The Yangtze River Delta has pushed up cement prices on a large scale, but "it may not count if you say it yourself".

2024-04-11 11:29:40

The consequence of individual large enterprises leading the rise may be that they lose market share.

Recently, it has been reported that the price of cement in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in the Yangtze River Delta has been pushed up by 20-30 yuan/ton. However, many voices in the industry believe that the thunder is loud and the rain is small, and the current round of push up may be difficult to implement.

First, the market demand is limited.

In April, the demand for cement did not pick up as scheduled. On the one hand, since March, the rainy weather in the Yangtze River Delta region has been frequent, affecting the construction progress of the project; on the other hand, due to financial constraints, the actual construction volume of the project is limited.

According to the monitoring data of the cement market in the Yangtze River Delta. At present, the delivery rate of cement in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is about 40%, while the delivery rate in the same period of previous years is about 75%, which is 35 percentage points lower than the same period of previous years. In terms of storage capacity, the overall storage capacity in the Yangtze River Delta is about 70%, which was generally about 65% last year, which is also significantly higher than the same period of previous years.

Zhejiang cement shipment rate

two is the impact of foreign cement.

The Yangtze River Delta is the core market of cement in China. Cement from all over the country has poured into the Yangtze River Delta along the Yangtze River, especially in Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing and other regions, which has taken the Yangtze River Delta as a competitive place, and the market competition is fierce.

Recently, the cement market along the Yangtze River has been turbulent. In order to seize the share, cement enterprises have fought a price war. The ex-factory price of cement has reached more than 180 yuan/ton, and the whole market is in a mess. The idea of raising cement prices in the Yangtze River Delta is very good, but if the market situation along the Yangtze River can not be stabilized, it will be difficult to achieve.

In fact, although Chongqing has announced an increase in cement prices, most of the mainstream cement enterprises along the Yangtze River, including Anhui, Hunan and Jiangxi, are still on the sidelines and have not followed up in time.

Third, it is difficult for enterprises to coordinate.

It is reported that some large cement enterprises are planning to lead the cement price along the Yangtze River market into the recovery track in the near future, and some cement enterprises are shouting the slogan "Profit is the goal".

However, the road of profit repair is full of challenges and variables. In the current situation of serious shortage of demand, if most enterprises in the region fail to achieve consistency, the consequence of individual large enterprises leading the rise may be that they lose market share. Some enterprises

in Jiangsu have said that some small and medium-sized private enterprises will become a negative factor in the current round of price increases. Weak

market demand, external competition pressure and difficulty in coordination among enterprises are intertwined, and the prospect of this round of price increases still needs attention.

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