China Resources Building Material Technology (01313. HK) announces that with effect from 4 December 2024: (1) Mr. Ji Youhong retired as the chairman of the board, an executive director, the chairman of the strategy and Investment Committee, the chairman of the Nomination Committee and an authorized representative; (2) Mr. Jing Shiqing shall temporarily chair the Board and act as the chairman of the Strategy and Investment Committee until the effective date of the appointment of the new chairman of the Board; (3) Ms. Gan Pik-lan shall temporarily act as the chairman of the Nomination Committee until the effective date of the appointment of the new chairman of the Board; and (4) Mr. Jing Shiqing shall be appointed as an Authorised Representative and a member of the Nomination Committee.
Ji Youhong,
born in January 1965, a member of
the Communist Party of China, was the deputy general manager and general manager of Shenzhen China Resources Railway Construction Concrete Co., Ltd., the deputy general manager of China Resources Concrete Co., Ltd., the general manager of Dongguan China Resources Concrete Co., Ltd. and Nanning China Resources Concrete Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager, Deputy Marketing Director, Marketing Director, General Manager of Guangxi Region, Senior Vice President and General Manager
of Guangxi Region of China Resources Cement Holdings Co., Ltd. from July 2019 to May 2022 as Executive Director and President
of China Resources Cement Holdings Co., Ltd. As the chairman of the board of directors, the chairman of the strategy and investment committee and the chairman of
the nomination committee of China Resources Cement from April 18, 2023, he ceased to be the president, and continued to serve as the chairman of the board of directors and the executive director on September 22,
2023. "China Resources Cement Holdings Limited" was changed to "China Resources Building Material Technology Holdings Limited"
. On December 4, 2024, Ji Youhong retired as the chairman of the board of directors, executive director, chairman of the strategy and investment committee, chairman of the nomination committee and authorized representative .