The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments issued the implementation plan to promote equipment renewal in the industrial field.

2024-04-10 09:26:17

The Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Field aims to expand effective investment, promote technological transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, and realize digital transformation and green upgrading through large-scale equipment renewal. The plan puts forward four key tasks: the implementation of advanced equipment renewal action, digital transformation action, green equipment promotion action and intrinsic safety level promotion action. Increase fiscal and taxation support, strengthen standard guidance, strengthen financial support and factor guarantee as safeguard measures. The goal is to increase the investment scale of industrial equipment by more than 25% by 2027 compared with 2023, increase the popularization rate and the coverage rate of digital transformation, and improve the level of environmental protection and safety.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Field. The Plan mentions the implementation of green equipment promotion actions. Promote the promotion and application of energy-saving and environmental protection green equipment in key energy-using industries and key links. The iron and steel industry has accelerated the transformation of ultra-low emission in the whole process of existing blast furnaces, converters and electric furnaces, and strived for A-level environmental performance; The building materials industry focuses on pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction in cement, glass, building sanitary ceramics, glass fiber and other fields, and upgrades related equipment and technologies such as raw material preparation, kiln control, grinding and crushing; The non-ferrous metal industry will accelerate the renovation and transformation of green and efficient environmental protection equipment such as efficient and stable aluminum electrolysis, green and environmentally friendly copper smelting, and secondary metal smelting; key light industries such as household appliances will accelerate the renovation of energy-efficient equipment at or above the second level.

Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Finance 0HTML0" UNK7 People's Bank of China 0 HTML 0 UNK8 General Administration of Taxation 0 HTML 0 UNK9 General Administration of Market Supervision 0 HTML 0 UNK1 0 General Administration of Financial Supervision 0 HTML 0 UNK1 March 27, 2012 0 HTML 0 UNK1 2 Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Sector 0 HTML 0 UNK1 3 Promoting the Industrial Sector Large-scale equipment renewal is conducive to expanding effective investment, promoting the continuous increase of the proportion of advanced production capacity, and is of great significance for speeding up the construction of a modern industrial system. In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and promote equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial field, the following implementation plan is formulated. To promote large-scale equipment renewal in the industrial field, we should take Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era as a guide, carry out the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC in depth, and coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen supply in accordance with the arrangements of the Central Economic Work Conference and the 4th meeting of the Central Committee on Finance and Economics. Focusing on promoting new industrialization, taking large-scale equipment renewal as the starting point, implementing the technological transformation and upgrading project of manufacturing industry, focusing on digital transformation and green upgrading, promoting the high-end, intelligent and green development of manufacturing industry, and providing strong support for the development of new quality productivity and the improvement of the quality and level of national economic cycle. 0 HTML 0 UNK1 6-Adhere to market-oriented promotion. We should adhere to the unified national market, give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, and rely on the market to provide diversified supplies and services in the light of the differentiated needs of various types of equipment renewal in the industrial field. We should better play the role of the government and create a policy environment conducive to technological transformation and equipment renewal of enterprises. 0 HTML 0 UNK1 7-Insist on standardization. Strengthen the formulation and implementation of standards for technology, quality, energy consumption and emission, guide enterprises to eliminate backward equipment and use advanced equipment in accordance with the law and regulations, and improve production efficiency and technical level. Take into account the development of the industry and the reality of the market as a whole, and advance step by step and in an orderly manner. HTML 0 UNK1 8-Insist on the integration of hardware and software updates. Actively adapt to and lead a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, actively promote the new generation of information technology enabling new industrialization, while promoting the renewal of hardware equipment, pay attention to the iterative upgrading and innovative application of software systems. 0 HTML 0 UNK1 that from 9 to 2027, the scale of equipment investment in the industrial field will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023, the popularization rate of digital R & D and design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in Industrial Enterprises above the scale will exceed 90% and 75% respectively, and the digital transformation of industrial enterprises in large industrial provinces, cities and key parks will be fully covered. The production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in key industries has basically been withdrawn, the energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment has basically reached the energy-saving level, the intrinsic safety level has been significantly improved, the popularization and application of innovative products have been accelerated, and the proportion of advanced production capacity has continued to increase. 0 HTML0 UNK2 0 II. Key Tasks 0 HTML0 UNK2 1 (I) Implementation of Advanced Equipment Renewal Action 0 HTML0 UNK2 2 1. For industries with industrial mother machines, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, electric bicycles and other production equipment at a low level as a whole, we will accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment and old equipment in extended service. We will focus on promoting the renewal of machine tools that have been in service for more than 10 years in the industrial machine industry; the renewal of flexible shearing, forming, welding and manufacturing technologies and equipment in the agricultural machinery industry; the renewal of hydraulic presses, bending machines, obsolete production lines and on-line testing equipment in the engineering machinery industry; and the renewal of CNC processing equipment and verification equipment in the instrumentation industry; In the textile industry, short process textile equipment such as rotor spinning machines, cotton spinning equipment such as spinning machines and automatic winding machines should be updated; in the electric bicycle industry, automatic welding robots, automatic spraying and drying equipment, electric or pneumatic assembly equipment, insulation withstand voltage testers, cycle charging and discharging testers should be updated. 0 HTML0 UNK2 32. Enterprises are encouraged to update a number of high-tech, high-efficiency and high-reliability advanced equipment for aviation, photovoltaic, power battery, bio-fermentation and other industries where production equipment is at a medium and high level as a whole. Focus on promoting the aviation industry to comprehensively carry out the construction of large aircraft, large amphibious aircraft and aero-engine assembly integration capacity and supply chain supporting capacity; the photovoltaic industry updates advanced equipment such as large thermal field single crystal furnace, high linear speed small wheelbase multi-wire cutting machine, all-in-one coating equipment, large-size multi-grid assembly series welding machine, etc.; The production equipment of power battery industry is upgraded to high precision, high speed and high reliability, focusing on the renewal of ultrasonic welding machine, laser welding machine, liquid injection machine, sub-capacity cabinet and other equipment; the biological fermentation industry implements the technical transformation of extraction process, and renews the evaporator, centrifuge, new drying system, continuous ion exchange equipment, etc. 0 HTML0 UNK2 43. In key industries such as petrochemical, pharmaceutical, shipbuilding and electronics, a number of advanced equipment will be updated to enhance engineering and industrialization capabilities around pilot verification and inspection and testing links such as design verification, test verification and process verification. We will focus on promoting the renewal of advanced equipment such as model manufacturing equipment and experimental analysis instruments in the design verification process, and the renewal of testing instruments such as mechanical testing, optical testing and environmental testing in the test verification process; In the process verification link, the special test equipment for environmental adaptability test, reliability test, process verification test and safety test shall be updated, as well as the sample preparation and trial production equipment for special sample preparation, material processing, electronic assembly and mechanical processing; in the inspection and testing link, the instruments and equipment for electronic measurement, non-destructive testing and intelligent testing shall be updated. Implementing the Digital Transformation Action0 HTML0 UNK2 6 4. Focusing on the transformation of production operations, warehousing and logistics, quality control and other links, the Company promoted the renewal of general intelligent manufacturing equipment such as CNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment, additive manufacturing equipment, industrial robots, industrial control equipment, intelligent logistics equipment, sensing and detection equipment, etc. In the electronic information manufacturing industry, efforts will be made to promote the integrated application of intelligent manufacturing equipment dedicated to electronic products and automated assembly lines. In the raw material manufacturing industry, efforts will be made to accelerate the deployment and application of new intelligent equipment such as unmanned transportation vehicles, and promote the intelligent transformation and upgrading of major process equipment such as catalytic cracking and smelting; Consumer goods manufacturing industry promotes intelligent equipment for new modes such as flexible production and personalized customization. 0 HTML0 UNK2 75. Accelerate the deep integration of the new generation of information technology with the whole process and all elements of manufacturing, and promote breakthroughs in manufacturing technology, process innovation, lean management and business process reengineering. We will promote the in-depth application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the fifth generation mobile communication (5G) and edge computing in the manufacturing sector, and form a number of typical scenarios such as virtual testing and debugging, digital process design, and intelligent online detection. Promote equipment networking and digital links in production links, realize production data connectivity, manufacturing flexibility and intelligent management, and build digital workshops. Intelligent upgrading should be carried out around the whole manufacturing process of production, management and service, and the organizational structure and business process should be optimized to build an intelligent factory. Give full play to the role of industrial Internet logo analysis system, guide leading enterprises to drive the synchronous transformation of upstream and downstream enterprises, and build a smart supply chain. 0 HTML0 UNK2 86. We will accelerate the large-scale deployment of new network infrastructure such as industrial Internet, Internet of Things, 5G and gigabit optical network, and encourage industrial enterprises to transform their internal and external networks. We will build an integrated system of industrial basic computing resources and application capabilities, accelerate the deployment of industrial edge data centers, build edge computing facilities for specific scenarios, and promote the coordinated development of "cloud edge" computing. We will increase the supply of high-performance intelligent computing and build intelligent computing centers at computing hub nodes. Large group enterprises and industrial parks are encouraged to establish industrial Internet platforms with their own characteristics. 0 HTML0 UNK2 9 (III) Implementation of Green Equipment Promotion Action 0 HTML0 UNK3 0 7. Promote the promotion and application of energy-saving and environmental protection green equipment in key energy-using industries and key links.The iron and steel industry has accelerated the transformation of ultra-low emission in the whole process of existing blast furnaces, converters and electric furnaces, and strived for A-level environmental performance; The building materials industry focuses on pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction in cement, glass, building sanitary ceramics, glass fiber and other fields, and upgrades related equipment and technologies such as raw material preparation, kiln control, grinding and crushing; The non-ferrous metal industry will accelerate the renovation and transformation of green and efficient environmental protection equipment such as efficient and stable aluminum electrolysis, green and environmentally friendly copper smelting, and secondary metal smelting; key light industries such as household appliances will accelerate the renovation of energy-efficient equipment at or above the second level.

8. According to the Advanced Level of Energy Efficiency, Energy-saving Level and Access Level of Key Energy-using Products and Equipment (2024 Edition), focusing on the improvement of energy efficiency level, we will promote the upgrading of key energy-using equipment such as boilers, motors, transformers, refrigeration and heating air compressors, heat exchangers and pumps in various fields such as industry, and promote the application of energy-saving equipment with energy efficiency at or above the second level.

9. Focusing on the major industrial solid waste producing industries, we will renovate the processes with high industrial solid waste production, upgrade the equipment and facilities for comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and renewable resources, and enhance the level of conservation and intensive utilization of industrial resources. For petrochemical, steel, building materials, textile, papermaking, leather, food and other industries that have issued national standards for water intake (use) quota, we will promote industrial water saving and wastewater recycling, transform industrial cooling circulation systems and wastewater treatment and reuse systems, and update a number of cooling towers and other equipment.

(4) Implementing actions

to improve the level of intrinsic safety 10. Promoting the application of continuous, micro-reaction, high-gravity reaction and other technologies, optimizing the control of reactors, predictive maintenance of pumps and other digital technologies, and updating old coal gasifiers, reactors (kettles), distillation towers, pumps, heat exchangers, storage tanks and other equipment. Properly resolve the safety risks of old equipment, such as high process risk, high failure rate of dynamic equipment and easy leakage of static equipment, so as to improve the intrinsic safety level of the industry.

11. Focusing on promoting the technological upgrading and transformation of industrial explosives and industrial electronic detonator production lines, and aiming at unmanned dangerous jobs, we will implement the projects of "mechanized replacement, automated reduction" and "robotic replacement", and intensify the popularization and application of safety technology and equipment. Emphasis is laid on the upgrading and transformation of industrial explosive fixed production line, on-site mixed explosive production point, on-site mixed explosive truck and detonator loading and assembly production line.

12. Increase the popularization and application of safety equipment in key areas, and promote the upgrading and equipment of safety emergency monitoring and early warning, fire fighting system and equipment, safety emergency intelligent equipment and personal protective equipment at the level of the whole society. Promote the application of advanced and reliable safety equipment around key scenarios such as industrial production safety accidents, earthquake geological disasters, flood disasters, urban waterlogging disasters, urban special scenario fires, forest and grassland fires, emergency life rescue, and community family safety emergency response.

3. Safeguard measures

(1) Increase fiscal and taxation support. We will increase financial support for equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial sector, and bring eligible key projects into the scope of financial support such as investment in the central budget. We will increase tax incentives for special equipment for energy conservation, water conservation, environmental protection and safe production, and include digital and intelligent transformation in the scope of preferential treatment.

(2) Strengthen standard guidance. To formulate and revise a batch of standards related to energy conservation and carbon reduction, environmental protection, safety and recycling in key industries and areas, implement industrial energy conservation and green standardization actions, formulate the Catalogue of Advanced Safety Emergency Equipment (Promotion), promote the Recommended Catalogue of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Technology and Equipment in the Field of National Industry and Information Technology, and guide enterprises to implement equipment renewal and technological transformation according to advanced standards.

(3) Strengthen financial support. Establish special re-loans for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation, and guide financial institutions to strengthen their support for equipment renewal and technological transformation. Give full play to the role of the national platform for industrial and financial cooperation, formulate a guiding plan for technological transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises, strengthen the connection between banks and enterprises, recommend key technological transformation projects with financing needs to financial institutions, and increase medium and long-term loans to manufacturing industries.

(4) Strengthen factor guarantee. Local governments are encouraged to strengthen the guarantee of essential resources for technological transformation projects of enterprises, to give priority to the use of land and energy for technological transformation projects, and to promote the commitment filing system and simplify the prophase approval procedures for technological transformation projects that do not add new land and mainly update equipment. The competent departments of

industry and information technology in various regions should take the lead in organizing and implementing the renewal of equipment in the industrial field of the region, improve the working mechanism, do a good job in policy interpretation, strengthen coordination, strengthen central-local linkage, establish a key project bank, and promote the implementation of various tasks.

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