-Shantou High-speed Railway from Shantou South to Shanwei Section, the Longlong High-speed Railway Longwu Section, the Fangdong Railway and the Xubi Railway, have been opened and operated. We will further weave the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail network to promote coordinated regional development.

"On the premise of comprehensively promoting various construction tasks, the Chengdu-Yibin High-speed Railway and the Xubi Railway have been completed and opened to traffic on schedule, and the preliminary work of new projects such as the Guizhou Section of the Huangbai Railway and the Mianyang-Suining Railway is also in full swing, which is expected to start as soon as possible.". At that time, the railway transportation network of Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and Yunnan will be further closely woven, laying a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the southwest railway construction. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Construction of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

State Railway Group data show that from January to November 2023, the national railway fixed assets investment completed 640.7 billion yuan, an increase of 7.4% over the same period last year. "Railway construction investment keeps running at a high level, which has a significant pulling effect on the recovery of the national economy." The relevant person in charge of the State Railway Group said that the State Railway Group will adhere to the major strategy of actively serving the country, speed up the construction of a modern railway infrastructure system, highlight the improvement of the overall functions and benefits of the road network, promote railway planning and construction with high quality, give full play to the leading role of railway construction investment, ensure the full completion of the annual national railway investment task, and inject new momentum into the high quality development of the economy and society. Zhao Wei, chief economist

of Guojin Securities, said that the significant increase in railway investment was related to the accelerated construction of the "14th Five-Year Plan" project, and that the probability of putting new railway and high-speed rail lines into operation in the next two years would remain at a high level, which would continue to provide strong support for railway investment. Referring to local plans, the "14th Five-Year Plan" transportation investment plan will increase by 32%, and the corresponding average growth rate of transportation investment in the next two years will reach more than 10%, which still has a strong stamina.

Under the background of real estate downturn, infrastructure investment is considered to be the key factor to stimulate cement demand. The acceleration of railway investment is conducive to stimulating cement demand in 2024.

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2018-05-14 11:08:58