SASAC: Central SOEs Expected to Invest More Than 3 Trillion yuan in Large-Scale Equipment Renovation in the Next Five Years

2024-07-26 15:14:52

Focus on "five accelerations" to promote the implementation of key tasks of large-scale equipment renewal.

According to the website of the State New Office, on July 26, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of thematic press conferences on "Promoting High-quality Development".

Ask: At present, a new round of large-scale equipment renewal is being actively promoted. Please introduce the progress of relevant work of central enterprises in recent years? What are the considerations and arrangements for follow-up work? Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of

the State Council, said that the new round of large-scale equipment renewal is an important deployment made by the Party Central Committee with a view to the overall situation of high-quality development, a work of great concern to the whole society, and an important opportunity for central enterprises to shape their development advantages. The executive meeting of the State Council held last Friday made special arrangements to support large-scale equipment renewal. Recently, the SASAC of the State Council has also held a special promotion meeting to mobilize relevant work, guide enterprises to make good use of supporting policies, promote technological transformation, equipment renewal and industrial upgrading as a whole, do a good job and accelerate the realization of high-quality development. Liu Shaozhen, responsible person of the Financial Supervision and Operation Evaluation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of

the State Council: Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held a conference on the promotion of large-scale equipment renewal in central enterprises, with the main purpose of guiding central enterprises to take the lead in action, focusing on the "five accelerations" to promote the implementation of key tasks of large-scale equipment renewal.

First, we will accelerate the renewal of advanced equipment. Accelerate the replacement and transformation of a number of production equipment and equipment with long service time, low production efficiency and backward technology, and update and deploy a number of advanced equipment with high technology, high efficiency and high reliability.

The second is to accelerate the digital transformation. We will accelerate the implementation of a number of "intelligent transformation, digital transformation and networking" projects, promote the deep integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence with the whole manufacturing process and all elements, and accelerate the replacement of intelligent equipment and the large-scale deployment of new network infrastructure.

Third, accelerate the promotion of green transformation. Promote a batch of green equipment, vigorously promote pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction, strengthen equipment energy efficiency management, accelerate the renovation of equipment with low energy efficiency level, vigorously distribute resource recycling, and form a virtuous circle of products from R & D and manufacturing to recycling.

Fourth, accelerate the promotion of intrinsic safety. We will carry out the transformation of a number of old devices, strengthen the application of safety technology and equipment, carry out "mechanized replacement, automated reduction" and "robotic replacement" in areas with high incidence of potential safety hazards, strengthen on-line monitoring and management of various hazards, and improve the level of prediction and prevention of accidents and disasters.

Fifth, accelerate the strengthening of effective supply. Develop and produce a number of new devices and equipment, promote the application in various industrial machinery, agricultural, medical, education and other fields, and strive to provide advanced technology, green low-carbon, energy-saving and efficient equipment products to meet market demand.

In the next step, we will adhere to the principle of giving as much as we can and as much as we should, increase the policy support of investors, guide the central enterprises to keep a close eye on the direction of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and play a leading role in this round of large-scale equipment renewal. In the next five years, the central enterprises are expected to invest more than 3 trillion yuan in large-scale equipment renovation. At the same time, we require central enterprises to treat all kinds of enterprises equally when purchasing equipment, insist on buying equipment with the best technical level and the highest cost performance, so that equipment suppliers with excellent quality and price can stand out.

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