A batch of cement products in Guangdong were notified of unqualified quality

2024-03-25 11:44:04

The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration has supervised and inspected six types of licensed enterprises, such as wires and cables, and conducted spot checks on their products. The inspection found that 40 enterprises had suggested improvements in inspection equipment, while one of the 72 cement products was unqualified, and the unqualified item was loss on ignition. The Supervisory Bureau will urge enterprises to rectify and strengthen targeted supervision.

In order to strengthen the supervision of licensed enterprises for industrial products production and keep them in line with the prescribed conditions for obtaining production licenses, according to the requirements of the Notice of the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration on Post-certification Supervision and Inspection of Licensed Enterprises for Industrial Products Production (No.2023, 436 of the Guangdong Municipal Supervision and Supervision Bureau), the supervision and inspection of licensed enterprises for industrial products production is carried out. In 2023, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration organized supervision, inspection and spot checks on some enterprises licensed to produce wires and cables, fertilizers, dangerous chemicals, packages and containers of dangerous chemicals, cement and steel bars for construction.

1. Supervision and inspection of licensed enterprises and the main problems found:

In accordance with the requirements of "double random, one open", 382 enterprises were randomly selected from the licensed enterprises of wires and cables, fertilizers, dangerous chemicals, packages and containers of dangerous chemicals, cement and steel bars for construction in Guangdong Province. The inspection is carried out from the aspects of certificate information, production site, important production equipment and inspection equipment, raw material procurement and management, production process control, finished product inspection, personnel management, marking, implementation of the main responsibility of the enterprise and quality violations.

This time, supervision and inspection were carried out on 72 licensed cement production enterprises. After inspection, no non-conformity items in the implementation rules of production license were found, and 40 enterprises had suggestions for improvement in the implementation rules of production license. The proposed improvement items mainly focus on the inspection equipment. For example, the inspection equipment is not measured regularly; the standard material or test reagent is expired; the measurement label of the equipment is damaged or not updated; the self-calibration instrument and equipment are not calibrated regularly; the inspection equipment is not marked when it is out of service; the room temperature and humidity of the experiment deviate from the standard; the temperature and humidity equipment is not maintained properly.

II. Supervision and spot check of products of certified enterprises and result analysis:

72 cement products produced by 69 enterprises were subject to spot check. After inspection, one product was found to be unqualified. This spot check focused on 12 items such as sulfur trioxide, and found that the unqualified items were loss on ignition.

For the problems found in the post-certification supervision and inspection of the licensed enterprises of industrial products, our Bureau will urge the local market supervision departments to do a good job of follow-up treatment according to law. For the more concentrated problems commonly existing in enterprises, we will strengthen the pertinence of supervision and urge the licensed enterprises to maintain the prescribed conditions for obtaining production licenses.

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Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.