179 problems found in 17 cement enterprises in Kunming, Yunnan

2024-03-15 10:23:59

Kunming Municipal Market Supervision and Administration, in cooperation with the Professional Committee of Building Materials Products of Yunnan Quality Inspection Association, has carried out quality improvement actions for local cement production enterprises. The purpose of this action is to ensure that enterprises comply with the main responsibility of quality and safety, check and maintain the conditions for obtaining certificates, and prevent violations. Through on-site inspection, interviews and record review, 17 of the 19 certified enterprises were inspected, and 120 problems were found, of which 6 were considered serious. In addition, the production licenses of industrial products of enterprises were inspected, 59 problems were found and suggestions for improvement were put forward. The other two enterprises have not been inspected due to the suspension of production, and will be inspected after they meet the conditions for resumption of work.

Recently, the reporter learned from the Kunming Municipal Market Supervision and Administration that since this year, the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration, in conjunction with the Professional Committee of Building Materials Products of Yunnan Quality Inspection Association, has carried out quality improvement actions for cement production enterprises in Kunming. The focus of

this action is to guide and inspect the implementation of the main responsibility of quality and safety of enterprises, and whether there are violations of the law in the continuous maintenance of the certification conditions of licensed enterprises. The action methods include on-site observation, conversation and inquiry, and access to relevant records. During the

operation, law enforcement officers and experts carried out inspection and guidance on cement production enterprises within the jurisdiction of Kunming City one by one, and a total of 19 certified enterprises were inspected. In the inspection and guidance of 17 enterprises to implement the main responsibility of quality and safety, 120 problems were found, 114 suggestions were made for improvement, and 6 were serious. In the post-inspection guidance of industrial product production licenses of 17 enterprises, 59 problems were found, 59 suggestions were made for improvement, and no serious problems were found. Two enterprises will stop production during the inspection period, and the inspection will be carried out after the enterprises promise to meet the conditions for resumption of production.

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